Oh Happy Day!!!

Oh Happy Day!!!

I have tears in my eyes!!!

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I'm never going to say anything bad about Frisians again

Translate it cheeseheads


Frysians hve just blocaded highways stopping anti-Zwarte Piet activists from Amsterdam from reaching Dokkum where Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet will enter the Netherlands this year.

In the air is an airplane carrying a banner saying "Wij willen Zwarte Pieten" (We want Zwarte Piets!)

dutch don't have good cheeses and they don't deserve title cheeseheads. Neither the french.

that's fucking awesome, godspeed

In the war they made helmets out of cheese buckets.

Something about wanting some nigger named Pete

>We want black dongs

Good for them. Not enough people stand up for blacks these days.

Sinterklaas is a centuries old Dutch tradition based on a miracle performed by Catholic Saint Nicolas that saved the lives of African children.

It is under attack by a small but very fanatic group of Amsterdam activists and the SJW press even while 99% of the country supports it.

Still makes no sense..
who are the what now

>We want black cocks

Legit Malian?

gouda is objectively the best cheese

Cheeseheads are from Wisconsin and nowhere else.

I think they are protesting protesters protesting people dressing up as Zwarte Piet

Literally every time you people speak about him it's a different "legend" or tradition.
Amazing how so many people care and are buttblasted about it when you don't even know what it is.
Once its a demon, then a serial killer who was burned then a servant who is taking bad kids to Spain

Yeah that cheese is gouda.

based Friesen

frysians are dutch people from the province of friesland (frisia), and zwarte pieten are the black helpers of sinterklaas (he is where santa clause came from). some people think its a racist tradition

Does that translate to "it's okay to be white?"

>frysians are dutch people

The fact that people are playing this game with them, shows that they won.

The response to their non-sense should be: it's a carricature, for kids, about a man, who's is dirty because he slides through chimneys


Its a germanic culture thing, there are similar traditions all over germany/ netherlands/belgium, probably came from before christianity

You frysians have redeemed yourself

>american cheese
gauda is too bland, and it comes in block

Live: Anti-Zwarte Piet Demonstration VERBOTEN!!

Literally crying over here. Can't explain what this means to me.

God Bless you Frysians!! You Glorious Bastards!!!!!

Smoked gouda is god tier cheese

I am a fucking Catholic
I know the legend.
80% of the Netherlands is Protestant. They have no clue.

Excellent work, I think I'll have a struppenwaffel or whatever it's called to celebrate.

its called a stroopwafel nigel

Dat Amsterdam is een raar doarp.
Ze matten maar net hjir komme, wy binne vol

Saw the same thing here in germany yesterday. Expect it said
>Wir wollen schwarze Penis


This, unironically

Even the blacks in our colonies dont care about zwarte piet



get a grib

Fucking sweet

>We want nigger pete
Wtf, Dutch aren't this gay are they?

Stop with the "If we fight them, they win" Canuck attitude.


I didn't tried it but I doubt it's better than most of our cheeses

american “cheese” isnt even real cheese srs

Shit, I thought he was black from the soot in the chimney.

> korte tijd

The way I had it explained to me by my dutch grandparents was he was black from chimney soot - zwarte piete actually climbed the chimneys to drop off the presents.

komijnekaas is the true king, though very aged gouda is nice.


>not having gruyere

This guy gets it.


Are you guys playing D&D Dark Souls?

What in the fuck is a swart peit

>Live: Anti-Zwarte Piet Demonstration VERBOTEN!!
Did authorities ban the anti-ZP demonstration?

zwarte piets are, it's what I always learned

>he's never had Wisconsin cheddar aged 15 years to the point where it starts forming delicious salt crystal clusters
Lel'ing at ur life m8

hold the line based clog niggers

black pete,some character that is important to the dutch

Sint Nicolas was born in Turkey and the miracle he performed happened in North Africa. To signify this link with what at that time was Islamic or "Moorsch" country, the children saved by Sinterklaas where depicted as Mores.

(It is also why Sinterklaas comes from Spain in the song. Spain was "Moorish in the 15th/16th century when the Sinterklaas feast gained its current form.)

A nigger who smite bad childrens.

>he didn't tried cheese that it's made from milk of sheeps that eat herbs salted by wind bringing sea water

So like a black pedo?

>Frysians hve just blocaded highways stopping anti-Zwarte Piet activists from Amsterdam from reaching Dokkum where Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet will enter the Netherlands this year.
holy shit in english please woodshoe

not a pedo lol just some historical religious figure

its part of euro tradition mate just say ok and move on lol

Nobody understands what you're happy about Dutchbag

The Catholic procesion celebrating Sint Nikolaas, part of which was giving presents to children, was copied by the Protestants and developed into the "Entrance into the City/Country"that has been celebrated now throughout the Netherlands for hundreds of years.

Ironically, although Sint Nikolaas/Sinterklaas is for Catholics a historical figure and a Bisshop, it is not allowe in Amsterdam to depict him with Christian symbology/crosses on his clothing.
There is that famous Dutch religious tolerance fo you.



>posts image in nethercuck
>doesn't translate
toothpaste was a mistake

What is cheese?

Interesting i looked it up and see whites wearing black face, haha

it says something something black pete, thats the extent of my dutch knowledge

Fuck I looked further and the coons are trying to stop it, a European tradition, now I'm mad and sad

holy shit read the thread

Fryslan boppe, de protesters ollerje dea skoppe!

So help me understand. There's a folklore figure like Santa's elves, it's a nigger but traditionally depicted by a white with his face covered in paint, and liberals butthurt about it because they want real niggers as these "Petes"? Am I even facing the right direction here?

To be entirely correct the Children Sinterklaas rescued where young kidnapped nobles as is still indicated in their clothing which is that of a Page and also vrightly colored and satin as is customary in the muslim world. Or did you really think that was a chimney's sweeps' uniform???

I love black Piet now

Not they just don't like white people cosplaying as blacks. Some will claim that he isn't actually black he's just covered in soot but come on.

learn to read

even if he was a full blown african caricature, who cares, its our tradition

Why are blacks so fucking angry and sensitive , I mean how pathetic can they get

Fuck yes. Hope they take notes over here as well and end this "zwarte piet is a racist symbol" bullshit.

protestors got sent back



>tfw when the party you voted for organizes a 2 hour lecture about why non-western immigration is bad

feesboek PUNT com SLASH JongerenFVD/videos/1538298372916639

It's such a good feel, I finally have a bit of hope.

They dont want his helpers to be depicted as or by blacks at all. They need to be white apparently, or just gone.
Get rid of an ancient old tradition for kids in our germanic region, just bcuz muh black feels.

We have American culture to thank for that.

Niggers ruining an age old tradition? Color me suprised. Preferrably black with big 'ol red lips.

07:41 just a head up my dudes

>being this contrarian
your country only brought us modric and nothing else

Angry feminist sure is angry

For decades Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet was celebrated happily by native as well as Black Dutch alike... but all it takes is just one whining bastard.....

A small group of mostly South American immigrants who hardly speak Dutch has formed around him.
However it has become a cause for the dogood SJW media. The Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum for instance sponsored the guy in pic

(Bands now playing a song of which the lyrics read "Sinterklaas who doesn't know him?
Sinterklaas and of course Zwarte Piet!"

All cheese comes in blocks...

Spanish Childrens feasts



Geschreven door Annieke (((Kranenberg))) en een of andere buitenlander.

So they essentially just hate white people?

Someone with a Twitter account should point out to her that she should be happy that the racists have been b& if she was actually anti-racist, instead of just being a racist who labels herself an anti-racist.