>flash can beat accelerator
Flash can beat accelerator
The better question is, who's worse, LN/manga writers or comic book writers?
They're both hacks, but comic book writers are further away from my political positions.
Flash can travel back in time to punch Accelerator's mom to death with an infinite number of infinite mass punches. Accelerator dies in the womb. Flash wins.
>b-but Accelerator kills Flash before that happens
Flash outruns death and gets an extra life.
>flash runs in circles around accel
>sucks out all the oxygen
>accel dies
Nobody knows who is Accel mother.
He'll get decelerated
He'll just have to kill every last person on earth to be sure. Should take him about a millisecond or so.
He can change the vectors so that the oxygen doesn't get sucked out. Are you even trying comicuck?
> thinking that anyone with actual defined powers can beat the bullshit of the speedforce
flash has
>outrun death
>run to the end of the time where death doesn't exist to kill death
>can perceive things happening in a single attosecond
capecomics are fucking retarded