I'm going to try to be respectful even though I don't like this board because I'm a radical left winged feminist...

I'm going to try to be respectful even though I don't like this board because I'm a radical left winged feminist pro-choice anti-lookism anti-bullying queer trans Illuminati member (not memeing) as well as a professional dominatrix.

So, I've had four clients in the past year who said they regularly browsed this board. Yes, seriously. One who I find I found to be very fascinating & sad because of the duality of his nature and ideas.

He's one of the most extreme submissives I've ever met. In a very short nutshell most of his fantasies involve being kidnaped and brainwashed in order to love cock, with the use of drugs, extreme degradation, and rape from men. There was lots of other weird too. At the same time in his public life he's openly said many times on forums, facebook, everything that lgbtqi+ of any kind should be gassed and their genes removed from humankind. I mean constant coming down on queer society.

Do any of you relate to this? That sexually you are a completely different person than you are publicly? How does a person with such cognitive dissonance in their ideas come to be? Why didn't he just accept he was queer right off the bat?

I said no to doing any of his fantasies though of course because I didn't think he was mentally stable enough to make those types of decisions.

>I'm a radical left winged feminist pro-choice anti-lookism anti-bullying queer trans Illuminati member (not memeing) as well as a professional dominatrix

>"Hellow fellow Sup Forumsacks, how do you do?"
I need to go to work, faggot.

>I'm going to try to be respectful even though I don't like this board because I'm a radical left winged feminist pro-choice anti-lookism anti-bullying queer trans Illuminati member (not memeing) as well as a professional dominatrix.

going to hard on that one but the rest actually gave me a boner, ty

So you are a right winged secret submissive faggot too? Answer the questions then.

Why not just openly be a faggot instead of constantly telling others that your not because you are so insecure about the idea?

How do you not realize that level of insecurity is deeper than the mariana trench? His was so extreme it seemed it was also causing this individual to become borderline suicidal because literally nothing was brutal enough for him. He actually believed he was such a piece of shit faggot.

Do any of you realize accepting your true nature and realizing that faggotry is normal is much easier than putting yourself through that hell?

>Why not just openly be a faggot instead of constantly telling others that your not because you are so insecure about the idea?

The same reason feminists talk about rape culture, it´s a socially acceptable way to sublimate it.

>Do any of you realize accepting your true nature and realizing that faggotry is normal is much easier than putting yourself through that hell?

Then you should not teach us that being gay or a sub male is bad, a lot of this extremism stuff is about repressed sexuality.
When you get shamed for what you like and can´t act it out there is of course some kind of pressure and aggression especially against those women who flaunt their sexuality openly and are allowed to suck cuck and be submissive as much as they want.

Also Sup Forums is still right about many stuff anyways.

>make fun of people who aren't working in their own best interests
>Lol authority is always against my interests cause I'm a massive fuck up don't judge me XD

>The same reason feminists talk about rape culture, it´s a socially acceptable way to sublimate it.
Rape is not really compatible to being gay. If a feminist tells me they are submissive I see no cognitive dissonance there, but if a right winger does I see the a break in logic because of the side that they are backing.

However this part I completely agree with 100%:
>Then you should not teach us that being gay or a sub male is bad, a lot of this extremism stuff is about repressed sexuality.
When you get shamed for what you like and can´t act it out there is of course some kind of pressure and aggression especially against those women who flaunt their sexuality openly and are allowed to suck cuck and be submissive as much as they want.

I absolutely hate this system. I even hate the little representation of male submissives especially in pornography, it drives me crazy that there's really raw and emotional footage of women being dominated by men but not men being dominated by women. All the femdom porn is fake and stupid and the woman is normally disinterested in the wrong type of way.

There's billions of ways it sucks in society but often works in my favor I can usually identify my prey fast because of my ability to use bullying techniques to understand his psychology. In more and more ways I'm starting to believe that bullying is what causes men like you guys to become more brainwashed and subordinate in all the WRONG ways, so I'd love to smash the patriarchy and see a shift in gender ideas.

Also pol is fucking stupid and wrong about most things I'm sure. This is my first time here but I already know they are stupid it's not hard to figure out.

>Rape is not really compatible to being gay
Comparable not compatible.

I'm not making fun of anyone it's actually just interesting psychology to me and I want to know more about these mind states. I hope that anyone who relates to the person I described talking to can over come whatever they are going through mentally and learn to have some amount of normal self esteem.

I had a transgender friend kill themselves I personally think in part due to bullying I don't want to see other people go through that shit.

So you are a degenerate that hangs out with other degenerates. Ask your degenerate friends

I don`t believe for a moment that you are any of the things that you say you are. This is a classic lefty Redditor bait thread. But I`ll respond to it because it might in fact form the basis of an intelligent discussion among right-minded people. Since that class of people does not include OP I shall not be responding to any posts from this latter. You are henceforth eliminated from the bait thread you started, because it actually doesn`t HAVE to be the bait thread you tried to make it.
Even a child should be able to recognize what a logical fallacy it is to accuse someone of "cognitive dissonance" for at the same time embracing a hierarchical vision of human society and adopting a posture of masochistic submissiveness in one`s sexual life. That isn`t cognitive dissonance. That is the very purest form of COGNITIVE CONSISTENCY.
The traditionalist, conservative thinker knows to be eternally true what leftists and liberals are too cowardly to face: that existence is hierarchical on every level. He sees sex, for example, for what it really is: a brutal hierarchy in which certain basic animal qualities count for everything and "human" qualities like intelligence or moral decency fo nothing. Since traditional, conservative people are, as a rule, intelligent and decent (it is the arduously-achieved heritage of intelligent, decent civilization that we defend) it is natural that we find ourselves very low down in this brutal animal hierarchy of sex. And unlike liberals, we have too much respect for ourselves to HIDE from this fact and LIE about it. Since we have sexual needs, we seek out a place for ourselves within the REALITY of sex, not within the LIE about sex that the liberal world is built on. As I say, this is not cognitive dissonance. It is perfect COGNITIVE ASSONANCE. Something liberals just do not have the courage for.

I can only be sexually aroused by seeing women in pain, actually. Well, special mention goes to dumb looking girls I'd like to torture. Pic related.

Yes, I'm a degenerate. And Degenerates pointed me in this direction, that's why I'm asking here.

I really want to know if most right wingers are secretly gay and submissive. There's nothing wrong with either thing but I guess the idea that there is something wrong with them is what makes it exciting therefore they have to pretend like they don't want it? Lol, this can be cute and coy and there's only one problem with the line of logic, and it's that a true submissive doesn't hide it but is openly vulnerable.

So much love that could of been in the world if men had allowed themselves to be openly vulnerable instead of so insecure that they can't. Do they really lack the empathic understanding to know vulnerability is not weakness.

Really makes you think.


I fucking love dominating girls. Most of the women I fuck are girls with BPD or hardcore leftists who ideas I ridicule to their face, they put on a front of being strong independent educated women but they love getting choked and treated like a helpless little girl or some weird shit like that.

Good taste

They really are worthless chunks of meat.

When I was younger I was more of a sensitive soft spoken artistic type, but whenever I had sex I was always into dominating girls and fucking them hard and rough, so maybe it's the opposite for me from what you're saying. Outwardly I appear more submissive, but I'm actually more of a dominant personality type. I always felt like I had to be in control in relationships, but I was non-confrontational and kept to myself in most situations. Girls thought I was some mysterious brooding deep thinker type in tune with his inner self/emotions and they'd always be very outspoken politically and felt like they were making a change in the world & strong independent activists. I'd talk to them for a while, then I'd open up a bit and my behavior would change towards a more "i dont give a fuck about you" mentality. Then they find out I lean right wing and I am anti-egalitarian, sometimes they get offended and walk out, but some of them it actually turns on because they like that I'm different.

I don't know where I'm going with this but I like sociological and psychological discussion and I've heard your theory before. I don't doubt that the virulent homophobes are closeted gay. I'm not one personally, I just would prefer if they were less open about their sexuality in public because I don't think children should be exposed to it, but ultimately I don't care what they do.

Where do you work?
Any proofs?

And just to anticipate the contradictions that will surely now come from the right (as I say, no contradiction that might come from the lying leftie OP interests me):
Of course, there ARE some conservative/traditionalist individualists who can look the universal truth of hierarchy in the face and who DON`T have to slot themselves into a position low down this hierarchy, sexually, even when they ARE being realistic and true to themselves.
These would be those individuals among traditionalists/conservatives who actually do combine in their own persons the intelligence, sensitivity and decency required to be a conservative AND the brutal animal qualities that secure one a place high up the hierarchy of sexuality.
But such individuals are surely incredibly rare. They are the Uebermenschen envisaged by Nietzsche whom even Nietzsche believed could be counted, in human history, on the fingers of one hand.
Generally speaking, most conservatives have to and do acknowledge the fact that glorious physicality is not compatible with intellectuality and spirituality. The latter always eats away at and undermines the former. The realm of sexuality, we recognize, belongs by its very essence - and with the very very few exceptions I`ve mentioned - to niggers, women and other animals.
As I have said, though, this insight prompts us neither to flee to and embrace the big liberal Cowards` Lie about sexuality - that we can "humanize" it and that one is sexually successful by being "nice" - nor to lock ourselves away in celibacy. Even those of us who are not the rare Uebermenschen DO find our place in the sexual realm. But it is - because it has to be - our REAL place in it: one of relative subjugation. It is in this that we find our pleasure - because it is the only pleasure HONESTLY accessible to us.

You would be surprised how much weird shit is actually a reality, op. The tone and way of your post is off putting. If you are some sort of therapist or social worker, it is apparent you cannot put your personal beliefs aside in your work. I pity you. You cling to ideas engineered by out of touch, Ivory tower weirdos who live in a fantasy. They think of groups and individuals in an abstract way. They want to help the "world" or the "community" not the neighbor next door. That is why your bourgeois progressive paradigms will fail. It is infecting your thought. You are discussing a client like he or she is an ant.

>that existence is hierarchical on every level.

I agree. The rest though is literally exactly what I believe but in reverse, like change every time you said liberal to conservative and you got it right in my opinion.

In conservative & patriarchal society the taboos against the actual nature of sex are so extreme it allows for molesters and rapists to hide easily. A great example being the fact that a rapist is the leader of America. Most conservatives are in such denial about this if they haven't experienced rape and molestation themselves. They don't see it so they don't think it exists. But it exists and it's proof I'm right about human nature, and you are as well but only in the start of your logic and not it's conclusion.

As I`ve explained to you, I`ve taken your bait thread and turned it into a thread for intelligent discussion between honest people.

So please take your "the president is a rapist because he told the truth about some women wanting to have sex with rich powerful guys" bullshit and peddle it on some OTHER lying stupid bait thread you can start.

THIS thread is now for honest, intelligent people to post in.

You have an unreal view of many conservatives, compounded by University indoctrination and your own inability to empathize with those you disagree with. You look at them as signs of their general beliefs, abstractions. Progressives are so fucked up.

meh i also have experienced sexual voilence and i found out that this is exactly how sex works.

You don´t ask for it, you take it. Asking for consent and treating women as equal is a big turnoff for them, sadly.

Unfortunately, it seems you win, because just about everyone who posts on Sup Forums is as shallow, dumb and dishonest in their "right-wing" beliefs as you are in your "left-wing" ones.
So no intelligent discussion is going to take place here.
I`ll leave you to smirk and snigger over the pathetically unintelligent discussion you`ve baited a bunch of LARPing 14-year-olds into.

hue, you are against the subconscious of every person, including the fat ones.

I am like you in some ways the opposite gender and political ideologies. I can respect you but I'll probably be stealing your gf later in life. I mean the 'good' girl you manage to settle with. You will learn to submit to superior thinkers. Haha. ;)

I think that you are not an animal for having sexual desires and that you didn't/don't deserve sexual isolation. All people deserve intimacy in a way that feels safe to them.

>But it is - because it has to be - our REAL place in it: one of relative subjugation. It is in this that we find our pleasure - because it is the only pleasure HONESTLY accessible to us.

That's the point of logic that I want. That idea is what I'd hook on to in order to turn the rest of the logic inside out.

And here we see a frenchie admit defeat and surrender despite minimal effort from thier opponent.

Gee we've never seen that before.

OPs pic just proves that the Left can't meme.
Cuckoldry has nothing to do with submission to others, it's about being so weak that you cannot maintain sexual exclusivity of your partner.