Yuri!!! on Ice

Let's talk about this princess.

>who are his parents?
>what was his childhood like?
>why did he cut his hair?
>when was his first kissu?
>has he always been homo?

His childhood was either great or absolutely horrible.


>>why did he cut his hair?

I think he's bisexual, not homo.

I hope his family is perfectly normal and he's just distant from them and all his selfish behavior is his own doing paired with him being super famous and loved publicly. I'm tired of 2deep5me shits forcing their cringe melodrama backstory headcanons and it would be nice if a character was just an asshole for once and the writers didn't try to excuse it with some pity party reason.

>you will never be a teenage boy with long beautiful hair.

why live

He looks so off-model and too skinny in that pic.

Same here. Men and women must be at his feet.


Victor was a pillow princess in his teen days and turned into a pillow queen as an adult. Doesn't matter which gender.

w e w

Now we can understand why Yuuri fell in love with him at first sigh. Who wouldn't?



Do you think he sucks good dick?

Is Victor going back to Russia in this pic?

I don't know but that outfit makes me want to do something slutty at him.

There's no bags, Makkachin, and they're both smiling, so no.

He looks like he's describing what boobs felt like the first time he touched them to Yuuri.

>Well, Yuuri, they were a bit like bags of sand

Meh, he's nothing special there. His eyes are a pretty color. I'm mostly impressed he didn't always have a receding hairline though.

I wonder how soft his cheeks are?

t. average Sup Forumsnon

otabek is halal

Did someone say Victor touching boobs?

>nothing special

what would you consider special then?


is much better. He doesn't look so off-model and skinny. Also his hair looks silkier and thicker.

He looks like a stick with thin af hair in OP scene.

I hope Kubo won't miss this fantastic opportunity.


wage slaves. mom dead. dad ashamed to have twinkle-toed son.


only child, lots of pressure. otherwise okay.


bald bald bald

>ichiban kiss

his ballet instructor


sex addict with constant need for validation from any breathing human regardless of gender

Actually nvm, that webm is shit I thought it was this one.

>From Russia with love
What did he mean by this?

>not liking small, pert, yet soft boychests


Long haired Victor looks like a mermaid.

Was thrown out by his parents when they discovered he was homo. Nearly had to prostitute himself to survive, thankfully was discovered while skating on a frozen river in St Petersburg by Yakov and the rest is history.

>dad ashamed of twinkle-toed son

I doubt the show will go there. Fairy is praised for looking like a girl and never had confidence issues over it. Then again, he's a very strong person so maybe it was never an issue because of that.

>liking fatties

No thanks.

Will Yuuri learn some Russian in next episode?
I want to hear him call Victor a pidor.

Cringe city.

Oh, my. Where are the drawfags when we need them?

>draw a mermaid
>it's actually a balding cancer-ridden siren

You can't trick me MAPPA.

I think I like this scenario best. His tendency to just close off and give the silent treatment when someone he's close to doesn't take well to his bullshit supports this too.
Not saying Yakov was right to bully him like that, but still.


>Victor is a siren
>The term "siren song" refers to an appeal that is hard to resist but that, if heeded, will lead to a bad conclusion.

Sounds accurate.

Now draw him turning into a bald siren who eats lobster Yuuri.

>not Flounder

thank you user.

Fuck you ms paint user I don't have time for your hilarious bullshit

>mfw hetfags literally do insist that it's better down where it's wetter

Victor = Ariel
Yuuri = Flounder
Fairy = Sebastian
Phichit = the seagull
Yakov = King Triton
Georgi = Ursula


This is adorable.


I laughed.


Who's Eric though? JJstyle?


JJ Eric would be perfect.

>not going for the gay fish joke

It was right there user

wtf I hate flounder now

They're riding a subway car in Saint Petersburg. Victor is showing Yuuri around.

Who is Yurio's parents? Why was he raised by his dedushka? Is it gonna be Armin Arlert 2.0?

Armin a SHIT. Stop comparing that Gary Stu with Fairy.

Russian is a meme language. And don't worry, Daddy Putin raised him very well.

Armin is trash and Fairy is best boy so no.

Thank you!

>mfw there are still retards who don't believe they kissed
Why the close-up on their lips, why Victor closing his eyes, why Victor talking about it being the only thing surprising enough he could think of if it was just a hug, why everyone and Yuuri's mom reacting like they did, why Kubo 'muh synchro with drama kissu' tweet etc.
Seriously, I was among the fags who didn't believe we would see any canon homo in this show and it was all bait but how fucking insecure do you have to be to still deny it at this point.

>daddy Putin



Why the fuck is Russian so funny?


fucking this. Our fairy is way better

I want Victor to talk dirty to me in his meme language, then.

that's why he's such a slut

So soft.

What does Russian dirty talk even sound like honestly?

You sound triggered.

Fairy is superior tho. I want to rub my face between his cheeks while rubbing my hand against his vodka bottle.


Victor best boy

from a quick google it looks more like a kyushu train interior than anything from moscow/st petersburg (that don't seem to have the curved railings).

I don't think his dad was ever in the picture and his mom either bailed or died seeing as his Agape is his grandfather. She doesn't seem like she was present enough to make too big of an impact on him. Who knows though.

I just want to know what his parents looked like to make someone so perfect and pretty.

I don't know but I know that Yuuri will be full 'kimochi iiii' when Victor finally plows him.

Nice. I guess it's Yuuri showing him around then.

Holy fuck I wasn't even remotely expecting that when I hovered on this

Yeah I feel the same about he who shan't be named because triggered snkfags.

Yurio is literal perfection. I don't see how we can go up from here, he is literally the limit of perfection. Yuri and Viktor are cool and all but Yurio is literally Jesus. JESUS! RUSSIAN JESUS!

We should form a cult for him.

i feel like victor is the kind of gay that collects asian boys for his harem

This is a blue board, newfag.

>file name


Someone on twitter said that it's the train that takes passengers to the airport, but I can't find the source anymore.

>these lights are too bright. my feet hurt. everyone is too loud. i just want to play vidya.

>vodka bottle

I don't know why, but I laughed. JJ getting Fairy drunk for the first time ever and hijinks ensuing when?

Reposting because I'm too lazy to type it again.

Victor coming from a wealthy family and used to do whatever he wanted to get everyone's attention because he was the youngest child. He got into figure skating and let his hair grow long because it pissed off his parents that he looked and acted like a girl. "You didn't have a girl so I can be the little girl." One day he heard something he wasn't used to when he tried to seduce a girl: "Fuck off.". She said he was too spoiled and didn't like how his hair was longer than hers. "You're prettier than me, that's gross." He took it personally and got rid of the hair and tried to be more responsible and act more manly but it was too late when his transformation was complete. She already married some other guy and was a mother of three.

Can't tell if serious post or trying to be funny.


>she already married some other guy and was a mother of three


It's a copypasta. Ignore.

He seems like a blond Mikasa.

someone still needs to get injured

i'm leaning toward pichit or fairy

Reposting unfunny posts you made won't turn it into a pasta.

That wasn't my intention but okay.

Fairy is a literal miracle of the universe. I didn't expect to find such a best boy in a fujobait show and he doesn't even have hompandering either.

He's adorable even though he's abrasive. Savage af despite looking like a literal delicate girl.

He's a beautiful contradiction and he doesn't bless us with his presence nearly enough.

fairy but magically still wins and yuuri cries into victors chest

So what next level homo can we expect for the next episode? I'm getting out of ideas.

He's one million times prettier than Mankasa though.