Sjw youtuber gets triggered over people criticizing the new ww2 game for removing nazis

this little soyboy cuck got so fucking triggered from a reddit post complaining about the new call of duty game removing swastikas from the game and changing major things in multiplayer, theres lgbt flags and black female nazis and transgender and feminist flags, but the main historical focus is censored and altered, this is basic fucking criticism, theres nothing to get triggered about.

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you sound triggered OP


Awww, is the wittle baby snowflake twiggered? Grow the fuck up

Nobody cares about your little faggot dispute on reddit, retard.

>game about a historical conflict
>doesn't included historical markings
Sure the germans put iron crosses on lots of stuff and not everything had a swastica, but it certainly wasn't uncommon.

Post a proper link next time, no reason to give him views

>those bookmarks


Lol you gotta be kidding, they put lgbt flags in the new Cod? If so, thats an intentional troll. Absolutely ridiculous.

he's a soyboy dude, let natural selection breed him out. go lift some weights, run a mile, let the soys soy


>new tab bookmark

>Reads up several arguments why it's stupid to not potray nazis in a WORLD WAR 2 game
>Proceeds to make fun of the posts by cutting himself in the wrist, drinking bleech, casually "sigh" at the posts and not answering them, etc etc.

Ugh, not even worth my time.
One thing though, obviously large companies won't potray nazis as playable OR historically accurate (as in showing real swastikas on uniforms/flags, etc etc) in an AAA game that is mostly controlled by shareholders.
So why even take the time? You know as well as me how these companies are when it comes to this shit.

As a proud person of soy I can only agree with him. In Wolfenstein III they should make BJ Blazkowitz a black gender fluid queer communist muslim who fights cis-gendered nazis and Trump supporters.

>those book marks and a nigger profile picture
OP delete this before you embarrass yourself further

i've got that same tshirt

I already unsubscribed to that cuck's channel. A pseudo-intellectual posing as a level headed person for years, only to let his true nature slip in that video. Your salty tears were delicious Brad.

daily reminder that there's footage of totalbiscuit saying many people in the wermacht were pretty cool guys just fighting for their country and he'd like to see a game about it.

Has he bleached himself? Because that would help.

is he retarded

If you are going to remove nazies, why not include only the battles where nazies were not included.

>"its not historical revisionism sort of thing I swear"

Didn't he already come out as being mentally ill?

It's been a long time since I played Call of Duty but I remember him from the MW2 era.

Is that true? Did the remove swastikas?
Shit I was considering buying it.

but they didn't remove the swastikas?

there all over the place on big banners in the campaign level where you infiltrate the nazi comand post undercover as the french chic

the game sux but this isnt one of the reasons

Why does it suck? Pls respond

no its not true

but still don't buy it
they made multiplayer 6v6capped and the maps are closets

6v6 player cap
tiny maps
few maps
destiny rip off headquarters map that serves as a menu and social area like the tower

battlefield style self heal; in single player(autoinjector) you get 4 aid kits and must loot more or get from squad member on a cooldown timer

Shit. Whag about battlefield wwi? That any good?

don't know
I didn't buy it becasuse of the /pol memes about forced black people
wish I had listened about COD

I'm playing Verdun and Tannenberg right now
they're two companion games about ww1 with one shot bolt action 64player battles

way better than COD and you get both for less
Verdun is the western front and Tannenberg is the new as of three days ago eastern front sequel
it's good enough that I'm totally willing for shill for it

What else do you expect? Not only hollywood, but the entire media is filled to the brim with jews and cucks.
It's fucking disgusting, but nothing new.

>C-conserbatives are da weel snowfwakes.
Kill yourself

some of the OP is just bait though
>there are swastikas
>the blacks are only in mutiplayer and it's because you choose your face

otherwise the tranny flag is totally real and kinda sickening and any game mechanics based criticize is all true

I agree my fellow non-racist. We need a lot more progressive scenes like this in video games.

what is this?

Keep your hatred off my CodWaW!

Is she pregnant or fat or just badly designed?

that's dumb BJ (((Blazkowitz))) was already a minority character

wolfenstein is bearjew rampage simulator and always has been

lgbt, tranny, and feminist flags

not to mention the entire game has more bugs in it than a Rwandan hooker

stop buying cod from now on, then they'll see

i dont know if hes the one triggered beeing the one making fun of soybois like you

jesus what a fucking beta baby

Unfortunately, she's pregnant.