Check this out. They're panicking.
>say you have irrefutable proof of evidence
>your evidence is debunked right away
>you now pretend your evidence never existed Lmao
Anderson is next. It comes out this Tuesday. Right befor thanksgiving
Go figure, as soon as you see Allred getting involved, you know it's bullshit. She's a typical kike ambulance chasing lawyer
If the yearbook is not legit, you must acquit
Can some burger explain this drama and it's characters real quicc to me plz
Roy Moore is a rootin' tootin' southern fella' who don't take shit from nobody, no siree. He was accused of going after some younger women 40 years ago, and one piece of evidence is a yearbook signature which was written in 2 different colors of ink. Some people think this is mighty suspicious, I tell you what!
There's other women claiming that he harassed them in a mall and got him kicked out by security. If that's true, it's a claim that can be verified, and we should hear more about it in the future. If we don't, then we know it was fake.
jew cunt lawyer manufactured false evidence, biden supporting cunt made false claims, fake news ran a story about a mall banning, 2 other cunts tried to apply current courtship rituals to courtship rituals of 1970's rural Alabama, then hypocritical uniparty members clutched there pearls, and MSM ran with the whole dog and pony show.
I think I covered it all.
The former mall manager disputed those claims saying he was never banned and never chased tail
This is so obvious that it's a hitjob but I can't say it on facebook because the normies will think I'm being biased because he's republican and they believe he is guilty no matter what.
It's all do dreadful.
Oh noooeees.
I hope Gloria doesn't get in trouble for this hoax to rig an election!! I mean she's obviously colluding and doing business with this hoaxer. I bet she even sent her Twitter DMs. I bet the hoaxer got the yearbook from Russia. So this is treason.
Major players:
Roy Moore - Former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court now running for US Senate from Alabama
Cast of thousands - Women rapidly approaching old age who accused Moore of asking them out on dates/going out on dates with them/feeling them up forty years ago when they were teenagers
Gloria Allred - Controversy mongering muckraking cunt who's never seen a chance at publicity she didn't like. Would certainly suck shit through a straw if it got her name on TV.
if we can't get the book you have to equit.
I don't get this whole story.
Even IF the yearbook signature IS real, how is it evidence of sexual assault?
And let us not forget we're about to get Hillary taking briefcases full of bribes video!!
doesn't rhyme and he's not being charged with anything so that's not very good
the year book is false and roy moore has never met this person 40 years ago
NOW Sup Forums isn't at the top.
Even if the yearbook is fake, which it's not, you guys are grasping at straws. There's like 15 other accusations and the dude is banned from several malls because he can't leave the young girls alone.
You lost. The republitards are bailing on him. Roy is going to get his ass handed to him on election day.
ok, but those who claim it is real; why do they think it would prove anything?
Don't be a bagina.
They're not even seriously pushing for sexual assault. They're just claiming that he dated teenagers of legal age while he was in his 30's, and that it is creepy and grounds for dismissal from the election.
Nigger, they just thought they could shame him into backing down or smear him into losing a few points. It's their m.o.
>says increasingly nervous man for the 15th time this week.
She is under no obligation to hand over anything to her abuser. This happened a long time ago and the poor woman wants to just get on with her life. She was just warning voters who they might be voting for. Stop attacking the victim.
If Alabaman's fall for this bullshit they really are as dumb as Democratic imagine.
>make up lie that roy moore signed her yearbook
>"ok sweet can we see your yearbook?"
LMAO depth of field doesn't alter color. And only cheap ass lenses have chromatic aberrations, which only appear at the edges of the frame.
If the book's illegit you must acquit
If the book can't be git you must acquit.
If unmatching script you must acquit.
Chain of evidence.
The evidence must be verified as authentic before it can have any validity. Since the plaintiffs refuse to release the evidence for examination it can be disregarded.
He's not being charged. Allred will never charge him for anything. There are too many reasons why it could go south. They just want to tank his election.
So you are a fool.
So you are a tool?
If the writing ain't befitting you must get to acquitting.
She'll be sued for libel and slander. As well as Gloria Allred being brought to trial by the New York state bar.
The yearbook will be inspected whether they like it or not.
>this whole case
I believe it is time for Gloria ALL-RED to be removed from the political process. She is a menace.
is this the new Mornington Crescent? it's been weeks and I have yet to see a direct answer to the question: what was the yearbook supposed to prove?
Yes I believe they have a case for that here. He may even be able to sue every news station that ran with the story as well for failing to even do basic research.
They will find something else
They're accusing him of dating hot women?
If the writing don't fit you must acquit.
it wouldnt have proved it either way but by lying she destroys her own credibility
Was there ever any doubt? If McCain & Romeny are against some one you can be sure there is something to it being a hit job...those idiots have played their hands too many times
so that's a yes, then? mornington crescent?
You're not doing what you think you're doing.
I don't think at all. it hurts.
Truth prebvails Allred the kike satanic slut needs a trial then execution THOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THE GOYIM!
Don't miss the key part of this story.
If you were forging someone'e name you want extreme duplication. So, when an old court proceeding was found with the Initials "D.A.' what does that mean? It must mean "District Attorney.'
Howver, "D.A." did not refer to "District Attorney" on the court proceedings, it was the initials of "Delbra Adams" who wrote her initials when using Judge Roy Moore's Seal.
So, what are the odds of the assistant to the Judge having the initials "D.A." and the job of District Attorney being closely related?
The Shakespearean Twist in events could not have been foreseen and is amazing to witness as it goes to the proving of forgery.
These people use sexual assault for political assassinations, that much is obvious. You don't even need to prove anything, you just have to say that "Oy vey, that %insertnamehere% sexually assaulted me when I was fifteen!" and the victim is finished.
>They're panicking.
You can tell the Democrats are running out of ideas when they have to attack Roy More with the same failed tactic they used on Trump.
I'm not sure this is a sign of panic. they only have one tool, so that's what they are going to use.
The comments for that article.. The only hope here is that most these retards aren't reproducing so at least they won't be raising more of themselves
From the way Moore talks he's obviously a pedophile and a rapist but even so you need to have proof to get someone in trouble. If the yearbook was legit it should be easy to prove.
Liking healthy 15 year old teens in full puberty isn' pedo, it's Hebephilia and was normal since ancient times until the last century when you cunts decided to give women more power to destroy civilisation.
When the Dems lie, Moore's /ourguy!
Kek, fucking lying kike
Not just Trump and his lifetime of public scrutiny who suddenly become a sexual predator, but Clarence Thomas, he gets accused of sexual harrasment when he's being confirmed as a Justice. Herman Cain, he's a sexual predator too, Romney becomes a sexist who has a binder full of women.
Roy Moore has been driving leftist progressives insane for over 2 decades, suddenly after he wins a run off and
4 weeks before the special election he gets hit with these unverifiable claims with zero proof, outside of any statute of limitations so no one can make a signed complaint that would put them in danger for perjury or filing a false report.
These guys run the same playbook all the time. If I was in Alabama I'd be so pissed I was being manipulated by the NY media, establishment politicians and leftists, I'd vote for Moore out of spite and make sure he won in a landslide
Are his chance of winning good or bad?
>redneck dindu nuffin