How far we've come
Yuri on Ice
And now they're kissing, literally, on the same playing field.
We don't need a general
Why are these 24/7 again? The only nice threads are the Wednesday and Thursday threads.
Is this actually gay or am I being trolled?
>year of our lord 2011+5
>still complain about this shit
Get over it. Sup Forums been like this for nearly 3 years now. You aren't obligated to post.
>going to a war without a general
shallow 'I'm bad with people' fairy flies over after being inspired by a dance routine. This shit is like high school romance tier writing. flowery and weightless, expect nothing more from a woman that worships Watanabe
I'm not complaining.
Could be better, could be worse.
Welcome to the madness.
It's the people on social media who said he was struck with inspiration. Viktor himself never said anything and never went in depth about his motives.
Also you're a retard.
I don't understand the ceiling shot.
Is it there because animation budget?
All right, all right, I'll watch it.
No, it's because it makes the surprise bigger when you don't see him jumping.
fuck i love this show
SHALL WE SKAAAATE won't get out of my head. Help me get rid of it Sup Forums.
What is the plot for The King and the Skater I? Apparently, I missed it.
How did you manage to survive this long without choking on your toothbrush?
Even if I explained you wouldn't understand.
Apparently it's supposed to be an ice skating version of the King and I. I just downloaded it, I plan to watch it tonight.
Just noticed the "Got it" in the background behind the embrace at 0:24.
English skater goes back in time to not-thailand and uses his skating skills and magic powers from his trading card game to teach the king's kids to skate Uncle Tom's Cabin and possibly save the kingdom from revolt, also pair-skates with the king.
Not sure on the sequel.
I think we all know what we need for an OVA.
so you have nothing to add and call me retard. I'll guess you're only in this because finally an anime that isn't full blown gays aids is doing something with a homosexual relationship
Not that guy but he literally said
>It's the people on social media who said he was struck with inspiration
in his post. He's right, you're a retard.
Ok, ok, I just thought it cut the flow of the scene.
No need to get salty cinematographers-sama.
>so you have nothing to add
Funny, I thought that was you. Rolling around into a general and giving your shitty opinion no one cares about on something we already discussed to death. You're only gracing us with your presence because you heard about the kiss and I wish you hadn't.
Post caps
I can't really say why it's actually there, but combined with the hairflip beforehand it really gave me a feeling of "something significant is going to happen".
And at the end of the OVA, post credits, they should show Victor and Yuuri watching the movie. Yuuri probably crying.
Don't know why people were so mad at you, but it looked like it was supposed to be Yuuri's POV for a second. Him tipping back as Victor dives at him.
>Viktor gently patting his shoulder and handing him tissues.
>Saying "there, there" with a gentle smile on his face.
Fuck you now want this.
>all movie characters played by YOI characters
>card games on figure skates
>It turns out that Phichit has organized a movie party with his skater buds and they were watching the film with us
What do you guys think about the broadcast dub? any good?
10/10 best movie. I'd buy that OVA.
They should have a watch night with several skaters. Phichit is a must have since he obviously likes the movie a lot.
Yuuri is the blandest bland mcblandinton. Victor is 'hey do your Russia voice.' Yurio saves it with Iwantedtodie so who relly cAARES.
Victor handled Yuri's emotional break down better than my mom does ;_;
It's hilarious in a horrible way, but it's another way to watch the show. Yurio's voice is the best.
Fairy still best boy even in the dub.
So it's 'The King and I' but with skates?
And magical card games.
This is what the next Yugioh anime should be about.
Why people assume that Victor is bad at socializing people when he just has trouble comforting others when they are crying. If anything, he has a problem with emotional intimacy because people treated Victor as a celebrated skater than an actual person and becoming famous at a young age didn't help matters either. The scene wasn't supposed to make you think he is a social sperg, but that he isn't the perfect fairy godfather that he had seemed to be.
You are not alone. I have A Tales of Sleeping Prince on repeat in my head. It's been a while since I am going to buy a soundtrack of an anime because the music is so good.
I agree. I'm only watching for the entertainment value.
I'll probably buy it too. I'm just trying to come to terms with the fact that I'll paying money for something that has Intoxicated in it.
>A Tales of Sleeping Prince
Too bad about Gerogi but that song is amazing.
No one with even half a brain thought Victor was perfect after episode 2. He's still a fairy godfather though.
I know episode 8 is hype as fuck but do we know anything about episode 9? From translations or anything?
I think we can all agree that Yuuri lost his virginity after episode 7.
How do we know episode 8 is hype as fuck? Just the episode preview and assumptions? Or are there some rumors I've missed?
You missed a week of threads.
Nah. But I wouldn't be surprised if Victor pops his cherry before the GPF. The topic of Yuuri's virginity does come up at odd intervals which makes me wonder if it the final "barrier" per se. We need to see 5/5 Eros.
So I wouldn't be surprised if they did the horizontal tango in the breather episode. YOI gotta earn that 'barely passed censors' claim.
You would be surprise by some of the posts. And it's the first time that Victor got called out for his fucking up.
This. His eros was 3/5 before the kiss, now in Rostelecom it will be 4/5. They will fuck before the GPF making his eros in the GPF 5/5.
The difference being Yuri is a productive and creative member of society with actual problems that can be solved by reassurance?
how mad are yurishitters
Alright, I change my mind, I like this better. I think the best opportunity for that is if they have a breather episode while they're in Russia and they do it in Victor's apartment.
And we never find out who tops so people can lose their shit arguing about it because clearly that is what is important.
Someone did fanart of Medo-chan's cosplay, too cute.
They clearly switch
Only if we get Victor trying to cook breakfast in the morning and horribly failing.
Shit now I want this.
The only right answer.
Works for me.
Add moe/Eros switching to top/bottom switching and you get perfection.
Character song when?
Stuff like this makes me happy but sad that Kubo's Wild Ride ends in 5 weeks.
Fucking 1-Cour Era.
so kubo has to explicitly say they kissed in order it for it to be a confirmation
No, you retard. She posted that before the episode aired.
Kensho Ono voices Thai?
The history makers.
It's also gay because the Skater is a guy.
This show is too gay for Miyano. Wonder if his company knew what he was signing up for or realized too late to pull out.
lt's okay because Miyano isn't the one being gay, though
Does Mamoru Miyano hate gays or something? is this some meme i've missed?
Can someone post transparent Pichitto from this image?
Even as a non main character it's probably the gayest show he has been in.
She posted something along the lines of hohohoh looks like this week we were synchronized with (popular nip drama i can't remember)!"
Which got everyone actually expecting a kiss. Consider it a warning for the homophobic.
I thought the contract was only for him? It's not like this is an explicit show anyway.
Didn't Miyano play Berg Katze who went around smooching with male characters in Gatchaman CROWDS and that was the role he enjoyed the most in years.
>tfw you weren't born to make history
But it was a kiss, or are hetfags still in denial?
He doesn't do BL or lewd CDs but that user's point was irrelevant. Miyano has been in shows aimed at fujos before.
I'm glad he wasn't typecasted. He has a great range.
His coach looks like a total bro and a cool lady. Her taste in nail polish is questionable, but she can pull it off.
The drama had a long-awaited kiss between their two main characters too, so that coupled with YoI itself pretty much confirms that it was a kiss.
I was about to say this. It's correct.
Katze didn't really have a gender though, they were just "weird androgynous alien"
Thank you.
His company hates the gay and doesn't allow their seiyuu to do BL or anything like that. He's well known for it because he's so popular so there's a lot of demand for him to do it. He also has an idol image to protect as well that probably influences the nongay route he takes.
No, Berg was confirmed male by the director. It's OD who is genderless (or maybe transsexual). Berg was included with male character answers, for example.
Miyano also plays roles in Fate franchise FGO which pairs any Servant with self insert master, be male or female.