Dagashi Kashi
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I'd tap that
Who is that boy?
>wanting to tap disgusting plains when you could be tapping delicious mountains
>choosing between two extremes when plateaus are right there.
Why not both?
>Not wanting to be extreme
Rakdos for life
Usually delicious mountain are much better but for some reason I find Saya's vast plains irresistible. Probably because they're some of the innocent part of her innocent sluttiness.
To be honest, white is more playable than red, but whatever.
This is real.
>5 mana tri-color card
>get a vanilla 2/2 and vanilla 4/4
I am glad I stopped playing this game awhile ago.
Is that good or bad?
5-mana cost WUBRG card is 8/8 so I think it's quite okay because you also get two bodies and only for 3 colors.
5 mana with three colors should do more than just "lel two creatures with no abilities". The 2/2 creature that can easily blocked or killed at that point in the game, so you're basically paying 5 mana to get a 4/4 vanilla creature.
Compare to pic related.
>b-b-but it's mythic!
Even worse. Rarity should not dictate power. Seems like wizards has really shit the bed lately.
If mythic cards aren't crazy amazing to offset the rarity, what's even the point of being a mythic?
How the fuck else do you expect them to sell packs
While inventing mythic rarity, Wizards proclaimed the mythics as something very special, complex, unique, but not due to their high power.
Bot nowadays most mythics are just more powerful than c
Here, 8/8 for 5CMC in monocolor for example.
Rarer cards have always been more powerful, even if rarity is not a direct index of power, because rarities are based on limited format impact: how good they are in draft. Pyrokinesis, for example, is a garbage card in constructed, but in limited it's extremely strong removal, so it's usually rare -- including in the EMA format.
Khans of Tarkir was a block that featured a lot of multicolored cards: appropriately, Bear's Companion was three colored, to indicate the faction it belonged too. Only an utterly amateur limited player would be so stupid to claim that a 2/2 for free is worthless at ANY stage of the game -- and it's especially stupid considering the mechanics that focused on having a creature with power 4 or greater in Khans of Tarkir and the one that focused on having creatures with total power 8 or greater in Dragons of Tarkir.
In other words, no, not every multicolored creature is going to be fucking Uril the Miststalker, Timmy. Go blow a wad on bulk rares if you're into that. Rarity is for drafting, and stutter-typing is for faggots.
>Bot nowadays most mythics are just more powerful than cards with the same CMC but lesser rarity.
>thinking Wizards still gives a shit about good lore
Was Dagashi Kashi just a ploy by junk food manufacturers to try and move more product on a population ever increasingly worried about calories and nutrition?
>among any number of target creatures you control
user, you've been playing this game for how long and you still can't read the fucking cards?
This is also part of a cycle of other mythic cards designed to show off the mecha of Kaladesh, fulfilling the "impressive" box on mythics.
I'm really surprised. I thought you were going to pull out one of the many actual cards with poorly assigned rarity, but you beefed it.
Yes. But we got lewdness and tits so its all good
I don't get it.
Should I post those two instead?
Reason was that ferocious was originally at power 3, this would give you 2 3/3's, which would help enable ferocious and it keep it enabled if one died. However development changed ferocious to require 4 power, and thus this card was changed, making it way worse (in draft)
But I never wanted tits!
>implying the last hope wasn't hype as fuck
if you like unattractive boys then that's fine too.
>tfw when you have no idea what half of this thread is about
I thought we were going to praise Hotaru again
I'm fine with that, yeah. Wurmcoil Engine was a fucking undercosted bullshit mistake and I probably hate it more than you do for how obviously pushed it was.
Mirrodin in general grinds my gears, pun intended. "Higher power level" my ass, half the busted cards that came out of that era were clearly just fuckups.
BFZ was pretty awful, but I warmed to Emrakul on Innistrad.
Still pissed about what happened to Gisela and Bruna desu, that moment genuinely shocked me.
A fucking basic land looks amazing compared to Phyrexian Hulk though.
Why not?
In sane, non-bullshit draft formats, a 5/4 for 6 that can go in any deck and doesn't require any specific mana investments is a solid pick.
Oh well. Let's ignore that discussion then. Praise best girl
That's boros though
Of course, because land is free and gives you a mana.
Posting best Dagashi doujin also.
Shit's fuego yo.
>this thread
Sup Forums - Boobs and Magic the Gathering
Serious question, can Hotaru win a BGOTY (best girl of the year) award?
Those fools called they a fapbait of the season, but surprise, Sup Forums still adores her.
Fapbait of the season stills sounds right.
I will vote for her.
Make Dagashi Great Again
What were the other popular girls this year? I remember Rem, Emilia, Kumiko, Luluco, Megumin and Mumei. I like Megumin (and I think she'll probably win), but I'll vote for Hotaru, I prefer her.
best slogan i've seen today...
10/10 would vote
>Mountain Plains
That's called a plateau, user.
Galko, Onsa, Colette and Luluco are my only honorable mentions (in addition to Hotaru, of course).
Galko, Darkness, Enigma (Phantom World). That's it, I think. Personally I'd add Nobunaga's wife from Nobunaga no Shinobi. Not because I can fap to that, but because she's cute and has that ara ara~ factor despite being a narutard.
Damn it, I want an old hag to watch chinese cartoons with.
You wouldn't , right?
>Not best girl Reimu
>Not Christmas Cake principal
>Not even Rin
I bet you don't even ride a Suzuki.
>he doesn't know about Vintage card frame
>a boy without a penis
Of course I wouldn't.
>Implying people are using the vintage version when there's a reprinted version
Of course I wouldn't. I would Hotaru, though.
Saya-chan is cute.
>caring about mtg post khans
Anime about Jacetice league when?
user, they ALL are called a plateau. You refer to the card types.
After the ''Gideon punching Eldrazi hard'' anime.
Flat, pale, and cold isn't Plains, it's Tundra.
Stop using card names as euphemisms to female ganitalia.
it was great
I'd put a baby in there.
>he didn't read the story about Gideon fighting Ob Nixilis
Shit was brutal as fuck though
Tezzeret was cool in Test of Metal.
In Kaladesh, he become a B-movie tier plain villain. I have no clue what happened.
>I think she'll probably win
Rem easily wins this year's BGOTY award.
No other girl comes even close.
I wanna plow those plains and plant my seed on them.