So when does this get good?

So when does this get good?

it never does i just watched it for the Titans

When you start watching ZZ.

you can't watch ZZ though you experience it

What the fuck now i hate gundam

Zeta Gundam, was fucking shit though.

Tbh I thought this was an old Marvel cartoon

It can't be as bad as Zeta, right?

its not anime cant even compare the two

I'm actually midway through Zeta for the first time now. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

ZZ is great. It's not the best Gundam but it's top-tier stuff.

Just watch the movies which are also rubbish but it's shorter rubbish.

>expecting something out of a toy commercial


>enjoyed MSG, Z, and ZZ

I feel like the only one who has this opinion sometimes
Stardust memory kinda sucks though in the story department, especially the ending.

Watch IBO and Seed instead.

0083 would not have ended up as much of a piece of shit ,if they flat out tried to legitimately create the biggest turd ever.

What went wrong?

Nina flip-flopping, the terrible EVERYTHINGS GREAT ending when everything is going to be horrible, btw I know gato and I love him sorry kou

Top NTR was perfect

0079 is great rest are trash

goddam the byarlant is so sexy

Just skip to the episodes where Kamille throws a crippled Jerid over a cliff and the final episode where he impales the gay purple man with his cockpit

I thought the 0079 movies weren't great honestly, especially if you aren't familiar with the story. Are the zeta movies like that?

zeta never does
it has moments where I thought it could start getting better and then it proved to be shit yet again
the ending and whole last arc are absolutely shit eating retarded and not in a way that's even enjoyable

this desu
Don't forget that 0080, Turn A, and G are all also good

The 0079 movies are an acceptable replacement for the series. A downgrade in some ways and an upgrade in others.

ANT is awful.


Just drop it

I prefer 0079 to Zeta.

I would not recommend the 0079 movies for first-time viewing.

0083 is look at the pretty mechs and turn your brain off or suffer damage