Mob Psycho 97.7
keep I'm komin
>Golden Sperm 2.0
Thank you very much, dump-kun
>that small smile on Teru's face
also ty OP
WTF I hate Mob now.
Not that I liked him.
Born with a blast!
HOLY KEK, saved.
I am displeased
>this page
Not sure what to think about Tsubomi to be honest.
Teru looks pretty amused.
Holy shit.
There isn't much to go on about her anyway.
My guess is that she is a strong japanese woman who don't need no man. Or that Dimple is just a cunt and is tugging at Mob's heartstrings because he knows Mob is a legit threat to him.
>we might never hear a pissed off Mob tell Reigen to stfu
>we might never see Reigen shut his told ass up and eat in silence
BONES please.
Not even. She's just well-adjusted and confident without any real insecurities to take advantage of. Not exactly a rare unicorn.
But she was not cool with her friends seeing her snot.
She knew they were gonna gossip, like the petty whores they were
I think Dimple's breakdown of her character is pretty consistent with what we've seen of her thus far. She's just a normal, stable girl who doesn't need the approval of others to feel validated in her way of thinking or living. That's not so much a "stronk independent woman" kinda deal than it is a matter of having a certain strength of character imo. I reckon that in a manga populated by dudes with crippling insecurities and/or family issues that kind of portrayal might seem a little jarring.
It's cool that ONE went out of his way to tell us that about her: goes to show hiw little Mob himself knows about his crush. When everything is over, I think a good ol' rejection will do him a lot of good.
P-poor Reigen
RIP dimple
Did Dimple really forget about the weeks of personal mental torture Mob endured to rescue the possessed selfish girl? Something like this won't even faze him.
I don't think he knows about the 6 months. I don't think Mob told anyone about that. Fuck, that's sad.
I feel like Dimple's description of Tsubomi also applies to Mob to a lesser extent. No matter what kind of speech a villain tries to give him, he'll still bitchslap them to the ground and move on.
The kid's got literally the entire city against him right now, and he doesn't give a fuck.
I think what really matters is that ONE's finally giving her characterization. Mob/Tsubomi seems more likely after that little speech, especially considering
What's with these low quality scans?
Phone scans that happen a week in advance.
I think Dimple figured out what happened to a certain extent (he even said so himself, and he even knew that Bully-chan was aware of what happened inside Mogami's world). Don't quote me on this but I think he even said so himself.
Reigen on the other hand, probably never learned about this. Neither did Ritsu nor the parents.
Mob needs tons of hugs.
>Mob needs tons of hugs.
Honestly, I think he'll be fine either way.
W-will Mob apologize?
He might, but I don't want him to.
The only reason Dimple is acting this way is he never saw ???%
Dimple is in for one hellish surprise when he finally kicks 100% Mob's ass only to end up facing a supermassive psychic blackhole right after.
How many times has ???% appeared so far?
Twice as far as I can recall.
Mob bitchslapping Dimple is fantastic.
An user in a previous thread mentioned how Tsumobi doesn't need other people and wouldn't care if mob worked out.
If this was the case then why did she gush over fast-kun in chapter 4?
Standard congratulations at a friend winning a race? She liked him prior? This part is all that Mob knows about or remembers?
Just because she was congratulating the guy who won the race doesn't mean she wanted to jump on his dick.
this arc is incredible, honestly
Against Teru and Mogami.
If you want to be technical it ALMOST came out when he thought his parents were dead.
So 2 actual, and 1 almost.
I just feel it's a tiny bit rushed.
Like we had zero cooldown from Claw Boss and we had like a handful of chapters before shit went down and then even less for it to go full on serious mode.
Also whatever happened to the Super 5 plant guy who found a root of the Broccoli?
there's so much tension and the conflict feels like the culmination of years of character development. there's a lot of emotional weight behind it, for me. even the omakes are fantastic.
i can see your point about the short latency period between the major arcs, but surprisingly it looks like this arc has been ongoing for around half a year already. i think the pacing is good, otherwise.
I mean, I love calling her Turbobitch for the lulz but all jokes aside, she was just a grade schooler who congratulated a fellow grade schooler for being fast as fuck. It does come off as nasty because she literally left Mob in the dust, but kids are rarely ever aware of how unkind they can be.
Tsubomi praising Fastasfuck-kun doesn't in itself mean that she's craving for attention nor does it invalidate what we learned this week.
Btw she did acknowledge Mob's efforts in chp. 52.
>Also whatever happened to the Super 5 plant guy who found a root of the Broccoli
He ded
literally this
>we will never see delinquent mob
>that crosshatching
is this actually ONE?
He's gotten good.
As uraban, Mob is always delinquent Mob.
I want to see him with a pompadour and leather jacket.
Could Tsubomi be an esper herself? It would explain why she never gave a shit about mob's esp but seemed to approve of his personal growth.
Nigga, that's kimoi as fuck
I don't think so, she's just confident and not easy to impress.
Can someone make a transparency of this Ekubou?
Mob is LITERALLY best boy.
I don't think Tsubomi is meant to have any special qualities, and that in itself is her special quality.
In a manga full of quirky, loud characters who make little effort in hiding their issues and goals, she's the one that has none of it. She's the representation of "being normal". She's not mean, but not exactly nice, either. She hangs out with the people she likes, and tends to ignore those that don't matter to her. She won't go out of her way to interact with a boy that means little to her just for the sake of being nice, especially when he won't talk to her, either. When weird people approach her asking her to join some weird cult, she refuses and goes on with her life.
Tsubomi is the perfect normie. The average person you see on the street who won't spare a thought for you, not because they dislike you or your looks, but because they have their own life to lead, and you mean nothing to them. They care about the things they like, and avoid the things that don't matter to them.
She doesn't give a shit about Mob's powers because they're an extension of Mob himself, and she doesn't give a shit about him. While she may approve of things he does, to her he's just one of many bystanders around her.
Tsubomi is the ultimate mob character.
>Tsubomi was Mob all along
More like
>Tsubomi was ???% all along
This conflict has been too much suffering
I want Mob and dimple to make up ;_;
Seriously though, I have no Idea how this is going to end and I'm scared because Dimple won't stop being a full blown asshole
He's been shady from the get-go, it's not like this was a complete surprise to anyone, especially given ONE's writing style.
Dimple will be exorcised.
Even if Mob makes him stop, he won't give up on his dream, and sooner or later he'll find a new way to indoctrinate people.
He will get a tearful send-off from Mob for sure, but letting him stay as a spirit will only cause even more problems.
How much you wanna bet ONE is gonna break out ??? near the very end?
Dimple seems to be doing well enough for Mob at 99% power. He might just pull out ???% as the finisher.
I'd bet my house on a ??? breakout before the end but ONE might pull off something really different from usual for its/his last appearance. An actual explanation of his origins and some kind of resolution for it/him would be nice.
I'm 99 percent sure Dimple considers himself a "he".
I bet it'll completely vaporize the divine tree altogether.
Guess she should be cool with walking around naked if she was TRULY without any insecurities at all, huh?
The point is that she's formed her own values and thoughts. She's open to listening to others, but she thinks things through before accepting them instead of just "going with the flow".
>Guess she should be cool with walking around naked if she was TRULY without any insecurities at all, huh?
insecurity is probably the last reason why people don't walk around naked.
I'm talking about ???, actually, though I wouldn't mind a Dimple flashback as well.
Not getting arrested comes to mind.
Ah, I would consider that a state of mind rather than an entirely separate being.
I feel like you're being more autistic than Mob. Chad-kun must have been one of the popular guys at school and she made the typical show of fawning over him like any vapid schoolgirl. Winning the race/being fast likely had little to do with it besides giving him a chance to look cool.
>mfw Spice City is completely destroyed and Jurrasic Park with ghosts actually happens
Meanwhile you're the one who's just extrapolating.
You actually think she would've given Fast-kun the time of day had he not actually won the race? I mean, even if we were to agree with your idea that she just went for the cool guy the very reason why he even got to be cool in this flashback was because he outshined everyone .
More like a short attention spanned selfish bitch. I really dont see no difference between her and a functioning sociopath, if someone was dying in front of her she'd probably do nothing because "it didnt interest her."
Who hurt you, user? You're being really harsh.
because he was just that hayai
>Tsubomi finally getting some character
>she's just a snobby bitch
More reasons for those gangbang doujins to be made.
All these Tsubomi haters lmao
She didn't even do anything wrong at all.
She congratulated a schoolmate who won a race through effort and everyone and their mother suddenly hates her.
It's 3 robots, stop trying so hard to be contrarian you retard.
>siding with Tsubomi
Fuck off, landwhale.
t. manletfag
Why are we so sure it's ending at chapter 100? Is it just because of the title reference potential?
Yeah, that's what people seem to think, and the way the chapters are numbered.
That is the dumbest fucking reasoning I have ever heard in my life, and you should be ashamed of it.
The second half of your post is pretty alright, though.