Why does /m/ hates this anime so much, but Sup Forums like it?

/m/ hates A/Z while Sup Forums liked it. Sup Forums has always had shittier tastes in regards to mecha anime because this boards all about the spectacle and nothing else.

For a lot of posters here IBO is their first Gundam anime so they're easily more impressed with shit

>/m/ still doesnt understand g-reco

I think you mean Sup Forums MAL, ANN and Reddit Ironically they also love IBO.

It's decent.
And I'm not even sure about /m/'s opinions because the spammer doesn't get deleted there

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

Vidar soon!

>Implying I like anything attached to Mari Okada
I dislike IBO. Drama is boring. Sometimes I feel like I am better off rewatching SEED instead and I borderline hate that show.

I want this butt on my face

Hmanga when?

Asking /m/ about mecha is like asking /u/ about yuri.
You'll get MOST MECHA, not best mecha.

Shitposting and board wars.
I find it to be quite bad.

That makes no sense. Why the fuck would I want to get Sup Forums's advice on mecha anime when you'll just recommend shit like Star Driver and Code Geass?

/m/ likes mecha for action and mecha, although they pretend to like it for politics.
Sup Forums likes anime in general for the characters and plot. Just by having McGillis and Mika, IBO is guaranteed to have some sort of fanbase on Sup Forums because of their antics. It's also very character focused in general.

Both of those are good.

>Sup Forums likes anime in general for the characters and plot

>/m/ likes mecha for action and mecha, although they pretend to like it for politics.
>Most active threads are talking in regards to Char's character, why GSD sucks and the world building in G-Reco
You've never been to /m/ before/
>Sup Forums likes anime in general for the characters and plot
KEK. You dumbfucks would literally watch fucking shit just for the hell of it hence why garbage like VVV and A/Z had tons of threads here with you idiots just shitposting on one another,
>Just by having McGillis and Mika, IBO is guaranteed to have some sort of fanbase on Sup Forums because of their antics.
Two incredibly dull characters with no personalities? Yeah that makes sense.
>It's also very character focused in general.
This is a joke right?

No, they're only praise here due to MUH NOSTALGIA both shows are fucking garbage especially Star Driver.
You've never been to /m/. Also>IBO
>character focused
That was one of the biggest disappointments in general about this was how very little characters develop or actually mattered

Stat Driver is fine.

Mecha dudes should be used to monster of the week format.

/m/ genuinely believes that the bald man's latest brain fart was a masterpiece. They are beyond help.