>this is a japanese breakfast
This is a japanese breakfast
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That's enough calorie to last for 5 hours, yah fat fuck
wtf it looks like a regular meal lmao where my frosted flakes
Who the shit eats rice and fish for breakfast
Whats wrong with that? It looks great to me.
Asians like me. Although I would prefer juice over soup.
You are not making any sense, even though you try really hard.
Does one person really eat all of that? Am l undereating or some shit?
sub human
I guess dumb Japs have never heard of oatmeal and toast, lmaooooo
What show is that 'asagohan' from anyways? I could swear I've seen it before.
>rice and fish at the morning
Yikes. The breath must be glorious.
wtf I like Japanese breakfast now
>Not oatmeal and squats
>eat meal at 7am
>Wait 5 hours
>eat lunch
Checks out
Maybe it'll only last an amerilard like you just a few minutes though
It's not as much as you think, the fish is quite thin and the egg is raw so that you can mix it with the rice. After that it's just a small bowl of soup and some pickles. Also, unless your family is really traditional you wont see a breakfast like this in Japan except at hotels and ryokan.
>not brushing your teeth after each meal
>Americans only eat cereal
whatever. This is breakfast you stupid cunt
Where are my juice-on-cereal bros at?
Fish sure, but since when does rice give you bad breath?
>egg is raw
Hope those nipmonkeys like salmonella
who would waste 2 hour to prepare breakfast
I eat all that and the like everyday all my life and never be over weight like a Caucasian.
>Oatmeal and toast
Enjoy your diabetes, amerilard.
Brushing teeth?
there's nothing wrong with oats motherfucker, I also eat eggs and occasionally potatoes if I have the time
>implying bacon and eggs is traditional american breakfast
Salmonella comes from stacking chickens in tiny cages where they have no room to move and they poop all over everything including the eggs. If the chickens are grown free range (like in Japan and most of Europe) then salmonella isn't really a problem.
That looks pretty oishii
>Eating breakfast
>there's nothing wrong with oats
Get off my fucking board right now you faggot fuck
>Also, unless your family is really traditional you wont see a breakfast like this in Japan except at hotels and ryokan.
False. This is a pretty common breakfast meal on Japan. Lunch/dinner is quite similar too.
I'm Japanese.
>whatever we took a regular breakfast
>and added canned BEANS
British breakfast everyone
This is normal actually.
At Yayoiken I get their fried egg breakfast.
-two sausage links
-over medium egg
-white sticky rice
-miso soup
It's pretty good.
That's fucking disgusting m8
>eating at all
No idea. I like that shit.
>white sticky rice, miso soup and tofu for breakfast
god man japan truly is heaven on earth
Someone's mad
It's not exactly that long.
Miso soup can be done in under 30 minutes. Grilling the fish is also pretty quick, especially since a lot of Japanese kitchens have a special compartment for that express purpose (the drawer underneath the stove in the picture). The pickled vegetables you just take out of the fridge and the raw egg is ,well, a raw egg.
The longest part is waiting for the rice to cook,and it's not like you would be cooking just for breakfast. You'd make enough rice for the whole day and just leave the rest in there on warm until dinner.
All for 460 yen too. Just a 10 minute walk away from me.
Can't you just drink the juice separately?
Anyways, dry cereal is the best cereal.
I'm not other people, but do people actually eat long sit down meals like that for breakfast? I just take a bread of some type, bagel, croissant, grilled cheese sandwich, dinner left overs etc then go on my way.
I don't have the fucking time nor patience to cook all that shit for +20mins, then sit down and eat for breakfast. I live by myself so maybe that would change if I had a wife and kids?
It's also pretty easy to prepare while you're also preparing a bento for lunch. If you're someone that goes out for lunch then you probably just make some toast or eggs if you eat breakfast at all.
>leave in until dinner on warm
Isn't that super unsafe?
Woah cool, why don't we have grills in our burners here in the west?
Goddamn, man. That's it I'm going to Japan brb.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day user, you have to prepare it like so.
I've noticed the nips NEVER have any cheese on anything.
Do they not know what they are missing.
Why? If you have a rice cooker, that's not a problem at all. With a good one you don't even need to keep it on and it'll stay warm.
>put rice in rice cooker
>miso soup in 15 minutes
>fish takes 15 minutes
>everything else is pickled
Doesn't seem very time-consuming.
You can order cheese for your beef/pork bowls.
Bacteria and stuff will thrive in that environment
The fish is smoked so you just unpack it.
I never eat breakfast though because I need hours until I get some appetite after waking up and I sleep till the last moment.
What the fuck is happening in here? Kill yourselves.
I never once got sick from keeping the rice warm in the cooker.
Aren't most people on earth, especially Asians, lactose-intolerant? I love that because I hate cheese.
My biggest problem with Japanese meals are
The servings are fucking small like goddamn no wonder they all are small and weak as fuck and how many plates they use is it really necessary to put EVERYTHING on a separate plate do those fuckers have infinite time to wash the dishes or what?
Rice cookers keep warm at 60 degrees, bacteria have a hard time surviving at 60 degrees.
>dumb frogposter
>go to post this and my captcha has pepe in it
Jesus christ.
As long as you keep the rice cooker clean and clean the rice before you cook it then it's gonna kill anything inside when it cooks. Those things seal really well so as long as you keep it closed and use a clean rice paddle you shouldn't have to worry about contamination. Millions of people across asia do it every day without getting sick, most with far less concern for sanitation than I described. It's pretty fucking safe.
>cut sandwich diagonally
>it tastes better
you can't explain this
I had never seen 'breakfast potatoes' before stepping foot in the United States.
What's with Americans and all this bacteria and food phobia shit? Do they even eat anything at all?
Ohohoho silly Japs
Don't they know that all ya need for a complete breakfast is a bowl o'me Lucky Charms?!
They're delicious, nutrition, and come in rainbows and stars!
If you aren't raised eating uncooked food, you can die from it.
>Do they even eat anything at all?
Keep in mind that Americans rarely eat real food, almost all they have is like 90% corn syrup.
They literally don't have real cheese. It's all artificial McDonalds-tier stuff.
The Japanese aren't very big on dairy products in general. You can get cheese on a burger or gyuudon or even your curry at coco ichibanya, but in general there's only one kind of cheese you'll find in Japan and it's like this generic cross between mozzarella and american cheese.
That's breakfast for farmers when they're out doing morning labor really early and then eat this calorie high meal. For everyone else this will make you sluggish and fat as fuck. OP breakfast is low on fats and high in nutrition, you expect to eat a steak in the morning?
>eat raw milk
>get sick
>eat unsterilized eggs
>risk getting salmonella
Yeah, no.
For breakfast my mom used sometimes to put a kraft single on a small bowl of rice with some soup on the side.
Watching the cheese melt into the rice and eating was the life.
They should try it more
It looks just like kippers to me. I know that's not as popular as it once was, but surely it hasn't become alien?
Go back to siesta-ing, Juan.
>not having steak for breakfast
working-class scum
Most eastern or asian countries aren't used to dairy because the lack of lactase in their bodies. If your ancestors weren't lucky enough to develop lactase to digest dairy as extra food source, chances are you're a lactose intolerant pleb
>They literally don't have real cheese. It's all artificial McDonalds-tier stuff.
You've clearly never been to an American grocery store. Sure there's tons of generic processed american cheese, mozzarella, swiss cheese, and fake cheddar, but there's usually a giant case full of real "artisinal" cheeses from all over America and Europe. California, New York, and Wisconsin make a ton of real cheese.
>the reason they're all short is because its a country deficient of dairy and milk
"part of a good breakfast", meaning you need juice to good full diabetic
Cheese and rice go together better than they have any real right to.
I've got to say, one massive advantage of living in a
country and city is the sheer range of food that people regularly eat. Even as a boring Caucasian I always ate all sorts of interesting things growing up. Now we just need to teach the world the joys of a bitter, black yeast spread for breakfast.
Nobody fucking gets this shit in my country. All of those posts look like some conspiracy shit to me. Either that or there is something wrong with American food in general.
Also, it's not like Americans were healthier than the rest of the world so these food choices don't really seem to work.
Why do some American cereals have fucking marshmallows in them?
Food scientists discovered that sugar tastes good
>Cheese and rice
What's wrong with you, user?
Even ketchup and rice would be better.
That sounds genuinely horrifying.
Is there any food kino in anime?
Reddit army has come
>entire thread last night full of people whining about racism
No clue, even as a child i found them disgusting.
Why though?
Life is strange.
fuck of you shill
lt's better than fucking cheese and rice.
Next someones gonna say they like butter on chicken or some shit.
Big G were looking for ways to increase sales of Cheerios (oddly, the Murrica version is unsweetened, unlike what the rest of the world gets).
A marketing contractor mucked with random ideas, and came up with chopped circus peanuts as a mixer, and Lucky Charms were born. It's been downhill ever since.
It's really not, especially if you add omelet.
Have you never ate risotto? It's cheese on rice. And butter is great for frying thinly sliced chicken.
Is it true all your women are fucking white men?
Because I don't think anyone in your country drinks raw milk or eats unsterilized eggs.
You seem to ignorant of modern food practice.
Risotto looks like vomit
>There are people in this very same thread that don't know how to cook aka one of the most basic and most vital abilities a human being can have
Explain yourselves
Passing to confirm this.
Here where I live, people just eat some bread with butter, like a toast or a sandwich, with a little coffee and go their way.
No one spends half an hour to cook some shit.
It's all people who have been brainwashed by the media and news. People quoting FDA laws about how chicken cannot be left out for more than 2 hours as reasons for why I can't eat my buffalo wild wings that I've left on the counter for 12 hours.
They have no idea what they're talking about, and it's pitiful how much food they waste or won't eat because of it.
It can sometimes look kinda mushy and unattractive yeah. But it tastes incredibly good when well prepared.