Leipzig University considers firing law professor over call for ‘white Europe’

>One of Germany’s most venerable universities is considering the future of a law professor who tweeted solidarity with Polish white nationalists.
>The professor had retweeted a news article about the neo-Nazi march in Poland over the weekend, stating: “A white Europe of fraternal nations. For me, that is a wonderful goal!"


I can see some progress in Germany. Heilige Liga when?

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For europe ske, let just germans became capiphate. Caliphate is much less dangerous that geran hell bent on destroying and subverting europe by their autism.

If identitarians would actually get active, study and create fraternaties on uni campuses, we could have made a bold academic statement by now, in support of this professor.

But i guess bethesda games are more important to you guys...

Is poland drunk again?

Or be like me, im playing video games and exposing Nazis causing them to lose their jobs. Dual screening is a beautiful thing

There aren't that many Identitarians in Germany. They're stronger in Austria and usually have their demonstrations propped up by the Austrian branch.

There's like 150 activists and a thousand active supporters

Except they probably aren't nazis, you despicable hypocrite piece of utter shit.

Sounds like Leipzig needs "Es ist OK weiß zu sein" flyers all over the place.

Still no excuse tho. You gain dominion over a culture by injecting it with your values; by participating in it and by creating it.

The identitarian movement needs to create book clubs, fraternaties, art gallaries, local political parties, charities, local businesses, etc, etc.

Be smart, dress sharp, study, plot and plan. Research the afrikaner broederbond. Stuff like that works.

>be poland
>get literally fucked by nazis
>70 years later
>heil poland

for fucks sake

>muh huwhites
"white europe" is the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life. This is how the ZOG/USA started. Your national/communal ethnicities with light immigration are sufficient.


So weird how life works, isn't it?

Why are they considering firing him? Is Leipzig University one which hates white people?

Life is fucking bizarre.

t. nigger lover.

between WW1 and WW2 germany was overrun by romanian illegals. germany was held financially accountable for WW1 and this had ruined germany. most of the romanians were called jews even if they werent jewish

the ghettos in germany mostly housed romanians. historical records prove this. those people were sent to concentration camps. the jews just played up persecution at the hands of the nazis

poland wasnt having to deal with any of that then. now germany seeks to force every one else to take refugees

The guys in Halle should get onto this. It's a neighbouring city just 30min away and the identitarians of Halle have their headquarters literally across the street of the humanities campus.

You underestimate how strongly the marxist professors and student groups are suppressing opposition there, only a few universities in France are "allowed" to have right wing groups and it's almost only law schools.

Thomas Rauscher. Also known as:

Actually, in the east the profs are quite neutral on such matters. Literally had seminars of profs saying that they think it's stupid to act all sad for genocide victims unless you directly knew them or were involved in any way. There are even open discussions in seminars wether or not the Holocaust can be classified as a genocide.

The issue is that Leipzig is a well-known leftist stronghold in Saxony.

Why don't pro-EU people support white nationalism? It would probably be the most effective way to unify Europe, while bringing in Muslims has only torn it apart.

you only want niggers because your cuck fetish, they have literaly no other uses

just let them suicide them self and let the country be anexed

oh so some germans are resisting? Better grind them down Heir Merkel.

You would call my great grandfather killing nazis from 39' to 45' a nazi. You dont know what the word means.


These people don't even into history

There aren't that many because they are not organizing yet. There is no big Identitarian movement in NL, but there are many identitarians.

Damn, Poland. That actually makes a lot of sense.

4reich like Sup Forums!
Godspeed, Sup Forumsan.

>my great grandfather killing nazis

The universe has been created when God cringed, and said "lulz".

surely, you mean gyppos

May he remain strong.

in germany we have the bizarre glitch that it is more boomers who publicly resist the destruction of our country. gen z is non existent in this matter or more soyim leaning millenials are 100% demoralized

They are not. They consider disciplinary measurements i.e. employment law measurements. he's a professor, hence an employee in the public sector where special evaluations apply. However, it's next to impossible to fire that dude because of a few tweets. While they are nationalistic, they don't promote racism, they don't incite hate against members of a specific race, religious affiliation or whatsoever.

This dude might get an office job in the worst case. I bet he's getting suspensed for a couple of month and forced to do some training i.e. what's appropriate to tweet and say as a public employee and how to properly separate your private life and professional life.