This kills the vargfag

>this kills the vargfag

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How will fagans ever recover?


Yup. I'm currently reading it. The entire first part of the book deals with how absurd it is to believe in a plethora of divinities. Augustine does a really good job of this.

quick summary of it?

isn't his argument:
>if god of hapiness exist, why worship other gods because many things make you happy?
it's easily disproven because "happyness" is a synecdoche and only applies to being able to produce dopamine.

one of my favorite parts: book vi chap 9

The City of God is an enormous text. A quick summary won't do it justice

Pls recommend other good classic christian literature.

Protestants need not apply

You guys should also read Brothers Karamozov

Sort of. He made the argument that the Romans made Fortune and Fecundity both goddesses. Since gods are supposed to grant those things, it would be absurd that both things being gifts should be worshiped in their own right.

The Divine Comedy (all of it, not just Inferno)

holy shit youre retarded. even if you reduce emotional states to chemical reactions in the brain it still doesn't account for the existence or purpose of those chemical reactions. its like saying durr water only h2o when someone tells you a glass of it is refreshing

you mean we shouldn't run around the forests naked throwing hatchets and pretending to be noble savages?

Kys nigger. That guy is a humanist so full of shit he can’t open his eyes completely or it will all run out

the purpose of that book being placed next to Dante and Dostoevsky is to illustrate how plebeian it is compared to the two masterworks right next to it

Would you recommend reading City of God or Confessions first when it comes to St. Augustine?

dude, you need to read the Nicomachean Ethics. you are conflating pleasure with happiness. They are not necessarily related.

Confessions. City of God is voluminous.


read the Confessions first if you're unacquainted with Augustine

Go fuck yourself kike worshipper. While you're betraying your ancestors, I'm honoring mine


Not that the book is not a beautiful expression of human spirituality, but Augustine was wrong about a lot of things. His theories on criminology do not work and they're unrealistic. People don't understand how evolutionary psychology had fundamentally altered the understanding of human nature and behavior. It's a nice read, from a historical perspective, but it has very little to tell us about how society runs today.

>denouncing one (or many)religion(s) with another, more condensed religion

Congratulations. The next step is dropping the leash.

Gotcha. Pic activated my almonds. I can’t stand that fuckers face

which ancestor's, memeflag? your dad wore polos and ate cheeseburgers.

You're not fully redpilled until you read "the decline of the west"

>holy shit youre retarded. even if you reduce emotional states to chemical reactions in the brain it still doesn't account for the existence or purpose of those chemical reactions. its like saying durr water only h2o when someone tells you a glass of it is refreshing

Okay, you can believe that. but that's a subjective interpretation, not an objective one. It's like arguing which color is best, it's a farcical argument. It's not just "chemicals" in your brain, its genes that are hardwired to perceive certain things and act in certain ways. We've found evidence that belief in god is genetic. We can even sway belief in god by using a magnet on you brain. We're using science here while you're arguing about angels dancing on the point of a needle.

>thinking Christianity is a religion
You really are an evolutionist

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
The Sickness Unto Death by Soren Kierkegaard
Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton

>N...nuh *UH* Catholicucks. W...we have our own book too. will you Christ worshippers ever r...recover?

>Create brain damage with magnets
>produces athe*ism
Really reuptakes my norepinephrine

-Sperm Wars
-The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
-A Natural History of Rape by Randy Thornhill
-In Gods We Trust: The evolutionary Psychology Landscape of Religion
-Predictably Irrational

These are some good books to start getting into the evolution of the human mind.

>Dr Keise Izuma collaborated with a team from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), to carry out an innovative experiment using transcranial magnetic stimulation, a safe way of temporarily shutting down specific regions of the brain.
> people in whom the targeted brain region was temporarily shut down reported 32.8% less belief in God, angels, or heaven. They were also 28.5% more positive in their feelings toward an immigrant who criticised their country.

Belief in god is just a genetically expressed behavior. Once the relevant parts of the brain are shut down, the belief goes away. It's all just matter. Hopefully you don't get in a car accident and damage your posterior medial frontal cortex, else you're going straight to hell.

Belief in anything is a genetically expressed behavior.


What is this though? If a Roman had good fortune he would praise and gift that God. If he had many offspring he would gift and praise the other god. Or both, it really didn't matter. It wasn't like Christianity where you prayed to God hoping good things would happen to you. Good things would happen to you and you would gift and pray to them afterwards. Or if bad omens happened you'd just do the same and hope the Gods would be pleased. It seemed way different than the way people see praying and use praying now.

1500yrs out of 45000 wow man really

Wow for 43,500 years our ancestors practiced religions that were not Christian.

How can I not be not a Christian if I am to honor my ancestors@!

>shut off part of your brain
>become atheist
>want to cuck your country to immigrants

Wow rly blowing my mind here

So you've never read it then

>he thinks the world is over 10000 years old

>niggers and subhuman slav(e)ics are christian
>but the true (lutheran) christians aren't

>subhuman slav(e)ics

>this kills the vargfag
No, this does.

Your ancestors were defeated by those Jews. They chose to live on their knees instead of dying on their feet. Now we have to pay the price.

What a disgrace.

i had to read that shit in catholic school, in latin.
tl;dr, if you are not a catholic, you going to hell, boyo. and if you are a catholic but don't prove it every day, you going to hell, boyo.
pure and simple. qui non pertinent ad civitas dei, pertinent ad civitas diaboli.


>My ancestors lived in mudhuts for 100.000 years
>How can I live in a brick house and honor my ancestors@!

Christianity came to perfect paganism. Our European ancestors recognized that and converted to something better.

Christianity isn't any better here

Then go somewhere else.

I think you're drawing the wrong conclusion here. They disabled a part of the brain and the subjects perception changed. If they could target the 'math' part of the brain they wouldn't be able to do math anymore. But that does not invalidate math.

It's just hilarious to think about the real implication of the study: atheists and liberals are 'lobotomized' or 'mentally disabled' compared to normal people.

This type of disingenuous argumentation won't do christianity any good.
People have left christianity for a reason, you need to figure it out and make amends.


The problem with christianity is it makes europeans believe in jewish myth, think jewish history is the core of our civilization and put that shitty land as holy land.
Whereas we have a great land, great history, great culture and impression of nature without all the kosher stuff. All this has all been relegated to nothing.

Fuck christianity.


The problem is that ultimately the bible is not about european people and european lands.
Now that the continuity of christian culture is dead in the west, and with the advancement of scientific methods and evidence,
it'll be very hard to convince a modern man to be concerned about words that do not speak of him or his lands.

>bible proved nothing, convinced no one
>lets try writing another book

hahah christards btfo!

Yes definitely. While paganism is LARP and many of it is new age stuff, it has a lot to offer. It's european, it's linked to our own lands. Many philosophies are redpilled, science compatible, ... e.g. stoicism for one.

For those that cannot fit reading this voluminous book, there is a free audio version of it on LibriVox. Of Confessions as well, both books are very much worth the trouble.

In Confessions St. Augustine shows the struggle against sin from a very human and relatable point of view. An outsider would expect pontificating and alienated high-horsery by one of the greatest saints to have lived, but there's nothing of it, only a lot of empathy for the human condition.

Too bad Varg never raises his discussion to the level of this book. He and his followers talk bigly about the benefits of polytheism and following the example of the many gods, but they never think it through. Even a reading of Plato, a pagan, would dismiss that idea. There are even Evola readers, so called traditionalists on his channel going along with his paganism. It's all so tiresome..

I don't get the protestant hate in Sup Forums.
I been in both catholic and protestant church and I have more positive experiences with protestants.
Catholic church:
>Muh protestant massacre, Fuck the 500th protestant jubilee
>Ya'll slaves to God, and ya'll unworthy form him
Woman priest said:
>"Where is God, there is no place for chaos. Where is God, the man is man and the woman is woman.
>solid little wooden box if you want to give money instead of GIBS ME DAT catholics.

well then, if Christianity is not a religion, then let's do away with the religious tax exemptions, shall we?

Catholicism and Orthodoxy have over a thousand years of tradition and scholars and writings. They're filled with saints and reformists and truly great men of history. They're regional and rooted in history, some have their own language, and have libraries of theology. They're hierarchical and follow doctrine, meaning they have an actual codified and laid out set of beliefs that you can refer back to.

Protestants think only the bible matters and everything else should be ignored so they end up with silly young earth creationists and all gay women clergies and 99999 different interpretations. Every single pastor of every protestant church will have a different interpretation because they don't have a central structure or tradition to look back to.

The particular experiences, that of the relationship between the Hebrews and God, have a universal applicability.

The Bible is not chiefly a book about Jews but rather is a book chiefly about God.

>It wasn't like Christianity where you prayed to God hoping good things would happen to you

That's not really the point of Christianity.

As for your other points, I'll let Augustine clarify (pic related)

The fundamental approach that Protestants have to theology allows for a new church for every new interpretation of the bible, the vast majority of which have to be wrong.

in the extremely unlikely case that someone isn't just LARPing god-belief here: if you were born and raised in a muslim country, you'd be jihadi foaming-at-the-mouth abdullah. reflect on that before you dare think your religion has anything else behind it but environmental indoctrination.

Okay I reflected on it. Still Catholic.

catholicism is a gang color. god-belief is a disorder.

Meaningless argument. From logical standpoint, the variety of beliefs does not influence in any way whether one of them is right or wrong.

Trust me, no one in this thread have read it.

cool catch phrases dude. Kind of pale in comparison to the theological and philosophical arguments made by the books we're discussing in this thread though.

but it does mean that christianity is merely one of these systems. I don't see how any one of them can be right, if there's a mechanism to create so many wrong ones - all of the others.

trekkies know way more about Klingon politics and warp drive 'technology' than I do, therefore I am not entitled to claim it's all just fantasy.

Esso, Yeshua, Iesous
Absorb now this pain
Esso, Yeshua, Iesous
Spirit encaged
Esso, Yeshua, Iesous
All hope is slain
Esso, Yeshua, Iesous
Die by our rage

The idea that all religions are equal is as absurd is the idea that all nations are equal or all races. You quite simply examine the different religions and compare them to each other and you'll inevitably see that some are clearly better thought out than others. It's that simple. Proudly displaying how ignorant you are about which ones are more absurd is not a good thing

Cool false equivalency too. Holy shit dude can you type a single post that isn't fallacious?

This. Varg is a Cuck whose bs was refuted thousand years ago. ICXCNIKA

But that's not a logical argument. You could say that gravity is just one of the theories to explain why apples fall down to ground, and so it must be flawed because there is a mechanism that allows you to invent whatever bullshit to explain this phenomenon. But from logical standpoint, this appeal to crowd is meaningless.

Also this

If norse are so superiors why they never accomplished anything ?

you claiming out of thin air that my analogy (not argument) is fallacious doesn't make it so.

typical christcuck lies, half of those Gods never existed nor were they ever worshipped.

feels good knowing Christians were liars thousands of years ago too

god-belief-based religions are all of the same class. they aren't equal and I did not say so, but they are equally false. more mental gymnastics does not make one more respectable than the other but certainly there are differences. so fucking what? they still all claim bogeymen in the sky.

>id is dumb
>is dumb
spot on

lel why would Varg get upset about that? They are not of his tribe, he doesn't even care about cucked white people, why should he care what some mutts are doing?

You people obviously do not understand Paganism or Vargs philosophy.

>but they are equally false.
cool assertion. We're all very interested in your opinions and catch phrases and all, but again, I much prefer reading the works of some of histories best philosophers.

Not an argument.
spot on

keep telling yourself that

>your perception of reality doesn't affect reality
^bingo, and checkmate. Any biological or psychological argument against (or for) God fails, right here.

sorry dumbdumb but you're not high iq enough for this thread

nice try cuckboy
not an argument JustNeo-cuckboy

>edgy post-postmodern-ironic atheist memes literally existed thousands of years ago
I call bullshit. Unironic memes, maybe. But this is asinine.

Think about what you're saying.

>If you shut down the part of the brain that understands mathematics, mathematics goes away.

>mythology = concept didn't exist back before it was considered mythological
>mythology = literally nobody worshiped it before it was considered mythological
Nice try nigger. Go read a dictionary, then lurk on Plebbit for a while.

the parallels between SJWs and christians are stunning. both are rearguard actions of failed ideologies. you, for example, just pulled a 'science-based' on me, mutatis mutandis.

do you have a blog or something were I can subscribe for updates on more of you opinions I don't give a fuck about?

Paganism is flooded with left-wing browns and blacks. Right-wing white pagans are in the slim minority.

>not even on the list I provided

You really got me. Got any more fake invented gods?

>any cultural religious equally false
That's rich; have never seen an extensive mapping of the components of this "class" of beliefs, much less proofs that this class of beliefs is false, much less that any religion does or doesn't fall into this class.

You're full of shit, fedora, asserting things without proof. It really is true that atheism is "religious" by their own standards.