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Sasagawa Salami
I miss Saya and her laugh.
Bebebebest girl.
You're heisenberg
sosogowo sosomo
Sasagawa Sashimi
look at em meme lookin' waifus
Is Little Busters good, I don't like Keyshit. I only had fun with Charlotte. I might give rewrite a try sometime later on since it like Jintai.
The characters are great and if you like stories about friendships then you'll love it.
Then again if you hate Keyshit then maybe not. It still contains the usual Key elements like magic
Little Buster is by far the best KEY work.
The common route is great. The girl's routes are kinda meh all around and you'll constantly wonder why you should even bother continuing. They're good conceptually if you're into control/power and rape scenarios but nothing more.
But then you get to the final route and it's brutal. It will break you and you will cry by the end. I'm someone who never cries to anything and it really hit me hard. Little Buster is worth reading alone for the ending.
Rewrite is shit and I don't recommend reading it.
The common route is good and overall, it's better written than the rest of KEY's work, especially little buster, but the routes are so disjointed and unconnected that by the end, there's a hole of disunity and it just feels empty.
So yeah, just read Little Buster, have fun it with and just enjoy the ride until it breaks you completely. And don't stop until you reach that ending, even if you start to wonder why you're even reading the girl's routes that don't seem interesting.
>best KEY
No. AIR will always be the best work because of the ending not having an asspull alone. Really what makes Little Busters good is the common route, Kurugaya, Masato and Refrain.
Ehh idk AIR was just alright overall. Planatarian was great but I wanted more and I didn't cry as hard as I did with Little Buster. Refrain overall was better than both AIR and Planatarian combined imo.
Sure, LB had KEY magic in the end, but it didn't use it to become an asspull but rather just give context to the world itself. Riki used KEY magic to go back in time and get his happy ending and that was cool.
>Really what makes Little Busters good is the common route, Kurugaya, Masato and Refrain.
>not Kyousuke
>not Kengo
I just kept trying to save Kyousuke over and over and failing endlessly because I'm a goddamn idiot. When I actually got the combination right, it felt as though I lifted the entire galaxy. And the ending itself, with Kyousuke in the window, as the credits roll, was the best ending.
Kurugaya was cool but her route was just meh.
Not really the fault of Kurugaya but the hack writer. Also like you said all the girls routes are shit, especially Kud's.
I like all the bros but Kyouske was at some point to much of an ass, I mean how many times did he kill poor Saya? Masato is the one that stayed true to the end.
I didn't read Saya's route so I can't judge. I view it as an extended story and ignore it. He was an ass and when I read LB, it felt as though he was plotting something sinister. Remember when he's holding that cat and acting vague? I got the feeling that he was planning some hardcore shit like wanting to kill God or something stupid like that.
Finding out his true noble goals made the ending much sweeter and bittersweet as the reality came crashing during that baseball game.
>Not really the fault of Kurugaya but the hack writer.
Are you that Kurugayabro from the nightly KEY/Rin thread years ago?
>Kurugaya Bro
Nice. Never had a character that I could more relate to than Kurugaya.
Is EX worth playing if I don't give a shit about the H-Scenes?
>AIR will always be the best work because of the ending not having an asspull alone
What was the asspull in Rewrite?
>LB H-scenes
>Never had a character that I could more relate to than Kurugaya.
You relate to a character who's insanely smart beyond everyone around her to the point where she's bored, knows multiple languages, is sexually attracted to cute things and can break down doors with your kicks?
Yeah, that's how I feel about it too.
I'm just going to watch the EX Anime, then.
another meme lookin' waifu
To be fair, all of the KEY girls are meme looking waifu bait that are two fingers from being endlessly broken and will serve your dick for the rest of time.
Don't think so. I'm just a humble person with Yuiko as a waifu.
Never read it just watched it, so who knows how it actually compared to the VN but I imagine it's the same just cut to 2 episodes.
And don't remeber much from Rewrite expect that Akane was best girl.
Aside from that let's just say it's Maeda's best work.
>sexually attracted to cute
Is she bi?
>Aside from that let's just say it's Maeda's best work.
y-yeah, Journey is a pretty top notch track.
Why don't you try asking that question again in one of the five other languages I speak?
Jokes aside, the idea that she doesn't know how to love really struck a cord with a foreveralone loser like myself.
Wow, I know where that image is from.
I see you too are an anime master like myself.
> I'm just a humble person with Yuiko as a waifu.
Congratulations on your marriage.
>Is she bi?
No, she's a lesbian.
Riki is a girly boy who's voiced by a girl and even looks good in girly outfits and Kurugaya is also attracted to Kud, a cute girl.
Thus, she's a lesbian.
With the Riki part that's pretty much exactly what I think too but in the end I'd say bi fits better because she does get dicked in EX.
If a girl had a dick, that would still make her a lesbian. It's like a girl putting a strap on. That doesn't make her bi, it just makes a dick the best way to please a girl.
Fuck off even you can't say it.
I forgot but wasn't Salami voiced by Rin who also voiced Riki?
Yes. Thankfully Riki isn't voiced or Tomoe Tamiyasu would have been stuck voicing both sides of a H-scene.
They got different voices in the anime though.
Riki has a voice though.
Not all the time, he only really gets voiced scenes in Refrain.
That's still a voice.
Wait, the H-scenes in EX are voiced? Aren't KEY H-scenes pretty shitty?
>Aren't KEY H-scenes pretty shitty?
>shoehorned in an expansion because horny otakus demanded it
>classic Key quality in character art
What do you think?
>>classic Key quality in character art
Well the japs love the quality for some reason. At least her art got better over the years except for the anatomy. She never got that right.
>Be a Komarifag
>Her only H scene is a rape scene
I am still mad
Maeda has a fetish for raping mentally handicapped girls.
Good thing it never happened.
God bless him for having the best type of fetish.
>asks what type of doughnut do you like
>there's no 'I don't like doughnut' option
Such a shame.
>Wanting to turn down underwear-changeing sweets given to you by Komari
baka desu
The best things about Little Busters! are Kanata eating a burger and Mio's themesong.
Yeah, after finally getting around to reading Saya's route I can't really like Kyousuke anymore. Instead of searching for a better option, he immediately decided to kill her with no hesitation.
Really soured my opinion of him.
>not wanting the option of nopantsu
This is the best theme song
That and the Haruka and Riki listening to music scene was unexpectedly cute
EX translation when?
>wading through 30 hours of shit just to get to Refrain
worth it
I think the anime is pretty good. Remember people hating on it while it aired. Refrain is better in the VN though.
>mfw Kengo screaming KYOOOOOUSKE
I really should replay this. Still waiting for the complete version translations.
Isn't it supposed to be released on Steam?
Yes, using the fan translation I think.
I'm sad that I finished this years after everyone else did because I really liked it a lot. EX hopefully soon.
That part was really great, too bad like you said the rest isn't on par which made me not like the cast as much as I should have. Kengo, Kyousuke and Masato are great characters, but the female characters leave much to be desired and they are such a big part of the story.
>such a big part of the story
Not to the overall story except for maybe Kurugaya's because it first tells you about the repeat but the others are all standalone really.
>EX hopefully soon.
You made me sad again.
I mean, it was practically done from what I remember, it just got picked up so HOPEFULLY it should be out by next year. Unless something has happened since the last time I checked.
I would like to also take a moment to say that I fucking loved the OP/ED. Shit, the OST was just great all around.
The female characters were great. Their routes are only meh until you figure out that they're on the verge of being broken and it makes enjoying the routes so much better.
Komari's route is basically
>if I see something die, my brain will go mind broken and you can sexually abuse me until it reboots in a few weeks
Hakura's route is probably the best conceptually but feels weird. It's all done so that a person who would literally throw her life away just to suck your dick for the rest of her life is you gave her small praise, would throw her face to the floor and ask forgiveness.
Kud's route is shit but it's funny if you tell her to stay and she gets mind broken anyways.
Karugaya route is good but too short due to it serving as a plot point to refrain.
Rin's route is more a prelude to Refrain and feels completely off
>hey Riki is it true that someone wanted to go out with you?
>that's funny, someone also wanted to go out with me
>wanna date or something since we have literally someone asking us out in common?
Like, wow, okay?
Conceptually, the routes aren't bad, they just don't have anywhere or anything to do. But man are they great if you have a mind break fetish.
I wish the anime didn't initially show what he saw, but it's still great
>that random CHEAP TRICKS
>you're completely clueless like Riki of what he's talking about
It's also kind of sad once you remember that the person he saw was the girl who Kengo saved that jumped off the roof. And if you remember that the world is a place where they can make anything come true, Kengo created a scenario where he would save her in that fantasy world, and she lived. In reality, he was too stuck up with his sport to notice and save her. This is why he decided to stop doing his sport and play full time with the Little Buster.
You forgot Mio's route, you know Mio?
I don't remember her either.
I don't remember did she die in the real world?
I remember Midori.
Best girl.
Oh yeah I remember Midori.
Best girl material right there.
>I changed the entire world so that I could love you
>pffttt fuck off I want a girl that no longer exists.
Seems like I didn't post enough actual best girl in this thread.
No ones else had a chance after Midori ntred the best girl race.
One thing about LB I loved is the humor was genuinely made me laugh quite a few times
Loli loli hunter!
Is this the sex scene where Riki thought he was fucking Mio but it was actually Midori or am I thinking wrong?
Did Kuragaya win in the end? I seem to recall she had a special ending set after Refrain.
Also, if you reread, after the first loop or so, some of the characters will subtly reference things that happened in a snarky manner that is only obvious after you've read the story.
Like Masoto asking if Kengo needs a parachute.
Migi migi hidari
Migi migi hidari
Yes and no which, back in the day, pissed a lot of Rinfags. If you finish the game and play her route, you get a special end where she welcomes Riki coming back. Kurugaya was the only one who was thrown further from the bus from everyone else. By starting the story again, you're using KEY magic to go back to that moment to have endless fun. So choosing Kurugaya makes her the final final true route.
>Being waiting for year just to get my waifu's route with porn
>Key will release the VN in the west
>without porn
Just kill me familia.
Yup pretty sure Midori tells him at the end he choose the wrong and to go back and choose the right one. Riki is totally out of it throughout from what I remember.
"I don't want this."
"I finally got a chance to play with you guys..."
"I want to keep playing forever..."
I want to... get back all the time I've lost..."
"I was so desperate..."
" be with you guys..."
"But... now I can't... anymore..."
"I trained so hard, but nothing came of it..."
"Tell me..."
"Was my life... happy...?
Kyousuke: "No one can answer that."
"Kengo, that's something you decide yourself."
"Kengo, what do you yourself think?"
"...That I wasn't happy..."
"How could I say that..."
"...when I had great friends like you guys!"
"I was so happy!"
"I can't imagine life without having met any of you!"
"That's how happy I've been!"
"I see..."
"Good for you."
//Kengo walks up to me.
//He looks as calm and composed as he's always been.
//He stops in front of me and hands the ball over to me
//I receive it.
//He still holds his hand out toward me.
"Let's shake hands."
"For our friendship."
//I hold out my hand.
//I seize his hand, so big and rough.
//But warm
"The Little Buster are forever..."
I wonder why they threw that in there despite giving her such a shitty route then. She was basically a plot device to set up Refrain and she becomes the canon love interest?
Maeda is a hack.
The best part is when Kyouske writes various quotes from the others.
Don't you remember Kuragaya's route? She stopped time to be with Riki but Kyousuke force her hand and blocked her from being with him. By having Riki in full control, he is able to be with Kurugaya after remembering.
It's like a cap over her route, and that ending is only available after you remember her.
She doesn't become canon love interest btw.