I've raped white b*****s like you, f***ing c---!


You are late to the party. We covered this bigly earlier. The consensus is that the woman was a dumb, annoying bitch and the black person acted like a monkey.

Can I hit her too? Just asking.

Nice African accent. She probably has a Refugees Welcome protest sign at her house.


Nigger acted like a typical monkey and the women was an annoying feminist liberal ultra-cunt

She can just put a hoop in that new hole in her lip


Dumb cunt didn't understand that darkies aren't as magnanimous as white men.

Niggers gonna Nig!!!!!

Niggers rape. Who knew

They didn't like how the white male treats them, let them enjoy the generosity of niggers

Nigs gonna nig.

>be around blacks
>get chimped upon

Nigger's are violent and have low I.Q.'s ship them back to Africa.

Stupid cunt got exactly what she deserved. If I want to spread my legs I will and there’s not a single fucking thing anyone can do about it

Black lives matter, lol.


>be 37 y/o roastie
>not married
>buy into stupid feminist bullshit and be completely brainwashed by it
>be fine since most men either ignore your stupid rants about how much you hate men or just agree since they are cucks
>run into an uncivilized nigger
>tell him to not do something that comes natural to anyone with a pair of balls
>he rightfully takes offence, but does not respect your PussyPass™
>gives you the beating that you deserve for being an absolute cunt
>beta faggots that you have been chiding for the last 37 years of your life come to your defence
>media writes stories about you
>you get to be the victim in a fight that you started for being a cunt and using a legit sexist term like "manspreading"


If this was a white guy you'd all be cheering desu

Its a win win for the white man

jews and niggers are always on my train back to brooklyn
this shit is regular
they should catch that chimp and deport him but its deblasios sanctuary city so thats not likely

PussyPass™ DENIED!

>"My testicles, My choice!"
Does it have potential Sup Forums?

She was probably waiting for that

i doubt the woman said manspreading.
have you never had to sit next to an ethinc person? they don't understand personal space, or consciously choose to disregard it.

Regardless of what happened, it doesn't change the fact that all niggers need to be exterminated and all women should be mercilessly beaten and impregnated by force.