>[HorribleSubs] Watashi ga Motete Dousunda - 07
[HorribleSubs] Watashi ga Motete Dousunda - 07
Somebody stop him!
Was this a hallucination too?
>/cgl/ the anime
pretty fun tho
I for one find it refreshing to finally have a harem series where several guys lust after one girl.
reverse harems and otome stuff are already generic as hell user
Then how come I haven't seen one? Mention some if they are so generic
Wet underwears absorb body heat too. Should've taken them off too since he's already gone that far.
I don't know how anyone can think of senpai as best boy anymore. That's creepy af. He could've at least had her wrapped in the blanket and warmed the blanket with his body heat, instead of cuddling with her near-naked.
Doesn't work like that
You guys think senpai got hard?
>Best boy episode
Fuck yeah
>high on mushroom
>practically naked
>cuddled together
>didn't fuck
What's wrong with him?
He's trying to win her heart not her virginity (which later comes with winning her heart)
Why is he so gay, overrated and boring?
Igarashi and kouhai are way better.
Winning has nothing to do with it, rationality goes out the window under that circumstance.
Yuri route best route.
Igarashi belongs to Nana
Man, this animu is fun. From the description, it seemed like pure trash.
>Nana mascot arc coming up
Good shit good shit
Yeah I'm guessing why it hasnt been popular, fucking shame it probably won't get another season.
You are aware that survival handbooks recommend cuddling up together to preserve warmth.
(While loosing clothes quickly that are wet.)
Senpai once again comes out as best boy.
If anything, this episode showed that he's a huge fag and is worst boy.
I agree
I'll fight you.
Why does Kae no longer wear glasses?
She's not fat anymore.
I question the factual pattern that arrived at that conclusion.
>being this new
Otome are garbage but not uncommon
This is probably the worst anime I've ever watched.
That heroine was a huge disappointment.
I really liked the idea of it, but its execution was horrible.
I wonder how the VN is
So her eyes also got thin?
>Likes Kae regardless of her appearance
> Willing to concede anything to his brother except Kae's heart
>Not best boy
Something is wrong with you user.
It's pretty cool, also creative looking.
Contrary to what you might think of degenerate human beings, most men don't want to be accused of rape. Even if their dick is raging hard.
Prison is a good deterrent for most people.
Stop with this shit about who is best boy and start posting some reaction pics.
That's how to treat hypothermia, though.
There's another one airing in this exact same season, though instead of it being comedic it's more traditional so I can see why Sup Forums doesn't really talk about it.
It's because it doesn't have a lesbian
>it's more traditional
You mean shit.
>believing senpai is a creep rapist when he's trying to help out his sick kouhei
Tumblr please. Do some research before you call someone treating hypothermia rape.
>all these delusional senpai apologists
They can only relate to autists like themselves.
>tumblr apologist
Fuck off retard.
>tumblr tumblr tumblr tumblr
Lurk more and kill yourself, landwhale.
>reading comprehension
It's like pottery.
Consistently funny, it seems like it won't run out of steam before the last episode.
>tumblr calling anyone a landwhale
>it's another 'attention whore bitch gleefully strings along her collection of orbiters forever' episode
Dropped. I get enough of this in real life without seeing it play out in anime form, too.
I watched the first episode, but it's the typical girl enrolls in an idol school setting, but the heroine seems to have more presence than the usual harem protagonist which is fucking weird. She's so fucking cute too.
She doesn't seek attention, attention seeks her.
From what I heard, the VN is top tier with a great MC.
Seriously, that cuddling together is pointless if he didn't remove wet undies.