It is
Anyone who says otherwise should be gassed.
My cousin attended a vaccination. I assure you it really happened and doesnt make you autistic
Get the shot
No. Hot booze does it better.
Yes. Anti-vac-ers should be gassed.
If you're hesitating don't get it. Natural selection will rid us of your retarded genes. It's a win win.
Get the shot op.
I'm a paramedic and they force every nearly every vaccine under the sun on us.
Don't fall for the HPV jew shot, and you probably don't need to get a flu shot since that one's based on guesswork. Just make sure you have shots like tetanus and polio so you or your kids doesn't end up dying an african-tier death.
Vaccianating your kids is important, but the goverment has NO BUSSINESS what you do with your kids.
If anti-vaxers are in the wrong, natural selection will take care of them.
Enslaving someone else's children is wrong.
so pol trusts the pharma industry?
Who run's this industry? Are they honest? Can they be trusted?
This confusus me.
>Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines
>Fluoride in the drinking water
>Aluminium in the chemtrails
>all of these things are endocrine disruptors
What's wrong with males today? Why are sperm counts dropping? Why are males starting to dress up as woman en masse all the sudden? I can't figure it out.
If they wouldn't guarantee them monopoly, not only vaccines would raise their quality but they'd be much cheaper. Stop being mindless tax cows.
Prove they actually work.
They DO work, they are just weakened versions of the sickness so our bodies adapt to them.
We don't know the long-term consequences of our species though and we don't know what they do to our bodies.
Stop the violation of other's fucking property!
should be enforced by the law
and anyone who doesn't vaccinate their children should be labeled as child abusers and both them and their children barred from any public services especially public schools
Sperm counts are dropping because hot showers, laptops and heated seats are cooking our nuts.
The amount of cross dressing weirdos hasn't gone up, it's just been normalized so more people are coming out of the closet. Then hollywood and the interjew make them a vocal minority.
>b-b-but you need to be protected against a disease that has not been detected in 70 years!
>heated seats
>actually putting your laptop on your laptop
who does these stupid things?
and hot showers have been around for a long time
on your lap*
Heated seats are a standard feature on luxury vehicles, and for higher trim vehicles.
People who don't have TVs and want to watch jewflix on the couch use the laptop on the lap. Not everyone is enlightened enough to have a battle station.
I don't know about your area, but my dad's generation didn't have reliable access to hot water. Water heaters were pretty shitty in the 60s, and boomer families were a lot larger.
Yeah great job you fucking idiot, allowing the state to own other's children.
>get vaccinated this year against flu
>still get flu
>shit liquid since three days
Haha. Ha.