1) The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning. 2) Yes, we all see the attempts to demoralize us and derail our redpills to the normies. Stay strong lads. Focus. Believe, and make a choice right now: Do you Trust Trump? 3) Stick to your choice. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well Sup Forums 4) How would *you* succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Do normies even post here? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads. 5) Do just that. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.
More Eyes on the Heart of Q Connect +++ The ++ Countdown + Signals Everything you need to know is on the Qmap. Read it. Read it again. Questions are Statements? Let it sink in.
QMAP (The only thing (You) really need) Legend Text of Q: pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX anonfile.com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf Advise for your first step into this Sealed Indictments are a huge thing. Really. MSM curiously silent.. UPDATE 1,400+ UNPRECEDENTED Q confirmed Q trip !ITPb.qbhqo (ctrl f) Nov14 VERIFIED Q POSTS
The drops by Q are all we need, and that exact format of questions in an answer chain provoke the very feeling we need to share to others. MOCKINGBIRD fucked with the normies, we're here to unfuck it.
Remember. You made a choice. Eyes Wide Open lads, and pray for the protection of those in harms way. Godspeed to us all.
Q's letting the world know that ratlines & wealth strings are drying up and being cut. They [Wizards and Warlocks] have already carried out one of the largest silent sweeps in history (The massive amount of pedo-related arrests after Trump was sworn in). Got the lackies on the bottom, flipped 'em, and worked up the chain as much they could. Now the sources of wealth that fueled these entire operations got cut off. (The +++ ++ + is a countdown associated with bleeding the three groups: SA Rothchild and Soros) The ones in the middle of all this are on their own, and freaking out. With the full weight of the Military, Navy, & everyone Loyal to the American People/Trump in what you might call a position of STRATEGIC PATIENCE against the bad actors left. Pray for those who are saving the Republic of America.
SA > NA > ASIA > EU >"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.."
**Keen RD (for NORMIES) SUMMARY KEENMIND IS KEEN MESSAGE TO ALL LURKERS TASKS 1. PRODUCE Infographs/Memes detailing SA, CF, NK etc 2. Dig into $$$ trail 3. REDPILL families, friends
Older breadcrumbs have been linked to OP Posts to reduce information overload
Concise Event Log Nov 10-12 Nov 13-14(some) Nov 14 Holy Get Vetican Dirt Trump tweet GONE Nov 14 Assange asking Trump for a job HNWSR +++ U1 DOJ sheet hires Unaccountable financial gains of congressmen Trumps limo license plate starts with Q Position of flyover pic Amazing meme about RockAChilds Prince Charles turns on jewish lobby Soros under fire by Nigel New Fusion GPS Judge tied to Podesta? Sessions, RR, RM & Q MUELLER REALLY IS /OURGUY/ Military Coup in Zimbabwe Hannity U1 breakdown Redpill the masses to prevent chaos Trump tweet Oct28 - Q Photo ID laughs AF1 Landed to refuel, didn't need to? MSM complicate w/ Biden coverup? WE WANT THE LOST LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA BACK Trump Tweets same message twice? Evil needs the fear from children Holy Get David RockAChild in fear DAY OF THE ROPE IS NEIGH 10 Days [of Darkness] between Sutherland tweets Holy Get Vetican Dirt Trump tweet GONE
Samuel Diaz
Nov 15 Clinton Pay4Play Scheme Podesta gets annihilated on twitter FBI McCabe Vault info drop Trump announcement involves New Zealand Before/After pictures of Trump @ dinner Clinton helped CPS Child Trafficking with legislation FBI states ANTIFA = terrorists Whew, soros everyone Trump tweeted +++ Remember Wonderful summary of groups involved John Taylor Gatto Major outages reported across the USA MS-13 Bust archive.is/nrHcv Franken Grope archive.is/mKfyN
Infographs and White Rabbit memes can help speed things up.
Osama Bin Laden History CIA Asset THE SWAMP Follow The Money Killary's History Killary's Body Count Deep State Ratlines Epstein, Weinstein & The Mossad Epstein Temple Podesta-Madeleine Comet [not] pingpong Trafficking Arrests BlackRock RV/INTELLIGENCE ALEART EMS BEING PRIMED? DJTjr posts creepybiden U1 Arrests beginning Feinstein White Rabbit memes V2 KUDOS TO THE ANONS WHO MADE THESE SIDE: CFG RUNDOWN ON LEAFBRO The only way to cast doubt on the message of Q is to poison the bread before Q posts. Stay strong lads.
#400 #401 #402 #403 #404 #405 #406 #407 #408 #409 Don't slide comments to the baker here, user. Do that on Rizon #CBTS
Andrew Butler
Josiah Perez
Mueller investigation (Sat 28 Oct) [x2 BQ7V3bcW]
The Theory (Sun 29th Oct) [x3 P3Lk4PKG] VALIDATED: #210 via Tick Tock is back on the menu boys! Based Hannity (Sun 29th Oct) [x8 Eka5Om1K] :: CAP VALIDATED: #191 [reposts of #ThTh.2, #ThTh.3]
Calm before the Storm (Weds 1st Nov) [x11 pGukiFmX] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #QCP[2] [reposts of #QCP36.1, #QCP36.2]
Calm before the Storm #2 (Thurs 2nd Nov) [x11 zGyR4tyi] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #QCP[2] Calm before the Storm #3 (Thurs 2nd Nov) [x4 KC17sSpZ] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #QCP[2]
Anthony Barnes
I am looking for people who are passionate about law and the Constitution. Also, I am looking for people who have been banned on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
I also would like to invite people who enjoy researching for you are the key to this project. This is going to get deep because I am going to show you how the laws work and give you evidence that two different political realities are operating here in America and where only one side of this reality is being broadcasted to the public while other side is hidden in plain sight.
Those who contact me agree that they are conducting themselves in their own private capacity and not for any foreign federal entity that is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and/or any other foreign government or entity that operates through provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.). You also agree that you are not operating through violence or any other dishonorable conduct. I grant no permission to anyone to monitor or collect information in regards to my private communications and any attempt to do so is a trespass and a violation of My private, God-given, Constitutionally-protected and Unalienable Rights and is nothing less than lawless violence up to treason.
If you wish to know what is going on in regards to the law, you can start researching at www.NativeBornCitizen.com by reading the 6 White Papers.
I also want to emphasize that this information is not complete mainly because there is much more to learn. To test this knowledge without full understanding as to the tricks, threats, and inducements in a federal court will pose serious problems such as contempt of court. This is a very serious study and it involves a great deal of analyzing and processing.
Lastly, while I have no relation to the foreign federal system, I am supportive of anyone who is trying to do what is right for the benefit of all people.
Joseph Wood
How did anons pin Victory of the Light as VQC?
That leap cannot be made
Please Advise >>>KATE ***
Noah Turner
Look at this worthless life try to derail. You'll pay for it
Nolan Young
Josiah Gutierrez
I'm saying General Kelly POSSIBLY had TWO family members killed.
2nd Lt. Robert M. Kelly 29(Deceased) - General Kelly's Son Colonel Robert Kelly 42(Deceased) - Possibly General Kelly's Father.
Colonel Robert Kelly was killed in a Helicopter accident with an ENTIRE CREW OF PEOPLE associated with the CLINTONS died.
>All were killed Feb. 23, 1993, when their Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter crashed in Weisbaden, Germany. No cause was ever determined. V Corps figured prominently in the US Bosnia-Serbia peacekeeping operations, along with the carrier Roosevelt. These men, and 8 others associated with Clinton’s visit to the Roosevelt all died within 4 months of each other.
>Phase 1: Aid to Sarajevo - Beginning on 5 June 1992, UNPROFOR was responsible for the protection of Sarajevo airport as mandated by Resolution 758 for humanitarian purposes. UNPROFOR would run a security corridor for aid convoys between the airport and the city. >Phase 2: Escort of Humanitarian Aid - On 14 September 1992, UNPROFOR was given a mandate by the United Nations Security Council to protect humanitarian relief convoys as requested by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and provide ground transportation for difficult routes.
If Haiti is any indication of what the Clintons have in mind for "Humanitarian Aid", then I suspect Colonel Robert Kelly was killed because he knew about the PIZZA.
Joshua Sullivan
Calm before the Storm #4 (Thurs 2nd Nov) [x1 P6/6ezLX] :: UPDATED [repost of #3.4] Calm before the Storm #5 (Thurs 2nd Nov) [x7 WBXFv1gI] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #QCP[2] Calm before the Storm #27 (Fri 3rd Nov) [x3 GVUvg1M7] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #QCP[2] Calm before the Storm #47 (Sat 4th Nov) [x3 s4Iv8TW8] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #54 via [reposts of #27.1] Calm before the Storm #48 (Sat 4th Nov) [x2 AZhJ37bn] :: CAP VALIDATED: #210 via Q Clearance Patriot [2] (Sun 5th Nov) [x15 v3eCc2tY] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #54 via IMG: AMER_PAT.jpg (11 KB, 225x225) IMG: 1509840715226.png (975 KB, 2438x5894) ie. qupdated11-3.png #32 [reposts of #27.1, #47.1, #47.2, #47.3, #48.1 #48.2, #QCP[2].6] Calm before the Storm #54 (Sun 5th Nov) [x7 cS8cMPVQ] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #68 via Calm before the Storm #68 (Sun 5th Nov) [x4 L8quGPI9] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #69 via
Gavin Sullivan
Calm before the Storm #69 (Sun 5th Nov) [x10 hHkrVD7x] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #210 via Calm before the Storm #75 (Mon 6th Nov) [x5 FAkr+Yka] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #191 > Calm before the Storm #76 (Mon 6th Nov) [x1 eA+h34SH] :: CAP >
> Calm before the Storm #87 (Mon 6th Nov) [x13 BuqO1y4F] > > > > vouched for here: #90
> Calm before the Storm #92 (Mon 6th Nov) [x2 JJkDvHiv] > IMG: 1509974377375.png (2 MB, 1592x1796) >
Calm before the Storm #94 (Mon 6th Nov) [x8 KKIreCTB] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #191 IMG: CH_Navy_Bund.jpg (735 KB, 2016x1512)
> Calm before the Storm #105 (Tues 7th Nov) [x1 cMp1YF3s] :: CAP > Calm before the Storm #124 (Tues 7th Nov) [x1 id n37wRVze] > > disputed here: #106 > possibly both from this user > "Q +++ Perspective and Analysis for Those Investigating"
Calm before the Storm #126 (Tues 7th Nov) [x4 NOjYqEdl] :: UPDATED VALIDATED: #191 IMG: _AF1_5A.png (1 MB, 720x1280) [deleted]
[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #210 (Fri 10th Nov) [x2 ln25Q56n] :: CAP [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #247 (Sun 12th Nov) [x9 gO/UntOB] :: CAP [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #260 (Sun 12th Nov) [x2 99LpGawB] :: CAP [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #264 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 /jAm9Qi+] :: CAP [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #266 v2 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 l/hYVcRn] :: CAP [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #266 (Sun 12th Nov) [x3 X/EWIOzz] [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #267 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 TrJge011] IMG: Freedom.png (3 KB, 310x163)
[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #306 (Mon 13th Nov) [x1 /lc4nimE] :: CAP [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #329 (Tues 14th Nov) [x2 EV3pI+ol] :: CAP [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #339 (Weds 15th Nov) [x2 wmN+33xv] :: CAP [!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #343 (Weds 15th Nov) [x1 snf602p9] :: CAP
Aiden Thomas
Time of the original posting
Anonymous (ID: 26lShF7l) 11/15/17(Wed)15:09:04 No.149577510▶ Who else drinks water? Who else really drinks water? The Titanic had too much water. Why? Who made the water? Where is Fiji? Why is Fiji important? What happened to the so-called "fiji mermaids?"
Well, that one you just linked to was before the speech started, so even if that's someone else quoting Q, it still puts the Fiji post clearly before the speech. Interesting. Most of the post is kinda useless and easily shrugged off as another LARP imitator. Only the Fiji questions seem on point at all. Could "fiji mermaid" have a second meaning? Something to do with child trafficking in that region, since mermaids are normally either young virgins or seducers in stories?
Aaron Jones
What is larp? What does the P mean? How many letters in the P word? Happening soon+++ Q
Jordan Kelly
Good work everyone God bless +++ Q
Landon Fisher
The SNOW WHITE story reflects ancient knowledge of seven forces of nature, represented as seven dwarfs, that would preserve the Christian world for many centuries and then be part of a GREAT AWAKENING when discovered. This now-recent discovery also revealed long-hidden messages in the Bible unlocked only with (keyed to) the knowledge of these same natural forces. This is referred to in Revelation as SEVEN SEALS of a book.
The earliest version of the Snow White fairy tale was written in low German, no doubt because it was authored by a Kabbalah sage who understood every living thing is made up of seven distinct but interactive systems. We can also bet the seven supercomputers named after the seven dwarfs are similarly interactive. But just as the story has it, these same forces of nature would only revive and sustain the Christian world (Snow White) twice. After that, the knowledge of how they work must be revealed to prevent evil men from using it against others. (Picture related) The study and the whole disclosure is here : cog49.com/ft.pdf Here are some key points within it : pastebin.com/gHDKKBjW See also :
Luke Young
Can you help an user out here? What within Q posts has us continually bringing up Blackrock?
Matthew Ward
Now we get to wait and see how regular the release schedule is. Hopefully frequent enough that Discovery Go doesn’t keep ahead with another EqG bomb. At least the CYOA should be unique to YT regardless.
I’m disappointed that they’re just uploading it to their Hasbro channel as expected rather than its own channel. Hasbro’s channel posts too much trash for me to follow it, and their EqG playlists have been lacking. The fact that they labeled the video “season 1” has me hopeful for more, though!
Grayson Wright
YES! "Will North Save South" Are these 'Verified Q'?
If so, Why aren't these in the Spreadsheet? and if Not, Why is this Q not legit? I don't think this is after the Trip Code.
Adam Ross
Don't they realize its done G00D W0N Threads can end
Logan Wright
Noah Diaz
Last loaves back to #360 I have the entire series from the original Q Clearance Drop Have posted several times but don't want to clutter up each thread This would be ideal content for the Wiki I also have local offline archives of every thread
I posted this tid bit in the last thread, but as we all know comments get lost eeeeeeasily due to the unhelpful peeps here lol, ill only mention it once more cauz i don't wanna be part of the spam. -> I know its already been looked at, but fun fact the "freedom" flag pic q posted was roughly(hard to keep track due to different time zones from other peeps screenshots) a day prior to trumqs tweet with Pennsylvania as his location - just sayin freedom is a district in PA. maybs just coincidence but cool none the less.
I'll stop mentioning it now lol
Asher Turner
Nolan Ortiz
Its clearly hiding another name in the top pic. If that is Q, they could do that. Is this Kate a real person?
Charles Peterson
Justin Ward
In the video in Trump's "THANK YOU ASIA!" tweet, the car following the one with the Q-VA008 plate slows down for about one second at the :09 mark. This slowdown in the video seems intentional, as if to draw attention to this car with plate 224-749. Assuming nothing is coincidental, I wonder why this might be.
PS: to those anons who see the big picture here, well done and keep up the good work. You are making a difference.
Christian Lopez
I posted earlier before I had to leave, but I don't think anyone took it seriously. I can't reveal who I am or my title, but I can tell you some things. First off look into Obama's connections to Tonga.
Adam Baker
Acer seems like he would have had more fun in Otherworld. But hey, at least he got a hold of those Chi-chis.
Previous Bread leafbro was b&, Last bread of the night for me
Say it with me now
Our Father, who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On Earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and glory, For Ever and Ever.
Samuel Edwards
baker baker please add back the list of day by day happenings since Q began
The central heating in my house havent worked for over a decade so I use electric heating. Is it more effective to have the electric radiator right next to the old house radiator? Would that help keep the heat?
Asher Lopez
Thank you for those who have contacted me. I'm hoping to see more amazing people do the initial research in regards what is being presented on www.NativeBornCitizen.com and then to message me at: [email protected]
What I have learned, I have tested and have had success. There are a few things that I am about to do which involves making claims for damages to a number of events.
I'm really happy with what I am seeing from many of you. There are some sharp people here who are creative and take your role in educating yourselves and others with a determined spirit.
Ultimately, I desire, more than anything else, that what is being done is going to have a positive and lasting effect that will grant future generations a far better world than what we all have had endure.
This live we have been given is a gift and it should be cherished.
May the grace of God be with each of you in all you do.
James Hill
Thanks for confirming, Kate-chan!
Lucas Cook
Q is a larping faggot
Noah Sanchez
>So SA owned France that hard?
More than our "leaders" would like to admit. Roths also own our joke of a president and our MSM are at least as corrupted as the US ones. Please Q send a green card. Thx.
Previous Bread → leafbro was b&, Last bread of the night for me
Say it with me now
Our Father, who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On Earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and glory, For Ever and Ever.
Christopher Richardson
Gabriel Green
Doubt it. I think Q is Flynn.
Nathaniel Kelly
that's very curious Department of Energy
aren't Q clearances given to DoE?
also the only way to tell highly sensitive truth is through "fiction"
Daniel Rogers
>And all the while Picard is going on and on about how the Q Continuum are afraid of humanity because they'll evolve into something more powerful than the Q or something. No, that's what Q is claiming. Because he couldn't just say "I'm bored and wanted to fuck with you" to tempt Riker.
Nicholas Long
I think the 2 sips of water trump did was a coded signal to someone watching, something odd enough to stand out in a speech
the "Q" post about fiji, fiji water and mermaids is bogus to make us chase our tail
Q-group’s “Pray” dropped some breadcrumbs about how to make sense of the questions. Then almost immediately deleted the post and replaced it with an unsigned one. The original is in the attached pic.
Pic related. I posted an idea last night and got an almost immediate reply from someone with Q's voice and signed as "Pray."
I'm pretty sure it was an affirmation that my general approach is the way to read the graphic. Remember that Q said the signatures matter. “Pray” is a person watching this thread. He said my approach is on the right track. See Pic Related. Pray then quickly deleted his signed post and replaced it with a more generic one.
Q has been telling us to re-read the questions after each event. Now “Pray” tells us to follow individuals. To put together my post RE: Barack Obama working with Trump, I just went through the pastebin text of the Q questions and searched for “BO” and “Obama.”
Nathan Ross
it was years ago, and I was pissed. according to the parents, the kids didn't "know any better". Ended up in a fist fight with one of the dads and got arrested. They don't understand how much I loved my bird.
>On the verge of suicide >did stupid things in my youth >sister got me a bird for my birthday >named him Max >Max was clingy, but I loved him >Max could sing a bit when I messed around with my keyboard >tried to train him with songs, never got the hang of it >started picking up somewhat >killed before we ever finished a song fuck man i'm tearing up now
Easton Hernandez
you have all the threads saved? are you planning to upload them someplace, just wondered
Q is a inside the intelligence comunity leaking to an underwarter goose racing message board because we are saving the world ITT. no shills allowed
Brody Price
It was not a Q post.
oops my bad...ty user
Hudson Brown
>prepared for
We're already in our third/fourth day, user.
Jaxson Mitchell
Q will return. He hasn't dropped enough of the signature "code" to be deciphered. It's getting closer, though.
Wyatt Myers
Aaron Hill
Post it again another time. Best bakers are off right now. Bots are working overtime.
Ryan Howard
Not even once! talk about overrated...
>is considered great JUST
Matthew Johnson
Hard Quiz is comfy, usually check it out. I don't mind 4 corners (they're usually good aside from the fucking Hilary episode, christ) Q and A is too rage inducing to give the time of day anymore. Just waiting for Shaun Micallef to come back on air.
Mason Jackson
So you've definitely noticed these weird ass nonsensical threads filled with equally nonsensical replies
>This all started after some guy (sauce?) with namefagging as "Q clearance Patriot" dropped a series of questions saying he was an insider
>100 million subsequent larps and shills taint everything about his original thread
Even if the original guy was a LARP he still asked ALL the right questions, if you've read them you would know
Why are shills trying to taint the original so much?
Jonathan Wilson
I can confirm speech started at 3:33...still don't know if that was significant.
That Fiji stuff was not from Q...saw that after speech...total joke.
The president's mouth was noticibly dry and he needed water, which apparently wasn't under podium. Inthink the fact that he was that nervous means something...the only other time he was that nervous was during the debate after audio tape release.
Fiji stuff is a Larp...
Brody Howard
hmm yes, very excellent. now check out mine
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Jeremiah Allen
Most significant development is the continuing (but didficult to conclusively quantify) rise of the sealed indictment count.
Dominic Rodriguez
This shill attempt to claim this Kate bitch was "Q" just to try to derail the issue won't work. Bottom line look what has happened/been happening the past few weeks for all the confirmation one needs that something big is afoot.
- 1000 + sealed indictments from every area of the country - Saudi cleaning house due to "corruption" and some members literally being killed - Zimbabwe - Libtards turning on Clinton machine - Media turning on Clinton machine - Hollywood - Pedo/Sex Trafficking stings amounting to most arrests in under that crime in the history of the country - Collateral/American accounts being corrected in Asia - BO disappears/no public statements talking shit about Trump as he did for months beforehand - Soros sells stock in Apple, FB, Twitter, Snapchat followed (literally) by apple IPhone users going dark on ATT - Arrests for two individuals both working in nuclear programs today
... and the list goes on. Shill on faggots attempting to claim some broken down skank is either "Q" or matters to the scheme of anything. Go fuck yourself, this happening is clearly obvious and nothing anyone can say will make any even quasi intelligent person not see it.
Jason Gonzalez
Nasty. She’s talking shit. GEOTUS isn’t Q
Jack White
Pool's closed kids. It was a LARP all along
Chase Nguyen
before you go. i am the grounded mind. i have an internal feeling i can do on order. it feels like flexing the smallest muscles in my core, it feels so gentle ..however it feels so powerful at the same time . is this normal? can anyone else closely describe what I am trying to describe?
Charles Long
Because Q is fake and gay. We don’t want to be confused for VOTL scammers.
Aiden Sanchez
I was a georh mohr talent and a science talent (top 100 physics and math) in denmark. Visited Cern. Been lurking on /pol for 10 years. Im pissed. Used my entire life to figure out fusion (cross sections, q factor etc) Also, you need a thorium rod in order to make it work. Its not the usual squeeze isotopes together untill shit happens. More like carefully calibrated catalysed fusion. Oh. The capacitors are 30 grams each btw. Yes, 1000 times conventio al energy density. No, not hard to make. We just have a nanocoated surface in our daily lives nobody realizes, perfect for nanocapacitors.
Nathan Brooks
Indictments are coming. #MeToo is a desensitization campaign, do the math.
Former Vice President of DynCorp, Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene
Q sent a link about DynCorp and thread was nuked
anyone who is interested in digging into real q shit should look at this article
Ryder Carter
Them numbers yo, checked. Obama and Tonga at olympics together. King schooled in switzerland (why does every world leader school there?) Also from Wikipedia: A second, European-style coronation ceremony took place on 1 August 2008 in the Centennial Chapel, Nuku’alofa.[10] Anglican Archbishop of Polynesia Jabez Bryce invested George Tupou V with the Tongan regalia: the ring, sceptre and sword. In the culmination of the ceremony, Archbishop Bryce placed the Tongan Crown on the monarch's head.[10] Royalty and nobility from around the world were in attendance. Ring and scepter = rod and ring will strike?
Dylan King
Ayden Stewart
Yo can we get some hex girl?
Easton Bell
Q's references to Snowwhite/wizzards/warlocks was a double blind. Useful in both directions.
Please see video for relevant references (ignore tubtwat commentary, movie excerpts=relevancy)
Then rewatch the movie excerpts. Think about this. IT is in every single company in the world. There is no way to police them. Anonymous is everyone and everywhere. We're in ur IT discovering your sekrits, exposing ur darkness. Shadow Brokers...white hats=all your base are belong to us. The attempt in the NYT article to link them to Trump in a negative way is a preemptive strike. This is who they're terrified of. Snowden...was handed the chance by the NSA dude in the movie. Why?
Jace Phillips
Here's how it works:
1. Start a relatively successful larp on Sup Forums 2. Use your plants in the various schizo communities, like godlikeproductions, and shill the everloving fuck out of the threads and link all the boomer schizo retards to Sup Forums 3. Keep the threads alive, constantly make new threads, and provide a lexicon for the boomer newfag retards so they can begin to understand the lingo here
4. You've now turned Sup Forums into a godlikeproductions copy fully of controlled narratives and disinfo so that nobody can discuss anything of genuine interest anymore. The board is forever lost in a morass of increasingly schizo boomers who make completely random connections and freak out and circle random jpg artifacts in pictures screaming incoherently at people about the truth being out there and the government has super tech that could solve every problem in existence but they're controlled by the reptilians who are in a war with the greys but nibiru is going to save us/fuck us over (depends on which schizo retard fucking boomer you talk to) and also there's a polar shift that's going to happen in 2008 I mean 2012 I mean 2020 and the whole planet will flip upside down.
People who want to talk about this q larping nonsense need to get the fuck off Sup Forums and go back to godlikeproductions where they came from. You fucking brain-malfunctioning schizo imbeciles.
Or at the very least gtfo to FUCK
Levi Morgan
Are you kidding? I was a Neurosurgery Resident for years. We STARTED GBM patients on 6 mg q 6 hr and by the end they were all on 10 mg q 6. And they ALL had the Decadron moon face.
The transfer of power is complete. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Anthony Bailey
Q is Dept of Energy tho teafag
Colton James
Who is it around here who decides which q is REAL? Who is trying to steer peoples consciousness and mold people's opinions? Why do they attack en masse every time an user decides to follow the lead of a "fake" q. Why do they all namefag and tripfag?
Asher Collins
I try to keep up with these posts and made a mistake in figuring that the crash involved, alleged that is, Jacob Rothschild being in an airplane when I later realized he was in a helicopter. Forgive me for the confusion.
I was thinking that what if Jacob had faked his death, but then I thought about it more and it doesn't make sense because this would be found out not only by dental records, but also by DNA testing. This leads me to the assumption that he was neutralized and this event should send a message to others out there to get themselves in order and admit everything they've done or else.
Anyone see any tweets confirming Jacob Rothschild's death?
Brody Bailey
i've got the main bread baked, do you want to do the q postings?
Ryder Wilson
Q = questions
Thomas James
The majority of Sup Forums users: >are normies >post with greentext and pepe >have an interest in politics >use Reddit, Twitter and Facebook >despise anime
Levi Turner
Jace Cook
Q has disapeared. Leafy Baker has disappeared. Significant posts are missing from the OP. Shills dominate the thread.
What's going on here?
Zachary Gomez
Charles Bell
OP please link to my master list of Q posts
most with updated screencaps
with thanks
Logan Ortiz
Keystone- Look at the temples of Baal in London and NYC (GROUND ZERO). The Keystone represents the unspeakable God at the top, which is actually Baal or Satan. Also compare dates on the masonic keystone. They are close to the dates these temple arches were erected. Sick deception...Satanic worship in plain view. 911 a sacrifice to Baal.
Anthony Baker
200 members of ms13 arrested. Q was right, Saudi King Salman announced abdication of throne. Big happenings user, shillcon 2.