Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

damn... really makes my only two neurons rub together

Japs are not scared of their own bodies like westerners.

This is so hot I am literally diamond right now.

yes they are or else you'll be able to find me dozens of examples of loli cunt in anime

Why do the Japanese think pedophilia is OK?

Just a midget with a small penis, what's the problem?

Only a disgusting pedo would defend this.

Watch Doreamon then or any long running anime. It wasn't until recently they'd bowed to western pressure.

jojo is a fucking shadow
a ghost
a meaningless routine

i'm literally just waiting for the manga to be put into motion, not for a show to continue

Was it rape?

No TV anime including Doraemon has ever shown a vagina

Your shitass head is the problem.

Show me an example of a clearly visible uncensored vagina in a TV anime preferably with the girl's legs spread open

there's nothing wrong about that

>tfw a little kid is more well-built than you

Next you will be telling me Etna isn't actually 1470 years old.

I'm pretty sure they never even show her vagina.


They never showed her vagina, or even her nipples, and they never would have even if it were in the manga.


No-one will get mad for you for the lack of equal loli cunny, reverse-SJW.

You should, and there's no such thing as reverse SJW, just regular SJW, which I am.




Gundam 0079

click to see little kid tits

Where did this myth come from? I've heard it multiple times, but it never happened.

The absolute standman

It's okay, he is just 17.

Fapped and checked.

>considered OK to show boys dick
>not OK to show girl (male)´s feminine dick

Even boys can´t show nipples on kids show now??

It has nothing to do with western pressure, but okay


Still haven't seen an example of an uncensored vagina in a TV anime.

You'd be scared of your own body too if you weighed 500 pounds.

t. invalid

No fap November for you.

Not an argument.

Should I join you to bump until the uncensored pussy magically appears?

Yes, I would appreciate that.

Dragon ball did it better.

Actually I know exactly one example but you can only see part of it and for only one frame and it was still censored in some regions

>She have almost the same age
>Her feminine dick is censored.

Doraemon is full of dick.

They've definitely shown it before but that's clearly a photoshop


Law or statistical perception wise? They're both not the same, and depending where you are of what you say on either side of the fence; you're still going to be looked at as weird compared to whatever opposing side you're on. Jesus just pick a side already and live with your life consequences already and move on with your life. It's only going to end moments of years from now anyways. It shouldn't have to take existential crisis like this to remind you of the realities of your meaningless mortal existence and appreciate the good in your life and do them And not be stupid enough to fall for that creepy trap.

Well said,user!!




Same reason why this is allowed.

That was censored on TV. Only the online version showed it.

They did show baby penis uncensored though BTW (they would never show baby vagina)

The Japanese would show a 12-year-old boy's penis on TV, but they would never show a similarly-aged girl's nipples (let alone genitals), and very rarely would they even show one's butt or underwear.

Dragon Ball showed lots penis, butts and boobs (with nipples) ON TV.

>Show for kids.

Bulma really had some delicious titties when younger

literally 30 years ago, also the nipples were rare and subtle

literally 40 years ago


Actually this was rerun semi-recently, but that's the only case in which this will happen.

Are you fucking serious.

The real question is "Why should this be not allowed?".

>he thinks i know an anime that aired more than 30 years ago

There's also another show currently being rerun that shows nipples. Forget what it's called though

Doraemon did it better,

they're scared of nipples

We've covered this. Show me some vagina.

They never show her vagina.

Why the fuck are you even here?

I have seen tons of naked kids in japanese facebook pages. Japan has no shame to show off their little brothers and sons.

Wtf you want spread lips or something.

Uh... why exactly are you looking for this kind of stuff... Also I'm pretty sure facebook doesn't allow that and will ban you and probably alert the police for it (even if you're Japanese)

Anyone has a link to the doujin with Kira raping Hayato and then making his semen explode inside of his tiny boy body?

I am friends with japanese MMA fighters and they upload pics like that with kids in the locker rooms. It baffles me that they are public figures and get away with it.


Because i want that sauce?


FB japan allows dicks and asses but no female nudity. Japanese people just don't report that stuff like the murrifat cows.

Someone should show this doujin to David Production and the TV networks who showed this +their advertisers

Why would it be wrong? The reason the Japanese don't see it as an issue is because there's nothing sexual about it.
The prudishness you're experiencing is the result of Western "values".

>exploding semen

have we finally gone too far

You can probably report them and get them b&+v&

Shizuka a cute.

>t. invalid
tyrannosaurus invalid?

but why would I?

It's wrong if they don't include naked girls as well.

Double standard.
Women throw bigger shit fits.

girls are yucky


They can throw fits over boys too.

Only if you're a virgin.

>They can throw fits over boys too.
Like I said before, probably a cultural thing.
I'm not THAT familiar with Asian culture as to pin point the exact reason that they aren't as autistic about modesty as the rest of the world.

Because christian values (and their hypocrisy regarding child abuse done by church members).

Muslims are the worst lol. Thank goodness we have Trump to keep them out of America.


Has anyone here even been sexually harassed?

Some parts of Europe are generally OK with nudity I think.

In Saudi Arabia they censor women's faces