One takes a person out of their natural state with a toxin

>One takes a person out of their natural state with a toxin
>Legal almost everywhere expt sandnigger filled hellholes
>Goverments gain billions from its sales
>The other does the same but its mostly harmless
>Ilegal almost everywhere
>Goverments spend billions fighting it
This shit always sounded retarded to me

Other urls found in this thread:

>decent source of plant fiber
>people smoke it
If people didn't smoke it there'd be no reason to regulate it
Imagine if we made paper out of hemp and not wood

That's a lie. If the timber industry didn't brainwash you, you wouldn't think that

>Muh degeneracy
As soon as the ultra conservative faggots die off from refusing to take vaccines shits gonna start rollin, new renaissance soon

I Guess the paper would smell better but thats about the only Diference i see

because it has stronger more diverse psychological effects

honestly id be all for it being legal if i didnt have a lot of (bad) experience with it.

come on down your the next contestant

eat shit and die

remember to get your pets spayed or neutered

Hemp for fibers have like 0.01% THC. No one will smoke that when you have other hemps at 10-30% easily.

Because when people use it they are shut in their houses

>Goverments gain billions from its sales
This is reason enough to keep it illegal.

It is retarded when you put it that way.

When you realize it allows a few Jewish corporations to make money and they pay off government to keep it that way and profit off your misery, it makes sense.

to make more money than if it was completely legal*

Hemp is shit for the environment.
Pine forests stand for 15-30 years before being logged (and then replanted). Hemp has to be harvested every 6 months. Hemp does not provide habitat for animals.
Hemp is very susceptible to disease and insect infestation. Pines are resistant to both. Hemp fields have to be sprayed with insecticides multiple times per season, pines never need it.

Hemp is a fucking joke.

if weed were superior to alcohol then jamaicans would be more powerful than slavs

this is if you suck at farming and are harvesting for the purpose of medicine / getting high.

even then if you know how to grow you don't need to spray any garbage.

what a dumb comment. you've obviously never grown weed in your life.

ya sure whatever
doesnt use the space provided well, how did they do it before then?
you kknow leave out all the answers to these discrepancies you bring up and spew your shit.

without any sciene or rational to your argument
lets turn it into a popularity contest
your logic is flawed too btw, which proves you suck dick

but instead of arguing and bringing somehing up for all that shiut youd rather argue over small shit

Ill prove it.
YOUR logic is flawed. 15-30 years for one crop of wood pulp. Ok to start it it takes longer, to get it you wait longer. Then you end up with, nearly the same in the end?

hemp also wasnt wasted as much when it was used. everybody didnt need a copy. things where reused over and over. They didnt document everythign for stupid fucking lawyers, taxes for the IRS which is complete waste

You can get billions from weed sales às well

>governments are fighting it
they are?

why do weedfags have a victim complex? no one was ever after them in the first place, in fact they are promoting it because it makes for such a great psyop drug.

Even if alchohol did get banned you would easily be able to brew it. But you're exaggerating its effects , maybe if you weren't a soyboy you wouldn't be damaged by it so easily.


Hemp covers 4x the co2 per acre as an acre of forest
Can make paper, plastic, textiles, concrete, etc out of it

Here weed os decriminalized and ive still been arrested more then once because of it

What a person does to their own body is of no business of any government. Governments should provide guidelines if anything.

But the outright illegality of cannabis / marijuana is downright conspiratory.

you can reuse the same soil over and over and over with no depletion and get all your seeds from a tiny section of your garden.

it's always people who have nothing to do with weed making the biggest claims about it.

Stress is a natural human emotion to force people to deal with hard situations. Taking weed nullifies this and causes people to make bad life decisions based on shot term happiness.

The unifying element of calling the plant by one name is possibly an obstacle for legality.

One could separate names for different uses like "marijuana" for medicinal and recreational purposes and "cannabis" for other uses.

Or "marijuana" for medicinal uses and "cannabis" for all others.

I think that's what's holding federal legalization back, is the correct terminology.

Fun + harmless = complacent and useless citizens.
Fun + harmful = careful and moderate citizens.

they tax the fuck out of it, man
in washington i heard, they tax it 3 times, cutting it, drying it and curing it.

so everybody skips curing, overdries it, then rehydrates it with packs to skip out on a tax thing

which makes for shit quality at the recreational level, or overpriced bullshit

Legalize it and create a social push to make people aware that smoking it all day everyday is just as bad as alcoholism. If you need to smoke x amount of times a week or month you have a substance abuse problem and should get help.

because free alternatives that you can potentially grow almost anywhere (hence why its called weed) are obviously bad for a market saturated with poisonous stuff that currently also generates lots of money

It just hyper-contradictional on a hypocritical level.

Mother fucking CIGARETTES are legal.

Think about that.

alcohol has hangover. most people won't get shitfaced every day because they don't want to feel the consequences next morning.
dopefiends will smoke away beaucse DUDE LOW IT CURES CANCER


>smoking it all day everyday is just as bad as alcoholism

what an idiotic post. so the people who consume the most weed (medical users) are like alcoholics but the average recreational user is just kinda hurting themselves? where is the logic?


Something something big pharma.
Something something big tobacco.

Alcohol is alpha as fuck. Without it humanity wouldn't even exist right now.

Meanwhile weed is for lazy shut in low test fucks.

there are plenty of alcoholics and alcohol is a much harder / intoxicating substance. there is legitimate overdose and "wet brain" that is common with alcohol abuse and even dementia.

people usually smoke tobacco and drink coffee every day, but why compare cannabis to these either and also alcohol? They're different substances.

kikes love booze

In all honesty, as much as Sup Forums has problems with weed for whatever reason, I'd much rather smoke a joint than drink alcohol. Alcohol over the years has really started to lose its appeal for me, it makes me feel like shit, do stupid shit I always end up regretting, it was great back when I was a teenager or whatever and didn't have adult responsibilities and a social image to keep in good standing, but getting slopping fucking drunk as an adult every weekend is embarrassing, it does nothing but make people lose respect for you.

I don't smoke weed like a fiend, I can't handle bongs and shit without basically passing out, I have a low tolerance and such, but smoking a joint with some friends just feels like a far more genuine and (shockingly enough) mature experience than getting wasted. I don't get a hangover, so I can wake up at 5AM the next day for work like a normal person, I don't lose control of myself, I don't vomit if I overdo it by accident, I don't sacrifice my image by being an idiot before my peers, many of whom I work with on a daily basis and need to keep in fairly good standing. It is a far more wholesome drug than alcohol could ever be and I think Sup Forums just has a bad taste for it due to the image stoners and other degenerates paint, but that is equivalent to judging alcohol by looking at chronic alcoholics.

I don't hate alcohol or people who drink it, I actually love alcohol, but eventually you do outgrow it and need to accept that drinking yourself into a stupor at 30 years old is fucking embarrassing, coming into work badly hungover and dragging your coworkers down is embarrassing, making a fool out of yourself and then awkwardly pretending it never happened the next day is fucking embarrassing.

I'm not even going to get into the health aspect of this argument, but from simply a social standpoint weed is far better than alcohol could ever hope to be.

>alchohol is alpha

>weed is going to stop people from smoking and drinking
You’re a sepcial kind of retard aren’t you.

I'll have a beer over weed every day, but weed should be legalized

Sorry, I should be clarified my meaning with that. I'm speaking strictly from an addiction and substance abuse standpoint. If you have a medical condition that requires you to smoke like Crohns, Parkinson's or whatever else i don't see a problem with daily/hourly use. I'd rather see people smoking weed for chronic pain over using opiates also. Weed has many redeemable qualities but substance abuse problems should be taken seriously regardless of the substance.

This. Hemp is a meme material that le dude weed lmao degenerates trot out in an attempt to rebrand marijuana from being associated with shiftless hedonism into something productive and useful. Don't fall for this plebbit-tier talking point.

Weed raises estrogen and lowers testosterone

I'm all for the herbal Jew bit people who act as if is the best thing to exist since existence are annoying
>T.user on his 3rd week t-break

>most alpha people in the world all sit back and enjoy some beer or liquor every once in a while


>stress is emotion
hahah whatever fagot and your idea of relief is also stupid and dumb.

Not what I'm implying.

Your projection leaves you vulnerable for attack, but I'm not going to attack. I'd rather elaborate on what I'm actually implying.

Big pharma doesn't like legal weed because it cuts into their market when treated as a medication. (Non-smoking).

Big tobacco doesn't like weed because it's a far better alternative for smoking.

These arguments are elementary at best so I'll leave myself open for critique.

Go look up how China used hemp for thousands of years for everything,from paper,medicine, strings,damn even the bows where made out of hemp strings

Alcohol is scientifically proven to be the most dangerous drugs if you put risk to others and risks to self together. I have never understood its legality, to me it's a society killer. Our society would be a LOT less degenerate without alcohol. It's too late now though.

Sometimes I unironically wish I could wake up someday and see alcohol became a very potent non-lethal poison that would cause such great suffering nobody would dare touching it again.

"Stress" is just high cortisol, which will cause you to die early if you have it all the time, long-term high cortisol is very unhealthy.

>my dealer said it’s good for you hurrrrr
This shit was known since the 70s. Stupid degenerates.

Marijuana is illegal because it creates a lazy and apathetic populace. The health impact or lack thereof is irrelevant. That's the point you guys miss.

do you think people should go to rehab for nicotine and caffeine "abuse"? THC "abuse" is just as retarded. it's like a cigarette or a cup of joe if you smoke it daily. and most medical users usually use like at least 10x more by weight than people who use it daily regardless.

The Jews want a lazy and apathetic population, that's why they're pushing to legalize it.

In high school i knew a kid whose parents made him go to rehab for 5 months because he smoked cigarettes.

Alcohol causes massive fucking damage to society in terms of loss of life and health, furthermore consider the lost productivity due to hangovers, the MASSIVE police and emergency service budget expended on alcohol related crime and mischief. You all hate it when your taxes go towards stupid shit like welfare for niggers with 12 illegitimate children but don't care when they go towards emergency services needing to deal with drunk degenerates 24/7, drunks probably costs more than welfare in the long run in fact, as there are far more drunks in the west than welfare recipients surely.

> THC "abuse" is just as retarded. it's like a cigarette or a cup of joe if you smoke it daily.

Stop lying. Seriously, just stop. I've been psychologically addicted to Marijuana since before you were born and I can tell you that it's not like drinking a cup of coffee or smoking a cigarette. I've read a lot of rationalizations by newfag smokers for a long time and that argument takes the cake. Get back to me in 10 years of daily smoking about how benign it is.

kids parents probably put him on prozac and xanax after he got it too. he was probably better off on the cigs.

half of rehab is a god damn scam.

got out*

>most alpha people in the world all sit back and enjoy some cake every once in a while

probably fried your brain from hitting too much eagle 20. stop hitting boof you homo.

I didn't say I agree with it, I said that's the actual reason it's illegal. Convincing the government that it won't kill you will never remove it from schedule one. Lazy people don't pay as much taxes. That's what it boils down to.

>alcohol is bad let’s add another degenerate thing on top of it!

Can someone translate this nigger speak into English?

His parents put him on like 5 different kinds of antidepressants and other Jewish shit. Sad thing is he was 17 so he legally had no choice in it. His parents said he had to go so he had to go.

you haven't been hitting weed for 10 years, stop lying on Sup Forums faggot

Weed should stay illegal, fuck off.
It destroys people. It doesn't magically cure cancer either. Shut the fuck up.

>not enjoying both

Seriously get a 6 pack of beer, slam the first 3 beers fast then smoke a joint or a bowl, then use the next 3 beers to combat dry mouth. Its fun as fuck.

Because weed makes you useless in short term. and it makes you useless long term. Alcohol makes you useless and hungover in short term, and it makes you dead long term.

knew it lmao

>stop smoking, just take these experimental pills to tweak your brain Johnny you'll be great!

Checked. Can’t translate.

useless if you're smoking when you're 16 years old in high school or you smoke dog shit for breakfast.

i'm guessing they have nothing but garbage hash shipped over from sand nigger butthole in Finland

Having a plant in your closet is nothing like a large scale agricultural operation, dumbass.
The U.S. has millions upon millions of acres of pines planted specifically for harvest. Loggers cut down one tract, replant and then move down the road to cut another tract. There is no waiting when you're dealing with such a large scale industry. You're another dumbshit who's oblivious to reality.
>wasn't wasted.
You're talking about a time where paper was highly unavailable.
BTW, the founding documents of this nation (like the declaration of independence) were not written on paper, they were written on animal skins because paper was expensive and rare.
Everything you burnouts listed can and is made by a better alternative.
Hemp is a feasible option for poor nations without other resources.

Yeah I misinterpreted your post, I thought you were implying it was justified to keep illegal because it makes people lazy. The governments of the world absolutely keep it illegal due to a few reasons, probably because it makes people "lazier" in general, but also due to the fact that it would give them far less control over the "drug supply" of the country, you can grow weed in a closet if you wanted, it's just too easy to produce, furthermore the alcohol and tobacco lobby will forever shill for keeping it illegal to keep competition out of the market.

I'd be all for swapping alcohol for weed, make alcohol illegal and weed legal, I know it wouldn't work but this isn't about "adding more degeneracy to an already degenerate society" this is just about the comparative effects of alcohol vs. weed on society, weed is really virtually harmless compared to the already legal alcohol.

So niggers do speak English, well I'll be damned. Don't worry, kiddo. Your balls will drop eventually and you'll grow out of the soda bottle bong building phase and realize that daily marijuana smoking is not benign, it's a habit that you should not be proud of unless you're actually using it for medical purposes. Being a burn out has zero benefits outside of your head.

Degeneracy is based on frequency and degree. The universe seeks equilibrium


alcohol is legal for 2 reasons:

1) tradition. we have a bunch of ritualistic uses involving alcohol, while no traditions with marijuana
2) alcohol is, to a point, self regulating. if you drink too much you feel like shit and most people learn pretty quick to not drink so much. marijuana does not have this effect and so people can use it for long periods of time, destroy their potential, and not realize it until it is too late.

marijuana really does make you slightly dumber, and the effects last for longer.

marijuana legalization should include potency restrictions.

a large scale agricultural operation of HEMP, not weed you idiot. what are you trying to do, preserve countless plants with no buds on it from russets, two spotted? the worst they do to hemp fields is do an application of spinosad - which you eat every day anyways. stop arguing.

Yeah alright pine salesmans

This all ties to /cbts/. MAGA

i love nixon

Alcohol doesn't take someone out of their natural state, alcohol reveals someones true character. If someone turns into a violent savage, they were always like that and were suppressing their urges.

Hemp would mean no more oil wars.
No better excuse for goy to die than oil wars.

how do you lower the potency of an oil?

It makes you temporarily dumber unless you are an addict and it starts to fry your brain, whereas even rare alcohol binging will permanently destroy your braincells, let alone regular alcohol consumption which is probably even worse than irregular binging and disturbingly common. Even if you talk to the worst cannabis addicts and alcoholics, the most burnt-out stoners are still far more lucid still than any alcoholic which probably has a literal single digit IQ after years and years of alcohol abuse. My uncle is a bad alcoholic and he is really far gone, I'd much prefer if he was a weed addict.


your argument seems to be

>the drugs I use are so potent they have no long term effects on my mind

I hope you realize that to even make such a self contradictory statement your mind has to be damaged.

The best cannabis grows in a system similar to monarchism/fascism opposed to liberalism


no i'm saying your hash is full of garbage, which is why you make garbage posts

Injecting marijuanas is degenerate!

Good luck regulating alcohol.
You might as well include sugars, yeasts and containers that can be filled with liquids to your ban list.
And let's not forget any fruit can be turned into juice.
>"You're under arrest, lady!"
>"But why?? I haven't done anything!"
>"We found traces of yeast inside your vagina! You thought you could hide illegal substances from us!?"

>fry your brain

you just get a tolerance and quit getting overwhelmed from a joint like you're 12 years old.

jesus you're canadian i didn't think you guys were this much of pussies about weed.