Is this what witches do in their free time? Seems rather gay.
Shuumatsu no Izetta
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I like this series, it isn't afraid to kill people, and it isn't edgy in doing so.
Witch and vampire stories came from the same source all along.
But yeah, I don't know what Germanian science was planning here. Maybe witches can pour their magic into items. But Germanians kept draining this girl's blood and magic so now she's like a drugged puppet.
This scene was pretty based, shame about every random mook being a Germanian spy though.
>about every random mook being a Germanian spy though.
Yeah it's a little annoying and makes little sense.
>Americans enter the war, but not because of Japs being idiots
Never change, Nihon, never change.
It was. Royal Guard gets some good scenes. Not as OP as Germanian spies, but still good.
Around Burgerclaps,
Never Relax!
Magic mechs when?
>it isn't afraid to kill people
It does seem afraid to kill girls. Only guys die.
Girls aren't people.
>Izetta blushing
>shame about every random mook being a Germanian spy though
Literally ruining the story. How can they keep getting away with these asspulls?
>Send my love (to your gay kaiser)
>you will never dance with Fine
Did they really intend to dance with each other?
For what purpose?
>Her first kiss isn't with Finé.
What if Germanian spy knew about the old guy but decided to lie to Lieutenant Fuccboi for some reason?
They're gay.
>Germania's witch is cuter than Izetta
Can Elystadt do anything right?
Why didn't she shoot the cart spy? Why didn't she continue to look over the dead body until they sent troops to check it to make sure no one got to it before they did?
she seems autistic
Railroading DM. Adele rolled a 20 on her sniping so he pulled out another spy to keep the plot on track.
Why did they have to kill the only good character in the show?
My only explenation is that trees somehow covered spy's body so she relocated.
It's probably the other way around. Them being in the inn at the same time might not ave been chance.
>be a servant
>walk in on this
What would you do?
but bianca is alive??
>cuter than Izetta
Are you high?
>Adele was rolling in the deep.
She managed to shoot him, so she obviously could see him. It just doesn't make sense to move off and leave the body unmonitored before your mates could reach the body.
>not wanting to dance with your pretty/handsome girlfriend
She could have been cuter if they had given her a long braid, but they blew it. Now she's just the hottest girl, not the cutest.
>yfw this scene
Am I the only one who didn't give a fuck about all this bianca/spy backstory and just basically wished for everything to be over? Lotte made it bearable.
It's not bad necessarily, but I think they killed off fuccboi way too quickly. He had one episode of screentime and barely any development aside from the romance subplot that went nowhere since the creators went "literally who cares about this loser" and decided to off him the moment he moved the plot forward.
He is just a big case of wasted potential, which is a shame since he's probably the only member of the cast left who could have developed into something more.
He probably fell off the side of the path since he was running.
Bianca gives love a bad name.
I find it actually funny that all potential male romantic prospects are dead.
It's a lesbian thing.
He didn't even apologize for looking at Bianca naked.
Bianca shot his heart, but he broke hers :'(
The hell are you talking about? He was probably the best, most developed antagonist character after Bassler, and he's been given plenty of screentime since the first episode.
Damn, Rickert's death was obvious as fuck (the moment he got the apple, I knew he would die later on), but it still made me kind of sad.
It would be much better if they both missed.
Oh damn, missed that he was even watching them there.
Lotte's sister is a spy too
>Hime-sama, I must tell you something, I'm also a germanian spy
>But Izetta, so am I
There, I just spoiled the last episode, everyone go home.
That would make both of them very bad at their job, for a number of reasons.
Bianca actually was pretty good this episode, I'll have to admit. Being given time to be someone that isn't just Fine's fangirl probably was what did it.
>the shapeshifters are growing bolder, sire.jpg
Is this NTR?
Someone post the Simoun dance webm or gif.
Sugoi, Karin-chan
>when you find out that you were germanian spy all along
I don't have it. Will this do?
Now I'm a little curious how hard the shot was. In the forest at night, making the shot at all may be the most crazy part.
Just look at the tree cover in Rickert's area.
What shapeshifters?
she's a sniper elite, noscope headshot in the middle of the night
You are a beautiful user. And this was a beautiful scene, DEEN or not.
That's also pretty good, or as good even.
And then they both decided to become dudes.
Did you see my awesome fight, Hime-sama?
Lesbians were a mistake.
Elysdat will survive the war for sure but thequestion is : Will Fine survive it too?
They didn't. They didn't even go to the springs, they just stayed females/eternal maidens, you dipshit.
Fuck Germanians interrupting this scene. Kill them all Izetta.
They didn't just interrupt it, they also stole Izetta's first kiss.
Her magic dog is more likely to die.
Plot twist, the major is a double agent working for CIA behind the nazi lines
Not with all "story repeat itself" deathflags
The Prince was killed before the White Witch
I made that webm when I first was learning how to make them. And god damn did I do a shitty job. I never thought anyone was actually saving those webms.
I love that series with all my heart. Here, take this my simounbros.
And that's unforgivable.
But when will CIA himself show up to save the day?
The turbo dyke working for Sieg is CIA
Also one of the Royal Guard girl must either be CIA or Nazi spy
The CIA was created after WW2.
>Predictions for the final episode:
>Punished Izetta, The Elite Lesbos and the Arch Dyke confronts Berkman, Fully Awakened Weiss Hexe and Cyborg Rickert
>Weiss Hexe and Punished Izetta duke it out on anti-tank rifles while the Dyke commandos use the power of muffin mashing CQC to fight off Stroheim's gay brother
>He dies again but not before saying some mopey shit to Bi-anca
>Izetta and Whitey crash land because they fly into a ley-lineless area
>commence Guns of the patriot
>meanwhile Berkman is talking about memes and Fine doesn't really know what's going on
>Turns out Berkman was Prince Henry the whole Time
>Eternal Anglo strikes again
>Reveals he did all this because Fine didn't want to marry him and he's a petty little bitch
>Fine punchs him with the fury of a thousands sons
>cut back to WEISS! IZETTA!
>izetta after beating up autismo witch realises that fighting is meaningless and convinces the autistic albino that war is pointless and we should all be raging lesbos!
>White Witch likes that
>Then with the combined power of White and Red Izetta Narutos everyone back to life
>Including Rickert who goes on to have a happy family with Hetanca
>The end
The prince was a faggot. Fine is the ultimate human beam. I bet she wouldn't die even if they killed her.
I suspect Fine will "die" and then survive through some magic asspull.
No, thats rape
she'll be fine
I also believe she'll "die", but it'll be just a regular asspull that saves her.
Like, she gets shot again but "the bullet just missed an artery!" or something.
That won't stop America spies everywhere in thenext episode
Thank you, saved. You did a good job.
It's so fucking retarded the USA wants to take out the witch. It would be so much better to just ally them and do some experiments on her to try to replicate her powers.
What did he mean by this?
He used his「Flight Plan」to get to the past.
A question to those who have watched SnW:
Was there ever this "yuri fanservice" between that girl who was supposedly married to the dude and her yuri lover?
I want to know how hard my yuri heart will break.
If someone dies it's gonna be this filthy dog.
Not in the show, but the VN has some.
Better than the actual ending would be.
Hol up, hol up! This guy was spying on Eylstadt for so long that he remembers Lotte being a little girl?
Lotte's a spy too, that's how Germanians knew Izetta went to England.
Past webms
>ah wait the site i uploaded to removed the subs
That's fucking impossible. ffmpeg is supposed to hardsub it in.
Just see this You fucked up by defining -vf twice, do it all in one section:
-vf scale=640:-2,ass=subs.ass
ffmpeg -i "Z:\Ongoing Anime\[6] Saturday\Shuumatsu no Izetta (Last Witch Izetta)\[HorribleSubs] Shuumatsu no Izetta - 08 [720p].mkv" -ss 00:22:21.000 -to 00:22:51.500 -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 1500K -vf scale=640:-2,ass=subs.ass output.webm
-2 insures an even number of pixels.