>One takes a person out of their natural state with a toxin
>Legal almost everywhere expt sandnigger filled hellholes
>Goverments gain billions from its sales
>The other does the same but its mostly harmless
>Ilegal almost everywhere
>Goverments spend billions fighting it
This shit always sounded retarded to me
One takes a person out of their natural state with a toxin
Other urls found in this thread:
>decent source of plant fiber
>people smoke it
If people didn't smoke it there'd be no reason to regulate it
Imagine if we made paper out of hemp and not wood
That's a lie. If the timber industry didn't brainwash you, you wouldn't think that
>Muh degeneracy
As soon as the ultra conservative faggots die off from refusing to take vaccines shits gonna start rollin, new renaissance soon
I Guess the paper would smell better but thats about the only Diference i see
because it has stronger more diverse psychological effects
honestly id be all for it being legal if i didnt have a lot of (bad) experience with it.
come on down your the next contestant
eat shit and die
remember to get your pets spayed or neutered
Hemp for fibers have like 0.01% THC. No one will smoke that when you have other hemps at 10-30% easily.