Shingeki no Kyojin

Will Eren ever free Annie from the crystal cage around her heart?

Also, Arminfats not welcomed

She literally asked for Armins dick.
Fuck of with your non-existing paring.


Fuck off from my thread Arminfat :^)


He'll probably be responsible for her death.

Keep your shitty images to yourself, which I recall, nobody asked for.

Keep being you Arminfat. It's hilarious as fuck LOL

kys low class faggot

Can't handle hypocrisy eh? Enjoy your ban :^)

Most likely thing to occur.


Armin was a mistake.


Can I get some Mikasa pics?

That's the most stupid thing ever EMfag. Arminfags don't fucking care about that ship.

They would have been an amazing trio!

What's the point to create these threads of shipperfaggotry. Fuck off to Dumblr.

She'll be his sextoy whenever he gets bored. Mikasa is too hard, and Historia is too soft.

>yfw she asks to get raped in order to be forgiven for her crimes against the Eldians anyway


Too bad for Shitren only Mankasa wants him.

Annie wants Eren even more than Mikasa.

Wallists traitors are not counted as eldians.

Annie is the best girl, far better than the others.

This pleases the Titan!


More Annie with friends?


I can't wait for her to come back.

What if Armin gets hungry and just eats the whole crystal?

He'll be more shit than ever.


He doesn´t need her to like him. Historia is the kind of girl that you can flirt and seduce as much as you want and when you start pushing thing forward she won´t say no. By the time she actually do something you will be already inside of her.




Annie always looks cute when there are kittens involved. Hitch too.

Annie never really liked BR and that's canon, despite that you fags group them like they're best buddies

Endgame right here, brothers.



Annie is the best.

She has always been the best.

Shipping is already dumb. But even then it usually requires at least a one-sided attraction. AA is another level of dumb since it's nonexistent. animeonlyfags I swear

Indeed. But also pic related

Mikasa beat Eren once, guess that means she hates him too.

You're never going to pat her head.

Not him but those are different situations and that user is right, only BR are friends and Annie never cared about them in the way they cared about her.

Is that why she'd rather an hero than being forced to snitch them out?

I will.

Annie is as good as dead once the SL break her out.

What? Annie will never change sides if that's what you are suggesting. I don't even like her but I am pretty sure she won't betray her family.

Neither her companions.



I don't think Mrs Smith was in agreement

She isn't.

Enclosing herself on a crystal, if you have short term memory.

so how then?


Good luck with that

Thank you.

Annie and Eren belong together, and the answer to the dumb question of who is petting her will never be you.

It's only a matter of time.

And here we can see two shingekis in their natural habitat, during a mating ritual.

I regret posting that image for that first time.

Why's that?

better that than involving Mrs Smith I suppose

That would have been the preferable course of action.


I got to know her, and I like her.

Still would have only been preferable for you

I hoped she wasn't lying when she said I was a good man, but I wanted a future for us and Annie.

I don't think she wants your rape baby

I'm not a rapist.

You definitely come across that way

I've been told. But I'm not a rapist.

He'll use the Coordinate to brainwash her into fighting for the Scouts, then kill her.

Forcing someone to go through god knows how many pregnancies to have the 'perfect' one that might not even be genetically possible is pretty wrong in itself.

you're a big guy

It would all be worth it for that one perfect child. I don't expect you to understand.

We now see a beta male flinging feces at the shingekis and challenging one of them for who gets to mate with the female in heat.


It won't be blonde unless you or members of your family are too.

Straight on a blacklist, I'd say.

Much less creepy, absolutely, though I'd be concerned for any child he (unlikely) adopts.

It still strikes me as bizarre and very illegal. Very very illegal. The moral character of myself would be put into question too if I allowed it to continue happening. I'm all for abortion being available, but it's sickening that it was considered appropriate here, for the goal one seriously unemphatic has in mind.

Not really.

YH is cute and canon.

You're actually right, I don't. Eren can have her.

>Also, Arminfats not welcomed
>still this BTFO that he survived

I have Blonde siblings. The gene is there.

Nice samefagging. Thanks for the (you)s though.

Hopefully Annie will remedy her greatest mistake and kill Armong once and for all.

True Love

I hope that spic dies.

Eren doesn't like her though so Annie can be alone.

And I hope Levi finishes her like a piece of meat.


Niggas in SNK WHEN?

Legit question: why was the Eren/Annie/Mikaska triangle pushed so much in the first arc of the manga if nothing would ever come of it?

Because Isayama didn't intend something to happen in the first place.

I always thought they were cute together. Maybe it's the whole mentor/rival thing they had going.