JoJo thread
DIO: The Musical
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1st for worst boy
BARRIER UP! part 4 anime hatefags are unable to post in this thread.
You know, I wonder if leaving out Jonathan being a little shit as a kid will make animeonlys think he had zero character development.
I've been working on playing Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town on my bass trombone, anyone wanna hear a snippet of the part I can play decently so far on a vocaroo?
Part 4 anime is shit
sure why not
Man Araki didn't give a single fuck for parts 1 and 2.
I assume the animeonlies are only interested in the epin memelord that comes next so they wouldn't care about those scenes even if they were there (the first episode already had people hating Jonathan for being weak).
But it does upset me that DP removed those scenes which were so important for Jonathan's character (as well as some important scenes for Dio and George's characters as well).
It takes a while for Jonathan to grow into that larger-than-life ideal hero he eventually becomes, in the same way it takes a while for Dio to grow to become the massive force of evil in the series.
Leaving those scenes takes away from that. I wish they had at least included Danny's backstory.
I missed like 3 notes and I hate myself but here it is
Gappy makes me happy
Not bad user, not bad at all.
>mfw i havent gotten to part 8 yet but i've heard so much cool shit about it
Fuck me I'm 1/3rd through SBR
If BTD is full of actual crisp, stylish animation like this and they've actually saved up their budget for the next 5 eps I take back every bit of shit I've flung at DP, this scene was marvelous.
We're still here
Batoto Link:
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pretty good so far
3.5 here again, I scrapped my old idea so it'll be done by tomorrow for sure.
>mfw the song calls for slide movements so fast that if i said ora while doing it it would actually be pretty accurate
i'm pretty sure it will. david has learned their lesson since part 3.
I can't help but feel super skeptical about it though, best to set your hopes low until thursday when we see the PV but especially Friday so we can see just WHO is doing the episode
At this point I think the best candidates would be either the guy who did the 2nd episode or the guy who did Quiet Life 2.
But they've been saving their budget for 34 episodes!
Reminder that there's nothing weird about a father and son sharing a bath
In retrospect I think Jonathan may have had more development than the average JoJo.
None of them really changed much.
Credit where it's due, aside from Quiet Life 1 they saved their budget for the right episodes this time to make the important ones look great. I really hope this is the case with BTD/CDIU.
Also, since we're at the finale, think they might play one of the OPs during BTD/CDIU like they did with Bloody Stream in part 2?
>The Dog that attacked Rohan made the same noise as Cream
Jonathan, Joylene, and Johnny were the most well-developed characters, Joylene being the most, Jonathan balanced, and Johnny falling to occasional Koichi development syndrome.
jotaro was shit, fuckin polnareff was the main character of part 3
What the hell is Koichi development syndrome
I like Jotaro but his whole "CALM COOL GUY" thing got old.
Definitely agree about Polnareff having more of the character focus. Same problem as in part 5. Jotaro/Giorno are only there for when things need to be solved.
Johnny had by far the most character development. Jolyene was definitely second in that regard, but Johnny had a long time to go from a depressed possibly suicidal failure to someone who actually has a purpose.
Of course then Araki fucked it up with what happens to him afterwards.
i'd like to see the people who worked on sha 1 and 2 return for the finale as well. both of those episodes had really nice animation and some beautiful stills.
sono chi no sadame played at the end of part 2, not bloody stream.
Don't say that you love me
A term I heard a part 4 hating shitter say once but it's true.
It's when a character just gets stronger in a fight just cause. It's very lazy writing so it looks like the characters changing, when in reality he just gets more powerful.
Koichi is an example because although he was technically the most developed character in DIU, he mostly did so because of fights.
A character like Polnareff dealt with deaths of his friends, building relationships with the people around him, explained his tragic backstory which came to haunt him and you see him vulnerable emotionally instead of just being damaged in a fight like Koichi in Sheer Heart Attack.
You're probably right, it just that it felt unnatural when he shot himself with Tusk Act 3.
They're both my favorite JoJos, Girono being my least because he had practically no character development except in the Man in the Mirror and White Album fights.
I'm not him, but I thought that's what it was.
Johnny doesn't really magically get stronger because he needs to, though. He sure as hell does need to, but, unlike Cuntichi, he actually develops enough mentally to warrant a change in his stand.
He was mentally defeated at the start of part 7, when he got his stand it was small and didn't do very much; but throughout the part he develops and grows stronger mentally, not just out of nowhere, eventually leading to his stand changing.
>your favorite jojo isn't pic related
Literally what is wrong with you lad
I started watching JoJo. I like it so far, but why is Dio such a gigantic dick?
That person just sounds bitter as fuck, without any real grasp on Koichi.
Koichi is just coming of age and learning to confront and deal with his problems like a man instead of screaming or running away like he would really like to do.
His stand evolves because he didn't really have what it took to control a humanoid stand up until he had to protect Jotaro from dying because of Koichi's own stupid mistake.
How does Johnny figure out to shoot himself in the Civil War fight? I get that his "heart stopped wavering", but it just seemed so random.
I think the best Koichi development moments are Lock and the clothing shop fight where he confronted Kira.
The big problem was that nobody in part 4 had much character development. Part 5 had a similar issue, but that at least had Bruno coming to terms with his mortality.
I have no idea why you are here when you haven't even finished 1/16 of JoJo
because dio has more of a backstory that is covered in the manga and not the anime
Yeah, that's kind of a plot convenience, but it isn't a Koichi magical stand development one
Didn't Jesus himself give him a hint?
He's literally DBZ tier character development.
"Oh no Jotaro is gonna die cuz I fucked up, wait my stand evolve cuz I need to win the fight xd"
It would have probably been better if before Act 3 came, he would of shit talked Kira and gained the resolve to evolve, not just gaining it randomly and then have the balls to shit talk him.
everytime Koichi's stand evolved, it was because it was time for him to finally nut up.
He wanted to protect his family from Tamami, have the balls to reject Yukako, the power to protect Jotaro like Jotaro protected him.
"Don't shoot if you heart is wavering" doesn't mean "Shoot yourself". He did do that fiery eyes shit which meant he would kill anyone, but shooting himself didn't make sense.
>DBZ tier character development
characters dont develop in DBZ, don't even make shit up like that.
Goku is literally the same fucking retard he was in the beginning of DB.
>characters dont develop in DBZ
pic related
Johnny's smart. Maybe he had thought about what would happen but didn't have the guts to do it?
It could have been worse user
It could have been a girl that they made "develop" like that for the feminist demographic
>He wanted to protect his family
That worked real well for Shigechi didn't it, user?
pic related is my face after making that joke
>i loev vagina he protek bulma from cat man
Reminder that there is only one major female character in Part 5, so when the anime adapts it half of the generals will be composed of nothing but
>Trish is best girl
>I love Trish!
>I want Trish to make my dick soft
>Trish is cute! C U T E
>trish is a shit girl who did nothing but fight notorious b.i.g. and also is a slut who became a pop star and didn't even fuck mista
Luckily, Part 6 should have a wider range of waifus, so we'll be fine then.
Koichi literally goes super saiyan, he gets balls to win a fight, but outside of a fight, he's still the good hearted, helpful, naive kid he was before he got hit with the arrow.
Shigechi wasn't a pussy who needed to develop into a man. His stand didn't also start out as an egg that does nothing.
What gun mista uses?
A .38?it shoots a little bit too fast for one(or may be just araki's shooting artstyle)
But it also looks like one a lot
>i will finally be able to jerk off to jolyne in actual color and not just an odd palette
Praise lord Heaven Ascension Kek
>he's still the good hearted, helpful, naive kid he was before he got hit with the arrow.
If you think Koichi at the beginning of part 4 is the same character as Koichi at the end, you're just a retard
I like FF :3
one of the few good parts of oart 6
>and also is a slut who became a pop star and didn't even fuck mista
I guess they would be the ones to not realize that a mafia affiliated hitman would make a great bodyguard.
I really need more of these....
Do you mean Jolyne? She was targetted towards the male demographic.
>If this rather badly-written and mediocre character was a girl (which he's not) it would've been the work of the feminist agenda
What the fuck am I reading?
>trish didn't even fuck mista
uhh, my headcanon says otherwise
More like
>>Mista is best boy
>>I love abbaccio!
>>I want bruno to unzip my dick
>>narancia is cute! C U T E
>>trish is a shit girl who did nothing but fight notorious b.i.g. and also is a slut who became a pop star and didn't even fuck mista
The only difference is his relationship with the Morioh stand users and he's not powerless anymore.
Even 2 years later, he stills sees the good Giorno, who stole his money and passport and fought him when he brought it up, and even befriends him after the Black Sabbat fight.
No, Jolyne was an actually good female character who was written as more masculine (more muscles, less feely-shit, etc etc), I was stating a hypothetical.
>implying the Daenerys effect isn't real (starting a series with a weak female character and making her strong mentally out of fucking nowhere to pander to a specific audience)
Araki said he wanted to write more and better women because he hadn't done so before, and wanted to write some girl characters his daughters would enjoy when they got older.
That isn't really 'feminism' though is it? I mean, he's just saying that he'd like to move out of his comfort-zone and utilize female characters more and better. Which he did, the girls from part 6 onward are infinitely better than shit like Lisa Lisa and forgettable minor enemies.
Valid point. But keep in mind that David Production made all Part 4 girls best girls. Unless they can make that same magic work with Narancia, it won't be the same.
There is a simple proof as to why Trish didn't fuck Mista: in Purple Haze Feedback, Mista still has a fear of the number 4.
The fact is that such an obsession would instantly be forgotten once Mista lost his virginity. It's like how otaku get rid of their anime collections after getting a girlfriend.
Your perception of the manga is incredibly strange, nevermind just Koichi
Jongali A. vs N'Doul. Who wins?
Nah I thought he was referring to Jolyne, I don't believe it was for that reason.
Can't wait desu.
He did manage to pull his shit together when he figured out what to do to distract Sheer Heart Attack.
>and wanted to write some girl characters his daughters would enjoy when they got older.
Holy shit. Araki has kids?
I'm reasonably sure Mista isn't a virgin to start with, user.
Can you address the argument other than stating "You don't look at it like I do"?
>tfw /GIOGIO/ is almost upon us
>Comparing Game Of Thrones shit to JJBA
Look, once again I barely even understand what point you're trying to make. Koichi isn't a girl, and the theme of 'weak character getting stronger over time in an unsatisfying manner' is far from a girl-character only issue. You're arguing a point based purely on your own take on a hypothetical situation which didn't happen at all, and trying to turn your hatred of Koichi into nonsense about feminism to give it more credit. It's really weird.
But your argument IS
>"You don't look at it like I do"
So all I can do is spoon-feed you how I see it, and I'm really sick of doing that for dumb meme posters
>i'm the one taking this so far
Nigga I was literally saying at least his weak development wasn't as bad as a shitty cash grab, just bad development, nothing less nothing more.
I keep bringing up points, you keep saying "no it's not".
At least name a few examples where Koichi's development carries on outside of conflict instead of saying I'm somehow spouting memes?
The Daenerys effect is especially bad in media now because of the third wave feminism pushing.
Feminists will hate Jolyene, though. I can promise you that.
>"no it's not"
Because it's not.
>Highway Star
>Getting the jump on Kira and using Act 3 on his hand
Are too good examples, and really the only ones there are because of how infrequently Koichi appears after SHA.
This, literally one of the main reasons I cannot wait until part 6 is animated.
This is cancer discussion. Take this shit back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums or /r9k/ or wherever you came from
You can't even spell the name of the legitimately good female character who you're insisting that women are going to despise, go to s4s and argue with the tumblrinas to your hearts content.
Those two examples are him in direct conflict, and they only show that his abilities grow, but nothing outside really exemplifies his character development.
Araki didn't really give Koichi as much attention as he needed to have good development, he put too much emphasis on Josuke, whom doesn't change much anyway.
So Koichi's shitty development is perfectly acceptable, but if Koichi was a girl it'd be a cash-grab and the work of an anti-male conspiracy?
Oh jeez, I typed an accidental e. Not like I have a friend with that name.
I'm saying modern feminists are going to hate Jolyne. Why wouldn't they? She's a girl with an actual personality, flaws and development. Not to mention she's straight and openly lusts after men.
>Lusts after men
Not him but
>Sup Forums
>implying they wouldn't just sage a thread about a female anime protagonist
>Sup Forums
>literally nothing to do with this, i assume this is a gamergate reference
>as someone from this board we would probably list the things we would do to her anally or something, not a discussion on her character
Feminists are usually against men in all aspects and think they are cancer, etc etc, against sex and shit like that, and are against any sexualization of women whatsoever in media.
Nah but when did she do this? I only remember her boyfriend and when she was caught masturbating.
Well Josuke IS the main character.
And there you go
>direct conflict
>Koichi takes action as quickly as Jotaro does in a stand battle
And the thing with the bitchy nurse is something Koichi would have never done in the beginning. Come on.
You're parading your ignorance more with every post. Jolyne is already alarmingly popular on tumblr because of those exact same reasons you're declaring will make them hate her, it's characters like Trish or Lucy that feminists don't like.
Okay I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt but you're actually a retard.
I gave Daenerys as an example because her character wasn't some fucking feminist "conspiracy" thing, it was made to APPEAL to feminists. It's called PANDERING when you do that. I was simply saying that if Koichi was a girl, it might as well be pandering to that demographic.
And when did I fucking say his shitty development was okay? I said it wasn't AS BAD as it would be if that was the case.
Fuck off back to special ed you fucking mongoloid
I just don't want a trend of bringing up the social commentary at work around me. The rest of Sup Forums does that enough, and I'm honestly just beyond hearing about it.
I've just accepted that people are going to find things to be fucking idiots about.
Not him but I remember a scene, I'm gonna try to find it. Wait for me.
>everyone on tumblr is a feminist
Wew you're actually retarded. Can't tell if you wear an adult diaper or you're a feminist or even worse, a male one.
>implying modern day feminists wouldn't bitch about Jolyne being a sex object power fantasy w/e because she masturbates and lusts after dudes
You're being surprisingly hostile about this, user. JoJo is still pretty niche. If/when it gets big enough to attract a more mainstream audience it'll be hammered with that.
>waah all the females are conventionally attractive
>waaah all the main ones are straight
And don't you even dare deny that most Jolyne fanart doesn't have her lezzing out with Ermes.
Ive got you bruv
Ok, I still think your misinterpreting those scenes.
Koichi was only actively malicious to that bitchy nurse because his abilities let him do it and undo it, it also had the ultimate goal of saving Rohan's and Josuke's lives. He would of done something similar in any situation because he was doing it for good reasons, like how he helped his mom and sister during the Lock fight.
And Koichi takes quick action in his previous fights, it's not something he develops.
>Being this enraged about hypothetical girl-Koichi's character-development and what hypothetical feminists would think of it
I think you need to take a nap or something.