Brit/pol/ - The BASED NFL Edition

>Varadkar: Solve Irish border question or I'll block Brexit talks (based pajeet faggot nonce)

>Benedict Allen rescued with suspected malaria in Papua New Guinea

>UK 'to pay Iran £450m' to release Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

>Iraqi forces captures last Isil-held town in Iraq

>HS2 contractor Carillion in fresh profit warning amid debt concerns

>Faggots can't handle their spending

>John Lewis plagiarised my book for Christmas ad, claims children's author

>I'm a celeb is back (Watch it goyim)

Other urls found in this thread:

>block Brexit talks

Fuck off

Was this week's QT disappointingly dull as usual?


Of course it was. And it was as predictably stupid and utterly useless as usual. I can't believe you all fall for that bullshit.

Haven't you realised that COPE is a leftist infiltrator and a stupid moron yet?

Who's /still awake/ lads?
>also the disgrace of brit pol only just making a thread at 9am what are we lie inns? /s

>what is per capita
plus who does he think the moderate white leaders are?

It was made at 8AM.

>white community
>white leaders
And that's the rub, these things do not exist

where'sthe real brit/pol/ then?

This is it. Only a stupid moron would possibly want to post here.

COPE is a Paki.

and yet you are posting here

I didn't say I was an exception

He's a half wog (or one of pubes schizo personalitys)

Same difference.

>Just stop living in general
I don't know why anglos haven't killed their unarmed police and installed an actual government yet.

this qt never disappoints



Long list?

would I lad, I'd eat her shit if she wanted.

reminder some people pay tv licence for this

Where've you been?


I like that she still draws at a 7-year-old's level


Stop baiting Americans you stupid nigger.

its fun though

What's wrong with her middle teeth?
It looks like se's got a stud between them

Who /WatchingTheNFLShow/ here?
Chappers is a lad

>tfw when no qt pikey gf




watching based black footballers what a great day


>Everyone moving up North to a town near Lancaster
>Working 10 hour days in my childhood town

I might just got NEET and experience Essex before I go forever.. What do you think lads? I feel as If I should at least see different parts of my home county before I have to leave.

The job is only £1200 a month and I've got a bit saved.. I don't want my last months in this town to be remembered with slaving away like a wagie

Thoughts? I was thinking of maybe going travelling around Europe on the cheap and then joining the Navy next year

Lad you posted about this the other day stop asking the same question everyday fuck off to r9k, this is for political and cultural relating brit things you neet fag

Going to football today and there is nothing you lot can do about it

Muslim woman on Children in Need wearing old English clothing. Why aren't the left screaming about cultural appropriation?

New Nick Griffin on the Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF)

fucking pikeys

the paki one looks like a goblin

i miss griff in the euro parliment, do we have another election before/if we leave?

i duno but he left British politics years ago.

Morning lads, are thread themes still something?

It's hard to get a gun

>essex police have their own unit too deal with pikeys

reckon im gonna send this to this gyppo girl i know

>associating yourself with pikeys


Do people find this funny

these guys can burn in hell desu

I dont anymore, it's kind of funny i actually tried putting aside my britpol views to try and be friends with one. there everything shit and worse, scheming, controlling gypsy bastards.

The fucking lies they tell to get shit as well

not who you think I am lad. Tripfags are fucking gay.

We will continue to block our A-Anglo-senpais until we get their hands on our heads.


So much fucking smug derision. Do they want us to fucking hate them?
When did being a smarmy fucking smug belittling cunt ever convince anyone to do anything?

'Yes, stupid, you're so fucking dumb and racist that Brexit is going to fuck you over, don't you feel bad now you stupid little turd, yes that's right, change your mind, that's a good boy, that's a good idiot, there you go, you tried to be stupid but us clever witty metropolitan soy late enlightened people saved you from yourself. Say thank you. Now get on back to the slums you disgusting pleb.'

They can't fucking help themselves and wonder why so many regular people are fucking sick of their smarmy condescending shit.

No, Brexit isn’t a funny prospect.

because english don't have any culture, duh.

>English don't have any cul-

That looks genuinely nice.

Get out

Attacking and undermining our culture is the clearest signal of their intentions.

It’s obvious the left is destruction obsessed.

so whatya gonna do about it ?

But of course it's remainers who are the easily triggered snowflakes. Given the state of things it seems like a petty and hollow "victory" to make yourself poorer just to give the middle finger to some smug people.



Vote for corbyn

Morning lads. I've been out. Did I miss anything last night?

Is the worst sin of all ever justified?


its not too late to miss the latest episode of the A Word

Kezia's going to be appearing on I'm a Celeb...

Which began to fuel rumours of Richard Leonard winning.

Speaking of which, whatcha bois think of the next Scottish First Minister?

>to make yourself poorer

A baseless and unfounded consequence of Brexit. Yes, because financial ruin and economic collapse is a proven certainty of leaving the EU. We're all just so stupid and shortsighted that we don't care about destroying the economy because our priorities are racist and petty.

Get tae fuck. Our economy will be fine.

All sins are equally bad in God's eyes

>The speech that saved Scotland

It was a good speech, I can't wait to see him hammer Sturgeon.

where is Ruri?

>Ms Durrant was awarded £14,000 for her "upset and humiliation" and "unconscious racial stereotyping".
>unconscious racial stereotyping

Literally thought criminality.


>Corbynista elected leader of Scottish Labour
>SNP on death watch

Just watched this video from You Kipper (I know he lurks here he's told me before and screenshotted proofs too)

For starters, I know for a fact that he's cherrypicking video recordings from London to make it seem more "Muslim" than it actually is. I watch the BBC all the time and there are literally only British people walking around in the background.

London does not have a Muslim problem.

Secondly, I notice that he is trying to beat the war drums to get US anons involved by featuring Muslims in London (again, they are not a problem there) holding up signs calling for the ousting of Theresa May and Donald Trump because only Americans are the one's who can implement change in the world via the internet (ie Trump causing Brexit and also Americans meming his election).

So let me give you this response:
After the way you've treated us Americans on brit/pol/, in real life, 1812, and during the leadup to the american revolution, we will never give you any help, ever. We rule the world and couldn't give two shits about what an irrelevant country like you thinks.

I hope the Muslims reverse crusade you to make up for your injustices in the past and make Europe a Muslim majority country where Christians are persecuted. Seriously fuck you all.

stale pasta

You deserve ban for forcing amerimutt memes

>I watch the BBC all the time and there are literally only British people walking around in the background.
becuase london west of whitevchapel is white , go east of and paki galore

t.buthurt 20%er

>London calling



London is a foreign country


GOAT london nigger music coming through

Anyone got a link for the Arsenal vs Spurs match? Mine died

Aren't there like 20 on

>narrate Debenhams interracial romance Xmas ad
>affair with MEW responsible for breaking up two marriages
>>support Labour party

Based lefty morals


This fucking country lads


this will end in blood