What do you think of when you see this?

What do you think of when you see this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Striped panties.

DEEP Symbolism



It makes me think of my wife actually.



The last thread

Samuel Barbers adagio for strings in G minor

Americans not being able to eat raw eggs will never stop being funny.

"The people are the heroes now [...]"


"Not being able to" and "choosing not to" out of health concerns are not the same thing.

I think about the other thread that died for this shit.


makes me think of that image of a cute chubby anime girl eating a bowl of rice

How the fuck does someone eat all that? How are the japanese not all obese?

Nice taste

A shitty youtube channel run by a guy who thinks MGR is still cool and funny

sounds like a fucking homo

too lewd


>amerifat food quality is so bad they're threatened by disease left and right

sounds like your country is just shit.


And that I'd like to eat rice

The only correct answers

Third worlders still not figuring out how to use fire is pretty amusing as well


Stuffed tummy

That's a lot of rice.

I think that the person who eats it all is going to take a large shit later


Get a bigger bowl numbnuts.



No, no, hamburger~

Calories, Carbs, and how disgustingly out of shape I am.

Ah you are mother fucker?


I see you bought the blu-ray


>too poor for the bd



I hope bkub never draws normally again.


Left handed Fender bass


no flavor

why is this?



I wonder how it would feel to put your dick in rice.

Rice > Noodles

The trick is to cook it with a little bit of butter.

You hold the bowl of rice in your left hand and pick up side dishes with your right retard.

No need for the bowl when you can wrap the rice up in a nice omelette instead.


American chicken farm are so dirty they wash the eggs, thereby contaminating it.

It's the price to pay for freedom.

What the FUCK

Pour in some soy sauce because I'm fucking white trash.

Good looking chop steak, 8/10 would eat again

That's a steak you dingus

It's called medium rare and it tastes magnificent because it hasn't had all the flavor cooked out of it

Medium rare isn't red.

Well Done with ketchup.

Fight me.

I don't understand how can anyone eat pure fucking rice with nothing else

That's fucking disgusting.

Why eat raw eggs when you can cook them? They're not tastier raw.

Rice is delicious though, man.

You haven't had good rice, dude.

rice is the blandest food, only exists to highlight the taste of otherl food

>not unseasoned mashed potatoes

And you can't cut steak with a butter knife, it's close enough.
Also, you can see along the edges where it's grayish pink where it had time to cook fo a sec. That's how you tell md rare from rare

I unironically like both of these foods. I guess it's just that I have the most advanced taste buds so I am more sensistive ;^)

>Fight me.

Why fight what is already dead inside?

I guess that's what happens when you taste cum all day every day

Bland, sure.
But it still tastes good.

Norwegian here, I eat unseasoned mashed potatoes all the fucking time and it's fucking delicious.


Just put salt on them if it bothers you. You'll get the same energy from a loaf of bread.


It's weird why people keep perpetuating this myth. All eggs in the USA at least in grocery stores are pasteurized. People don't do it because of "quality" concerns or something. Even though the USA is really no different from any other country. Just that somehow the image of quality is better because Europe doesn't chill them after purchase or something.

I try not to but your mum always wants to kiss after.



damn you got me

>not eating your steak blue-rare

I don't get steaks
is blue rare even considered still cooked?

My beautiful lovely wife

I have never met a single person who eats blue-rare steak. I like mine rare but only on really good cuts of meat.

I knew some retarded African exchange students who would eat raw meat, but they're African so what do you expect.

koran barbecue, just thinking about it makes me hungry

japs and other asians give themselves malnutrition by bleaching their rice instead of just eating brown rice

Google earth



Mio's fat, yellow ass



White rice strips the rice of nutrients during the bleaching process. That's basic nutrition, not racism.

So do they eat that raw or is the hot rice supposed to work its magic on the egg?


That's only a problem if eat majority only rice. This is the 21st century. Variety of food to substitute is the norm.