I will just leave this here

I will just leave this here

Other urls found in this thread:






Ok you have my attention

Key is pretty top tier

They draw some excellent blowjob scenes

You think you can just do that? You think that you can just get away with not posting sauce? Well you got another thing coming to ya buddy.

get in here


Fakku was a mistake.

I love the way this artist draws pubes


fakku 1-375 irregular by key

>1-375 irregular by key

link plz

I don't post "kill yourself" lightly, but kill yourself.



what is that supposed to mean? 1-375

looks like you need a subscription. when did fakku start doing that?

Your newfag is showing

about the numbers, sure?

but last time i used fakku was years ago. shit used to be free. site has premium accounts now.

no wonder people use exhentai

Man, Key's works almost always have an element that makes me feel bad.

Love the artwork though.

What was it in this?

It's kind of rapey and ends a bit ambiguously.

where's the joke?

You're a fucking idiot if you think was shilling for fakku.

Lurk harder faggot.

Keep shilling for fakku.

>implying Kairakuten can be found on sadpanda


You're a newfag if you think that means you need Fakshit.

>implying I don't use nhentai