>walk into room
>see this
What do?
>walk into room
>see this
What do?
Report the thread.
help her
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Ignore her and fuck the filming teacher instead.
I lust Sawako!
Cum in her hair.
[x] Genuflect
Feed her my eggs.
>untie her and take her back to my place
>let her sleep on my bed as I sleep on the couch
>deal with her freak out when she wakes up in the morning
>ask her if she's ok
>"You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this." as I hand her a bowl of eggs.
>Ask her if she needs a ride home.
>Tell her to take care.
I really appreciate that you just had this on-hand.
I'm gonna need the code on this.
is this a pornography wtf
check my map, I'm clearly walking in circles
Get the meat hook and spices ready.
Yes it's porn but sorry I have no info. Just saved it from some thread.
Rip the tape off
Put it on her nose hole
Shove my cock down her throat and force her to suffocate on my mighty python
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
I'd check my map again. Clearly I'm walking in circles.
That doujin where the Yakuza kidnapped everyone had her get sawed in half I think, so probably that.
be quite confused, as females are not allowed in the male barracks.
A salt wife, your share in warring against the evil 2D empire
Cut off her hands and take them on dates.
sage in all fields
Take her bindings off and ask if she wants to listen to some black metal while Ritsu and I smoke weed.
eat her feet
Take a picture and ask Sup Forums what to do.
Wake up
Walk out as I clearly walked in in the middle of her and Ritsu having a moment.
Remove tape.
Place broken glass in her mouth.
Punch her in the face.
Turn around and check the room. Once I have determined there's no immediate threat and the site is reasonably secure, I release her. Then I call 911 while making a tactical retreat to a more secure location.
Keep fapping. Ask her if she wants to join, and depending on her answer, she might get raped.
untie and help and love and marry
Time to have some fun. Head over to that "I'm offended" ED page and tell her I'm going to show her cute kitties. Then scroll through that while she watches.
Then I'll head into the bathroom and make one of these on my hands, run in and show her.
Then I'll read that story about the girl who grew holes all over her body that kept spreading. Then I'll roll her on her stomach and pull off her socks and tell her she's got the hole things too.
At this point she should be nice and catatonic, so I'll haul her outback and tie her up in a tree. After that, I'll go back inside and put on a good halloween costume, pick up my chainsaw, and grab a bucket of ice water. I'll splash the water on her and rev my chainsaw up a bit. If she hasn't pissed herself yet, I'll grab a shovel and dig up a hole. I might phone a friend and have him come over, and then pretend to murder him and tell her she's next if she makes another sound.
After all that I'd untie her and order some pizza or something and wait around for her mom to pick her up.
Why is Mio so weak? I'd reckon that even I could beat her up in a fight.
eat all the egg your big head bitch
>Turn 360
>and walk away
Thanks for clarifying
Suck on her big fat breasts.
but her breasts are cute and petite
They are big.
they are delicately small
Are you on drugs?
Take off the tape but keep her restrained. Feed her and care for her until Stockholm syndrome kicks in. Be less and less strict with her confinement as she continues to develop feelings for me. Eventually, she will be completely in love with me and I will finally no longer be a kissless, hugless virgin.
Muh hand is big, enough to cup, but not grapping.
A badly edited picture in ms-paint?
I get online and search for better fapping material.
>implying she isn't a smart enough girl to fake interest in you until you're careless enough to give her a chance to kill your pasty virgin ass.
K-on was revolutionary in a lot of aspects, crazy to look back.
>Keions are real
I become their manager and eat cake all day, duh
Hmmm.. Let's see.. It's not rape when they're dead right?
If you rape or kill Mio I'll tell on you
>360 walk away
>find best k-on
>marry her and die happily
>draw a man
>call it a girl
Ritsufags are closet homos.
>loving this makes me a homo
then sign me up for the LGBTWTFBBQOMG+ or whatever the fuck because I'm gay as a motherfucker
call us whatever you want homie, Ritsu is the undisputed best boy(girl)
Untie her. That doesn't look very comfortable.
mah nigga
Have my Ritsu folder friend (it's pretty outdated, I'll get around to uploading my current one sometime soon):
I have folders for the other keions if anyone wants them
Mio pls. I have a folder already but I want more because I am greedy.
>having folders for other K-ons
>not being faithful
thank you comrade, i just started mine
If you're around for other keion threads, I'll post my updated Ritsu folder... just for you user~~
I'd take the tape off and ask her if she's into this and if I could have my way with her. I'd fuck the shit out of her if she said yes. If not I'd cut her loose and send her on her way.
I'm usually infrequent with my participation on regular threads but I appreciate it
y-you too...
Please no bully Mio
Aight, keep this thread alive then. Uploading will take me about 20 minutes.
captcha is going to make me kill myself on god
Best pair coming through btw
Mio is made for bully
Any Junbros here?
Thank you kind user!
A few days ago I dreamt that Yui was my girlfriend and I drove her home. I don't have a driver's license IRL so I'm glad we weren't caught by the popos or else I'd be in dream jail right now
jun cute but ui a better junior
Jun's butt is nice
Ui is sweet but Jun is more fun. I want to hang around with her.
Pretend she's my niece and proceed to rape and record
I think about her butt while I tough myself if that counts
The best.
oh yeah, jun seems fun.
but...uh...we all remember that episode right?
You know what I mean, "that episode".
why the hell is Ui so fucking thicc ohmygod
Pat her head
Of course it counts. Who doesn't?
That episode.
Yui's is the best
how does Azusa even compete?
By being smaller, cuter, and tighter
Why would she be competing?
she already won
What are these, cuties for ants?