ITT: Anime that made you kill yourself


I would post in this thread, but I'm dead. Sorry, OP.

How the fuck are you still posting if you've killed yourself? You're doing it wrong!

I knew it but I still watched it

>They don't post via ouija

Because it's bad or what

>There are skeletons browsing this board RIGHT NOW.

Milkybro ghost, reporting in.

Dude, don't spook me like that.

guys im posting from the other side, they really were waiting for me this whole time!


kill yourself again.

Image not related, apparently

if it's azusa is waiting for me on the other side, i want to live forever

But' you're dead already!

Do they have Sup Forums in heaven?

what if we're already dead and this is our purgatory?

Guys, don't freak out but there is a skeleton inside your body RIGHT NOW.

Sup Forums is heaven

Most just don't get it

its funny because
she's already dead

Yes, but nobody who uses Sup Forums goes to heaven. That's why we don't get any heavenposters.

I saw this before seeing the original, so I ddn't get all the hate for it, but I still thought the ending seemed like a real downer for a show like this.



it's not funny to joke like that, user

