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sounds great
now that's what I call black metal
That's cool because he's talking about me.
not the best, but not the worst. These guys could make some decent metal if they keep at it.
its actually not that bad
the kenya niggers are pretty decent, the drummer is impressive. The first band not so much
It's not bad but they should have made , unironically, black metal instead of death metal
kenya is good. keep at it dudes
Anglonised backs are the best this just goes to show
In 5 years they will claim to have invented the genre, and that white people stole it from them.
huh, they're both actually bretty gud.
Holy fuck, both great. Props to those lads.
they are okay, but the cantz fux wit da wyte boiz tekknikal shit, cuh!
A veil of secrecy, swearing oath, vow of silence
Fraternal brethren destined to form a new world order
Secret societies infiltrate infrastructures
Our inner circle now lies inside the house of power
Illuminati, hidden hand, ancient legends
Throughout the centuries chosen to rule the human race
Beware the wrath of the all seeing eye
Be forewarned of their deadly intentions
For they have conquered all seven mountains
Behind their lies is an ancient curtain
Covering their shadow government
Ruling people through use of deception
Politically, religiously
World leaders, descendants of ancient covenant
Of one mind, seven kings, seven heads, serpent of omnipotence
Prophecy, seven pillars, seven seas, seven families
Scarlet whore, harlot Babylon give birth to me
In the time of their lord forthcoming
He will bring all life to cessation
And population to five hundred million
Unite the world under one language
Destroy the temples, churches, and synagogues
Begin a new universal religion
The iron rod will be your god
Babylon, city which reigns over kings of the earth
Scarlet whore, women of the seven seas, statue of liberty
Empire, bloodline to the eye of Horus
We are the CIA, we are assassination, we are responsible for Lincoln and the Kennedy's
We are United Nations, we are the Skull and Bones, we are the holocaust and Manifest Destiny
We are the Catholic church, we are the crusades, we are the civil wars, all of global slavery
We are the terrorists, we are the 9/11, we are the inside all invisible hand
One world, one order, one eye, one vision
One man, one mind, one god, one bloodline
Invade, enslave, our way, obey, a dawn, a new day
See all, know all, join us
You must bow before the ancient fallen star
last band is unironically pretty great
many hints of Gothenburg Swedistanian melodic death
pic related tho omg
Not bad!
Botswana actually does have a sizably large death metal scene compared to most subsaharan african countries.
Pic related's a bunch of bands together.
>middle-eastern anti-islamic black metal that glorifies pre-islamic middle-eastern civilization and blames islam for ruining the middle-east
>they have to keep their personal identities secret
>not even their families and friends know
>have to distribute their music through Western labels
>if they get found out they risk imprisonment and execution
meanwhile on the west
Also should add the fact they're playing anti-islamic black metal in a country that would execute you for it makes them the most trve kvlt band ever.
>the fucking percussion in this track
As if it could compete with Japanese Metal:
Metal Clone X
>Jap metal
wait they can afford instruments
The first one is good
THe Kenyians are shitty
>African death metal
thought that was the local name for copper wire
>Literal nigger noise.
You sound like my dad
Your anti-African posts are saved forever on the internet and future African superpowers will hate white people because of you.
Best costume
Wrust from Botswana are pretty good too
you're head should be pult off with a piece of hardened steel wire
>that glorifies pre-islamic middle-eastern civilization
maybe dumb question but what did they believe in before?
>African superpowers
That Kenyan band isn't bad.
This is true black metal \m/
Here's a South African metal band
Here's another AFrikaans band.
Here's an Afrikaans rapper..
I remember liking this band when I was 13
Nice music. If you look carefully, you can spot the melanin already starting to peel off of their skin too.
that's fucking awesome \m/
Check out hte rapper one, can you understand the lyrics?
Holy shit these guys are cool
They look like cool guys
they mostly worshipped their kings. like in sumeria. that's where the term god-king comes from, they believed that their kings were gods. Also,
>adult swim will never bring back metalocalypse
Feels bad man
>Band rider
>20 watermelons
>10000 skittles (sorted grape flavor only)
>all served on top of naked big booty white girl
lol they can't afford wire clippers...
From a related video
>We owe Africa for good music. Because there wouldn't be rock or heavy metal without blues. And blues came from Africa. Africa rocks! \m/
is that a Warlock?
the cheapest one is about £260 i think
that's about 3-4 months's average salary in kenya
they are both pretty bad desu
>versailles - holy grail
>not jubilee
whoever made that is a retard
honestly their lives, cultures, etc are more in tune with death metal than anyone elses.
nice European folk riffs lmao
also nice western fashion
...and just western music generally
it's mediocre and wrong
Can't wait til that band Black Plague finishes their tour of the dark continent
A mix of different things, similar to europe. Their culture was actually aiming on the incline instead of stagnated like it is now.
why the fuck are the drums so clear? it's like they recorded in a place with no walls
Bruce Dickinson is actually a black man from Nigeria but the wh*tes are covering it up.
I do this same thing to my can i stop being so wrong?
This shit is allowed but Makeapp threads get deleted. Sad!
...holy shit. I'm actually kind of shocked. That's not bad.
Look up the history of rock for real though you dumb fuck.
Race relations are only bad in the west because (((someone))) can exploit the differences for gain. What we call "cultural appropriation", others call enjoying living without meeting the expectation of others.
The surprise in this thread is only because of the (((programming))) brainwashed into you through media regarding African Americans and stereotypical African American culture. The same programming that African Americans see themselves and replicate.
Black folk aren't lesser than anyone else - they are merely influenced by the same influences that affect everyone
Pig disgusting
Im confused as fuck.
This is so out of place, the fucking music is actualy good.
>What is classical music
Measure two finger lengths (sideways) past the peg and crimp the wire there. You should get two turns, 3 max so you don't overwind
hahahahahaha you can tell the retards that got (((Educated))) in (((universities))) by their inane comments and lack of actual education
Who /abocore/ here?
How about you? Rock music is the result of African slaves learning how to play Western folk music in the Americas and building onto that to create blues.
The predecessor to African slave music is bluegrass, americana, Scottish gospel music and Jacobite folk songs from Ireland. Blues and rock may have been "invented" by black people, but that's only because they sprouted from white genres.
Over here, we call them
Ma Rocka.
I once read an article that said that the development of a local metal scene marks the ascent of a country into the global middle class
what about jazz? hip hop? funk, soul, R&B? niggas have been creative and innovative with music, gotta give them credit
Does not diminish the fact that they are insanely talented when it comes to music.
Blues is fucking amassing.
Id say Blacks are on par with whites when it comes to music. They really should build upon it (not counting into it Rap, Rap is cancer)
>tfw deathcore will bring Africa and the Middle East into the modern world
Yeah Al Namrood are based. The middle east should be used in more metal. At least Melechesh is pretty big.
Cultural appropriation. Blacks should not be playing music stolen originally from whites.
those are even more expensive
a warbeast is about twice as much as a warlock
that guy must be filthy rich for a kenyan
botswana band had some cool riffs but kenya is legit great
cool stuff
Hey man right on.
Unrelated and stupid question but how hard is the wire they use for bass and guitar strings? Do you have to use specially hardened piano wire cutters to cut it without fucking up the tool or are regular side cut pliers OK?
just wondering because I've fucked up lots of tools cutting wire that turned out to be much harder than expected
i just use a nomal pair of pliers from b&q for mine
Diggin it.
>that guy must be filthy rich for a kenyan
If you are in a band signed to a record contract, don't you get your instruments comped? I mean, it's not like he works at Tuber Bell.
Cultural appropriation can lick balls.
Exchanging cultures is another form of communication.
All African American music has its roots in White music in some shape or form. They use white instruments and use techniques and structure used in European countries.
There's stuff tying jazz to a now-dead style of Irish folk that embraced improvisation; from a brief period where black and irish slaves were kept together. Most black slaves actually learned to play Western music from Irish slaves.
>hip hop
Instrumentally, black, but examples of rapping's been documented in Europe and East Asia for thousands of years. The first recorded example of rapping came from a white guy in some British documentary in the 1930s
>funk, soul, R&B
All rooted in black gospel music; and blacks themselves admit that black gospel music shares similarities with older Scottish gospel music.
Blacks aren't innovative when it comes to music, they just have a really good sense of rhythm and are really good at playing catchy music. They essentially learned to play Western music and pioneered new genres using White music and music theory as their foundation. Back in Africa prior to slavery they had nothing resembling any of the genres they created after slavery.
Not bad. Like the one from Kenya the best
It's not the worst thing I've ever heard but I still hate nogs.