Dragon Ball Super

Not today, ningen scum.

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This is true JUSTICE!

You simply cannot make this shit up


Trunks confirmed best villain.

Remember when everyone on Earth lent Trunk their energy so that he could create the monster that kills all of them?

Yeah, I remember. Now they're all dead.

Daishinkan was Whis' father, not brother.

>user fooled me with A BANG
I guess I'll never learn
and to think it's the only thing aside his facial proportipns being fucked up that bothers me

Who did the Grand Priest have sex with to make Whis and Vados?

Pussy > all


Who cares? The only bad thing about this is that Future Yajirobe died.

based zeno-sama

>Tfw died for nothing, afterlife destroyed and all of humanity is dead

Was *anyone* satisfied by that ending?

Gokufags got to see him fuck up constantly.
Vegitofags got to see their character retconned to uselessness.
Trunksfags got to see him leading to the death of everyone he fought to protect, his world and entire timeline.
Gohanfags got to see their character deleted from the afterlife which he had earned.

idk but I hope she's a loli too.

Daily remember that Zeno is happy, hence all you inferior mortals should be happy too!

First they got killed, then they got wiped from existence along everyone else. So much for HOPE!!

I guess the best way to polish a turd is by to make something even worse?

Jesus Christ. Not even GT pulled off crap worse than this.
This makes Piccolo being sent to hell look like a blessing.


Trunks not even asking to use the dragonballs to revive his timeline and everyone on it. No lets just fuck into another timeline and play adam and eve with mai.
Not sure if toei dropped the ball hard or toryiama is ruining characters on purpose

Yeah boy!

>Whis can feel in his skin that something's up. Beerus says Zamasu in the future is affecting the present.
Just how strong were they?

Yes, fuck Trunks and fuck his shitty ass world

>they brought future Yajirobe back just to kill him for real

>they pulled the "let's delete everything to make it all seem so very pointless" trick
It's Jojo all over again.

Dragon balls only work for that timeline.

They both have the right idea.

























Captain Ginyu Returns Arc confirmed.

Is this a jojo reference?

How will trunksfags ever recover?

You are Future Hit, you got another job complete and get paid a big fat stack of cash.

Suddenly you can sense that shit is going to happen when they world starts dying out, you time stop the most you can but it's no use and you get deleted along with the entire universe.

Thank you Trunks.

what's even the point? would have made no difference

tfw the entire arc was pointless from a narrative standpoint. Toei gets to sell some figures because of this arc, though. Yay for them.

The fuck is with the sky?

Man i can't imagine a universe being erased. Especially the afterlife.

I am only NINGEN after all
Dont put the blame on me
Dont ask me for my opinion
Dont ask me to lie
Dont ask for forgiveness for making you cry


Trunks is a mary sue.

This has been known since Z.

Pan is sick user, Gohan was busy caring for her while Videl was fucking Jamal from across the street

Yes. And I'm a Trunksfag.

Trunks timeline was fucked beyond repair,

at least that faggot Zamasu got deleted and Trunks won the pussy.

They were killed by Zamasu. Zeno came later. It's why Mai lost her shit and started firing at the sky.

He only deleted their universe didn't he?

Universe 6 should still be alive

You blew it.

Is this suppose to be bittersweet? I'm feeling something right now, but what.

Zamasu was right all along
Ningens only care for sex

>Gohan dropped training to get pussy
>Trunks dropped a timeline to get pussy

he's wearing that shit sweater of his all the time ofcourse it would get hot in it

he died in Z Gohanfag


>Mai won the Trunksbowl

It really isn't.

1. Zeno got a friend

2. Trunk will come back for the Multiversal tournament

In Jojo, there's only one universe being reset, and it was literally the best they could make out of a bad situation where the badguy murders the active cast and was in the middle of resetting the universe anyway. Not to mention, they're not "dying" as much as they are being reborn with several influences in or out of their lives.

Here on DBS, two characters fuck off to another dimension while literally everything else dies, including the souls of the people who already died.

The badguy(s) literally got what they wanted. This is like if the Freeza saga ended off with Goku beating up Freeza, leaving him on Namek, and Freeza gets his wish anyway.


Zeno destroyed the whole multiverse in trunks timeline

>An entire MULTIVERSE jobbed


Have fun Trunks


Daily reminder Goku is responsible for this.

Her breakdown was delicious.

"Out of my way son, I'm here".
What would the man of no-jobbing have done differently?

I'd like to hope he was training too but he may have just been tired as fuck from rushing to the scene. Then again it's in the same city and I doubt he's been weakened to the state that a mile or two is tiring.

>rooting for Trunks
>give them their energy
>by slicing Zamasu up, he's able to kill everything on Earth and becoming even more powerful

Fucking hell.

>they're not "dying" as much as they are being reborn with several influences in or out of their lives.
Except the ones who are dead don't get to be reborn so all the characters you've rooted for over years get replaced by doppelgangers. It isn't fair.

The Jobverse

Fucking half sayians once they got the pussu they dont give a fuck anymore.
Vegeta and goku are the best

>Deletes an entire multiverse except for his waifu

Mai must be dripping wet

Let's see if the manga version remembers to bring everyone along.

I don't know how the writers at Toei could drop the ball this hard.
This is the sort of thing someone would right as a fanfiction or like a joke.

Spoiler: he trained for the baseball game (where he gets overshadowed anyway) and then falls to irrelevancy.

wew lad

So Zeno destroyed all of creation just to stop Zamasu?

God damn I mean just get the fucking Super Dragon Balls .

Is he going to be the final boss?

>Trunks didn't even ask to save them


Super is shit.

i want the "Friendship with Krillin is over, ZenOh is my new bestie" picture, i need to update it with goku holding up the little bastard.

>Zeno and Mai are the only people from their timeline who never died.

Seems weird, man.

This would be my face too if someone randomly bites my nipple

of course he will

Everyone in this picture is dead. And not just go to the Other World. They died a painful death then got deleted.

Thanks, Goku for forgetting the sensu beans and Mafuba seal.
Thanks, Trunks for releasing Zamasu over the entire earth.

What a way to end this arc. Everyone they fought for died.

>When you had a really bad feeling about Zamasu losing his body in the preview snippet because you thought Goku resorting to fucking Zeno was insane
>Had flashbacks of Earthbound

>When your predictions came true and he literally became Giygas
>When the skies got covered by several of his faces

n o p e

>Zamasu got his ningen free world
>Zeno got his friend
>Trunks got his pussy
>Goku and Vegeta got the chance to test their strength against God level opponents

Literally everybody relevant won.

There are two zeno's now on one timeline

My boy is going to shine

>He didn't even ask to have them saved


>thinking everything will be alright in the end
>trunks sinned, but he's the good guy
>everything turns out worse
>"I just wanted to save people!"

They were already fucking dead, dude. Zamasu blew everyone up. It was too late. Leave Trunks alone.

>TWO Zenos
>TWO Future Trunks
>TWO Future Mai's
Holy fucking shit HOW is this even safe?

Lots and lots of fun.

Well you know what they say the student always surpasses the master.


Sorry kid, the baseball episode is a Yamcha episode.

Daily reminder that Goku's autism caused all of this mess.


>Whis' plan: create a new timeline by going to Trunks' one *before* Beerus died, have him beat Zamasu, then seal Zamasu away Mafuba-style.
So it does all come together.

Jesus, that's considerably dark. Watch them return in the other timeline.

Joylne is Irene, except Jotaro hasn't had to go hunting for Stand Users/Arrow Pieces, so he's had more time to stay at home, and she
Sure, I'll agree she's not the same exact woman, but it's still her as if she's lived a different life.

Not to mention, this was literally the best they could ask for out of a bad situation where some religious nutcase was creating a universe for DIO.

Would you rather Joylne and Weather Report fuck off to another universe as a solution to the problem while Pucci gets his DIOverse instead?

Fuck off you retard nobody cares about those useless Chinese faggots

>That flimsy excuse



come on

>"durr why doesn't Goku just summon Zeno-sama to take care of Zamasu"
>he finally does
>Zeno obliterates the universe

Wasn't Trunks somehow the reason that the whole Goku Black thing happened?

So he created his ultimate enemy, then got everyone killed, then got his timeline deleted?

Fucking wew, lad.

>watching dragonballtime stream
>it dies


>that batting stance
He ain't going to shine shit

Oh Japan. There should only be 1 Omni-King.


>they will live in a timeline that already has a Mai and a Trunks
Foursome when?