We wont pay for the wall

you the retarded deplorables will. a wall will need at least 3 years of construction and 2020 Michelle Obama will be president.

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Your a dumbass. Fix your country Peedro.

Fix your grammar, Stuart.

that's you're. And yeah, Mexico sucks.

You isolant Mexican fuck. How dare you answer back to the white man.

56% white

Senor Trump va a matar tu culo pinche negro

>Salma Hayek is always used as the example of Mexican beauty
>and she's not even Mexican

You won't get $40B/yr from Western Union anymore either

she was born in mexico, you fuck

Literally what Mexicans women are like

el joto trump te va a violar pinche negro

>tfw you will never be a Jewish film executive in the 90s fucking peak Salma and Heather.

If he just taxes remittances then you won't have a choice, Pedro

You show them Achmed! These new maymays must be on the rage in your asylum!

if he

he dont like in the best korea, kim kong

poor euromutt

germany is 95% white

you only 50% hahahhaha

My brother was born in Okinawa is he Japanese?

Stuart? That's our meme name now? I've never met anyone IRL named Stu....

yes, lol

american education.

They have already secured the funds for the wall from el chapo's seized money dumbass, so it looks like you are paying for it after all.

40% of german less than 5 years are shitskin

Did you finally get internet in your village, Juanito? You just finding out no one likes spics?

Feels bad man..

el chapo didn't have that much money.

>yes, lol
>american education.
> Anonymous (ID:

hahahaahahah whos that masculine tranny?

everybody loves us.

Seized money and Tariffs will make sure you pay for the wall.. And if not, it's still a hell of a lot cheaper than paying welfare to your 300 cousins.

and a mouse born in a stable is a horse, right? She's lebanese and spanish. Not mexican.

nobody give a shit about you ,you are just a failure in all metrics ,stupid poor corrup genetic garbage

>we wont pay for the wall.

Because you are too broke to afford one

>Her Mother is literally Mexican (i.e. Born there and family is from there)
>Her Father is from Lebanon
>Not Mexican

she is not lebanese. her mother is mexican and her father is lebanese, she was born in mexico and raised here.

>when the 56% kicks in and causes major butthurt among the Stuarts

The Obamas will hang


>mexican education


>everybody loves us.
Not according to Miami Florida. Every other Spanish speaking people thinks you're a bunch of retarded faggots.

Is that what it is? Are you just jealous some of your friends get White love, while you sit at home playing with your smelly penis while you wear your faded 1988 Chicago Bulls jersey?

GTFO you pendejo

nigger cubans are hispanic as us.

Her dad is Lebanese and her mother is Spanish.
Whatever genetics she has that makes her attractive don't come from brown mutt Mexican stock.

Lol fix 'you are grammar' ...does that sound right to you? Bc that's the conjunction your trying to use

your time is coming hans tic toc tic toc

If that's an insult, what's the white percentage in Mexico like? Think on why a Mexican might not want to use that meme against the US, and enjoy the services of your tottering government. You'd be better off with emperor Maximilian, kek.
notice that that chart says that is of those that DID intermarry. Whites are still the least likely to race mix.

So... we already have extensive border security measures, including various walks and fences. Even if Hillary won, you would expect nature and time to demand that retain parts of our border security measures be prepared. So building new border security measures and repairing existing ones..... looks a lot like building a wall. Do you see what I'm getting at? You need to free your mind from the constraints you've put on building "THE wall," and realize that even this basic upkeep can and will be perceived as trump building a wall!

she is identic as her mother, and she is 100% mexican.

"You are a dumbass"

The quickest way to piss off any Spanish speaker is to call them Mexican. Believe me. I know this from experience.

wait until willbur ross is done with you. you will soon find out how you are going to pay for it.


*100% spanish

they are sick of your ignorance, for you all spanish speakers are mexican.

>She's lebanese and spanish
>Not Mexican because she's Spanish
That's like saying the whites in Australia aren't actually Australian they're Anglo. There's people all over Latin America who are either completely or mostly Spanish that are considered Argentinian, Uruguay, Chilean, Brazilian, Mexican, etc.

How fucking dense do you have to be to not be able to grasp such a simple concept

If anyone would vote for Michelle Obama, they admit they are mentally handicapped. She has no political or private sector experience. She is literally the wife of a politician, and that's it.

Nah, its a tier system
1. Pretty Spanish Speaker (White Hispanic)
2. Ugly Hobita con Leche Feo Faggot (YOU)

*cough* hillary *cough*

Thus is the curse of all full mex women, they spoil fast and turn to sludge...

Walls payed for by raiding cartel money. Need more money, seize more cartel money. They are our personal beaner ATM.

...a wreath for christmas time with their adorable family and enjoy the holidays while you sit in your mom's basement blaming "niggers" for your problems. Get a life idiot.

Spics getting butthurt when someone points out the truth.

Salma is Mexican in the sense that Taco Bell is Mexican. ie they're not Mexican.
She's clearly of some kind of weird Andalusian/Moorish blood.

Also the crowning proof that she's not Mexican is that she actually arouses me.

90% of mexicans are mestizo/indio. It's completely disingenuous to label her "mexican" as if she's at all ethnically similar to the vast majority of mexico.

Trump used a sales tactic called "moving past the sale"
He made the argument about who will pay for the wall, not if we should actually have one or not
Good example of actual 4d chess by Trump

What do you think that 50 percent non white comes from pancho?
Filthy dumb mezsto scum

spain = mexico.

>burgers are ignorant of my 3rd world savage culture

Not necessarily. The Berlin wall was literally built overnight. Hadrian's wall was built in weeks. Even if the construction of the wall doesn't start for another year, once the project is actually started, it will be difficult to stop, as government programs, once spooled up into full gear, are difficult to stop. It is for this reason why we WILL see a wall with canada too, as the now semi-efficient government machine will need more projects. Finally, the wall will cost ~30 billion when it is all said and done, and that is a very generous estimate. Mexico recieves half a billion in foreign aid/year from the USA. Cut that supply and we will extract our billions by saving money. Additionally,22.4 million dollars in remittances are sent to mexico a year. Cut that off, and the Mexican economy would take a hit that would rather be avoided. Finally, in money saved from cut in illegal crossings, the wall pays for itself in 3 years regardless
Sage in all fields

So, another black man for president?

Mexico is the country with more white hispanics in the world.

European Mexicans are Mexican citizens of complete or predominant European descent.[8] While the Mexican government periodically conducts racial censuses for "Indigenous Mexicans" and "Afro-Mexicans" it has not conducted a census for European Mexicans for nearly a century.[9] Estimates of this ethnic group as a segment of the country's population range from 9% and 20% according to The World Factbook[1] and Encyclopædia Britannica[2] to as high as 47%[10] according to the ENADIS 2010 (National Survey About Discrimination),[4] conducted by the CONAPRED (National Council to Prevent Discrimination) as a mean to address the problems of racism that Mexicans of mainly Indigenous or African ancestry suffer at hands of a society that favors light skinned, European looking Mexicans.[11] Said survey is the only time the Mexican government has conducted a recent nationwide census that referenced the Eurodescendant population of Mexico.



Racemixing is not the foundation of our culture.

Not if the bill gets past. Then it will patrolled by drones and snipers. The boarder patrol is already starting to just open fire on people trying to cross.

Look here you spic. You either pony up the cash, or we just take your women and your land anyway.

>the apricity

stupid website bro, everyone knows mexicans even northern ones are at least 40% amerindian. Haplogroups dont mean shit because a literal indio looking mexican could be r1b while being 1% spanish

>she is not lebanese
>her dad is lebanese

>no government census in a century
>estimates of 9, 20, and 40%
That's some solid data you have there.

bro penanieto looks like a carbon copy of my father and i guarantee you he is a non white mestizo

You're literally the rape babies of Spanish conquisatdors. What more is there to say?

Who was it that described native american women as the equivalent of the finest whores in Spain or something a rather.

Call yourself whatever you need to to make yourself feel better.

can it, Stu

>Mexican = Mestizo or Amerindian
How can anyone possibly be this incomprehensibly dense. So I guess this means the literal ex-President of Mexico Vicente Fox isn't Mexican because he's not Mestizo/Indian because Mexican means one specific ethnicity and not those who have ties to land be that from the Spanish colonizers or the Native Indians.

Nevermind found it.

>“While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of harlots.”


Les Blancs américains sont une catégorie du Bureau de recensement des États-Unis qui définit les Blancs comme étant les personnes dont les origines sont l'un des peuples d'Europe, du Moyen-Orient ou d'Afrique du Nord. Elle inclut ceux qui s'identifie comme « Blanc » ainsi que les « Irlandais », « Allemands », « Italiens », « Libanais », « Arabes », « Marocains » ou « Caucasiens »2. Il s'agit donc d'un groupe plus large que celui des Euro-Américains. Comme toutes les catégories raciales américaines, « Blanc » a une composante « Non-hispanique ou latino » et une composante « Hispanique ou latino »3, ce dernier étant principalement composé de Mexicano-Américains blancs et des Cubains américains. Le terme de « caucasien » est parfois utilisé à la place de « blanc », bien qu'il ne soit pas synonyme4,5.



Really doesn't matter who pays I just want the wall and to get out of NAFTA. It'll be beautiful watching your country collapse as we send your people back

Segundo pesquisa de autodeclaração, as dez maiores ancestralidades de estadunidenses brancos são: alemães (16,5%), irlandeses (11,9%), ingleses (9,0%), italianos (5,7%), mexicanos (5,4%), franceses (4%) , polacos (3%), escoceses (1,9%), holandeses (1,6%), noruegueses (1,5%) e suecos (1,4%).[7][8]

Os brancos (incluindo os hispânicos que se identificaram como brancos) constituem a maioria da população do país, com um total de 223.553.265 de pessoas, ou 72,4% da população de acordo com o Censo dos Estados Unidos de 2010. Os brancos não-hispânicos totalizaram 196.817.552 de pessoas, ou 63,7% da população estadunidense.



Even Hillary had more experience than Micheal. All horrible garbage experience sure but still more.

I'd be more than happy to pay for the wall.
>btw, I used to fap to her strip tease when I was 14 in case you were wondering.

Pourquoi français, Pedro?

hillary's experience was to be auto granted the senate seat from NY. If only we could find out how she managed to run as the democrat candidate for senate in a state that always votes democrat....

Michelle could follow suite

Texas will be 25% white in 2050.
That's conquered tier.
Most of California is already lost Territory. (+ Detroit, Atlanta ect...)

they stole my land first.

>2020 Michelle Obama will be president.
michelle obongo was a bitch for 8 year nothign was good enough for that black bitch always blaming whites for every nigger riot

el chapo almost payed for it it drug money

>this is what spics actually believe

Fucking stupid mexicans don't understand enough about economics to get what he meant. You're paying for the wall because Trump is going to renegotiate trade deals and stop the gibs to your shithole country. He's going to use that savings to fund the wall.

so when's the so-called deal coming out? So far it seems like Bloompfy has been cucking out on all his promises.

Moving the goalposts, eh? Typical low-IQ-right-wing tactic.


You’re right, Ignacio. Walls are stupid. We should be constructing a moat to literally destroy your Fucking ass. Render the Panama Canal obsolete, and heavily tax passage. Get, Fucked. Nacho.