Best girl thread

Best girl thread.

For the first time Asuka is not shit.

Best Hibike has the same seiyuu as my wife. Coincidence? I think not.

ugh i just realized how fucked up mugi's chin is in this pic


Bump because Asuka & Moogs are the best girls.


That guy just draw half Mugi face then mirror it right?


>posting low res waifus

Mugi is a meanie though

I hope they make K-On Hibike cross over.

this was the best ep of the season so far imo

I think Midori is better bassist than Mio.



that's not reina

That's not Natsuki.

pic unrelated

Why is Mugi's seiyuu allowed to have this lewd of a body?

What is sex with Asuka like?

>Best girl thread.

dubs means it's crazy shit



This kind of stuff is what's missing this season. Everyone's way too normal and melodramatic. Hazuki hasn't acted boyish, Sapphire hasn't shown her music-otaku side and Reina's not so "special" anymore. No wonder Eupho S2 sucks.

Pic unrelated of course.



