How is FMA 2003 better than the source material or Brotherhood? It just got too fucking weird for me when it deviated.
How is FMA 2003 better than the source material or Brotherhood? It just got too fucking weird for me when it deviated
nostalgia fags
I don't understand why people think the source material good, there's a bleach-level amount of characters I don't care about.
i hated all of china. I hated the new greed, I hated the ninjas, I hated loli chun-li and her stupid pet.
they didn't need to be in it all.
>He didn't like Greed
I thought brotherhood had no flaws till I watched em side by side.
But 2003 just does a better job of telling the story it has than brotherhood.
Can't speak for how the manga did since I didn't read it. but if you think brotherhood did anything up to Hughes' death better, you're delusional.
After his death is debatable. but even that just seems to fit in better for 2003, save maybe the whole "alternative reality" stuff.
I like brotherhoods story better, but 03 did better with building side characters. The majority of what people like about characters like Armstrong comes from the 03 version since he was watered down in brotherhood. I wasn't a fan of 03's end game with Rose and an old lover of Hohenheim. Also it just being bizzaro WWII universe was kinda dumb. I did like the build up that they had with Ed and Al's mother and how her death seemed to weigh much more on them. However when she became sloth it wasn't executed all that well, I think mainly because of how annoying of a character wrath was.
You have shit taste my good friend
>But 2003 just does a better job of telling the story it has than brotherhood.
>implying bones ever told a good original story
What the fuck did you say about Sir Badass Greed Mother Fucker?!
Although back on the main subject matter.
2003 Had the better music and humonculous while the 2009 (Brotherhood) was just had a better story and characters in my opinion.
I kinda liked 03's endgame more because it was more human hubris rather than semi divine bullshit.
I will agree the alt universe was dumb.
As for homunculi, I liked 03 more on a personal basis, but the brotherhood ones more on an overall tone.
As for wrath, Brotherhood pride was hardly better.
>implying implications
they did well for what they had at the time. Arguably better than the source material on some points.
>but if you think brotherhood did anything up to Hughes' death better, you're delusional.
I think they rushed things a bit up until that point because it had been animated already,
Saying that brotherhood gets to rush the start because 03 already showed it is just poor.
Both series should stand on their own merits.
And they do. I watched brotherhood first and didn't feel out I missed much. but 03 does everything up to hughes death better, all in all.
>Saying that brotherhood gets to rush the start because 03 already showed it is just poor.
But it's probably what happened, they probvably wanted to save time and money, but they couldn't just skip it because of new viewers, so they trimmed down that part and focused on the rest.
I agree. Though I didn't like 2003 changed it so that Hughes wasn't at Ishbal.
>Bones in charge of original content.
Brotherhood Selim/Pride was slightly better than 03 Wrath, only because he didn't have a screaming tantrum five times an episode. What didn't really make sense about Selim was why he was prideful enough to be a sin in the first place. Kimblee made sense he was all about who he was and embraced it. However Selim was just some kid, what the fuck does a kid have to be prideful over? I think the idea was how a child can take pride in their family, but that wouldn't have made sense since you had to have already been the most prideful soul to take over. Back to Kimblee, I liked his brotherhood version better. A Hannibal Lecter type sociopath I think fit him much better than the unhinged psychopath he was in 03. Really it's the military, just having a high kill count isn't going to make you a high ranking officer, you need to have a good reasoning skill set that we see in his Brotherhood version. Also before I forget, fuck Terminator Archer in the dick with a rusty nail.
People watched that first, therefore it is the definitive version. The manga doesn't count in their minds. It's the 2003 anime is the original and anyone that says otherwise is a shitposter and/or a liar.
I liked '03 Kimblee in how he needed other humans for his transmutation rather than just eploding shit out of seemingly nowhere. tho I do like brotherhood's kimblee's overall smugness.
As for Selim vs 03 wrath. neither made a whole lot of sense, tho I guess you have a point in Selim being less obnoxious. at the same time however, Selim was hella overpowered, doubly so considering his thematic inconsistence.
Not that '03 wrath was all that thematically consistent. But I can see a kid being angry at everything for no real reason more than a kid being prideful for no real reason.
I also agree on Terminator Archer. Fuck him.
exploding rather.
Sage for grammar correction.
The part that is identical in both is better in '03.
The rest is far better in Brotherhood.
I think even the biggest of 2003 fans try their hardest to block out Terminator Archer from their minds, there's no defending that shit
>2003 had the better music
You could mix FMAB OST into a symphonic playlist and no one would be able to tell, it's that good.
Greedling granted us the best moment of a Sin int the whole series in the last battles.
Greedling is the best character in the latter part, when Greed disappears, it's no the same.