Lishas or Celestias
Lishas or Celestias
Celestia, of course.
Lisha because womb tattoos/used goods are hot.
Never seen this shitty harem though.
remind coconuts are more harder of eat and drink
I'm glad we cleared this up. What's the next question?
Lisha obviously.Where are my loli fags at?
Is Saras attractive?
Not as attractive as Taeko.
Are you kidding me, senpai?
It wouldn't be a contest is Celestia also had a pussy tattoo.
But Phi is the best. Post Phi's phis.
The bigger the tiddies, the better the girl.
what's up with bahamut threads lately, it's been more of them past week than in a half of the year before it.
No good battle harem threads so we need constant shitposting waifuwars and THK autism.
STB 2 episode ova release next week.
Sayaka best girl.
Good, we can do without more Bahamut/Rakusterisk/Hundred shit threads.
my nigga
Glad we got it right the first time Lisha? a loli?
Taeko a cute
We alternate harem threads between Asterisk, Bahamut, Rakudai and Hundred
Truth. La Folia a second best.
Celestia a cute
Does every guy that fucks her get to add another notch on that tattoo?
Lisha not is a loli
Retards started calling everything a loli since long ago.
Emilia or Claire?
Emilia a shit.
>Perfect body
>Moderate breasts
>Cute personality
>Pure and inncocent
>Strong and intelligent
>Sweet and gentle
>Loyal and truly loves Lux
Lisha-sama is literally PERFECT
Claire of course
What you said, faggot?
Lisha is 100% Waifu blonde tsundere
yami is 100% Shit blonde "tsundere"
I don't like anyone from this series.
Just because I like Celes doesn't mean I'm going for the busty blonde everytime. Claire was pretty boring and so was Claudia from Asterisl.
Emilia is to needy and jealous
Fair enough everyone is different Celestia is good too so you're okay
>only girl to have doujin
Feels good.
I mean, Claire was the sexiest so there's that I guess.
That amazing art
>tfw krulfag
Am I alone here?
No. Krul is the best and most seductive girl.
>calling Lisha a loli
>you will never go on a group date with the triad
>You will never go out with your with your imoto
She is nice, not best girl though.
Celestia. I want to massage her shoulders, back and ass.
Someone please give that girl a sandwich.
>skelleton slut also overrated
Claire. No contest.
Liking to that unsoportable whore hooker slut of naruse maria
I love her confidence and coolness.
Acting like a liar, cheater also a slut
>not liking one of the hottest lolis ever
What a fag.
>not liking one of the hottest lolis ever
>What a fag.
You only are a potential pedophile thanks by that shit demon also she is a disgrace for the lolis like kokonoe rin
Krul and Airi are the best girls for flat is justice.
Airi has more chest than that skelleton slut
Also i don't confidence anymore in imoutos, yuuki mikan betrayed me
>yuuki mikan betrayed me
You've never experienced a To Love Ru thread with ESL kun
What does that have in common with Mikan?
If you were there you'd know
Save me from that shit and just tell me.
Mikan wants the Rito D now and ESL is a Nana/ Yuifag
>Bahamut shares same curse as Campione, aka only one doujin out there
Little on the short side, but
>same artist in AXZ Circle who did those Yoko and Asuna doujins
My dick enjoys the art as well.
Cutest girl.
Lisha-sama is a confirmed virgin. Literally nothing happened to her while imprisoned.
nana is a cancer and Yui is the cure
Miserable Unhappy, Piece of Crap
Same celeshitia poster
I paid extra to make sure they stayed quiet.
Prison guard here. I can comfirm that Lisha-sama was never defiled.
See? Even after they take the bribe, they still stick with it.
Atta boy!
Telling lies isn't okay user
She was a little girl back then, and those prison guards were all married man with a family. And Lisha-sama was an important hostage. Do you think they would even touch her?
Like I'm telling you. I'm an aristocrat. Favors like these are easy to come by.
I just strolled into the prison one day checking the wares for the next juicy fuck, and there I saw a little girl looking back up at me.
A quick deal with the warden and guards, and I had my own little cum slut for a few years.
Stay angry, Lishashitter
How badly does Airi want the D?
Really bad.
I'll just leave this here.
Lisha, cause she has those hot delicious red eyes.
>That skeleton, a cow, a fat cow, and a whore
>Only one perfect woman in that pic
Guess who is the perfect one?
>Being perfect when she has literally no body
Krulfags are truly delusional.
Doesn't it hurt for big breasted girls to sleep on their tiddies? Aren't you putting your entire body weight on that one small spot on your chest?
There's two whores.
You are right, Krul is a skeleton AND a whore. Truly worst girl.