Tell me about the Juden

Why do they have high IQs?

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They're just elite jew terrorist criminals, not smart. Some are but few and far between. Mostly just elites practicing NEPOTISM. Elite jew terrorist criminals.


They stole IQ points from the goys.
Greedy kikes!

>Why do they have high IQs?

They are advancing their own kind with outrageous racist nepotism to above 1000% over their fair diversity quota in Ivy league colleges and universities.
Less than 2% of US population is hijacking more than 20%.

Because whites have high IQ.

Stefan "I hate mooozlims cuz my ((((((Greek)))))) wife said so" Molynose

The Ashkenazi spent 1000 years evolving in central europe during which time they disproportionately were involved in careers such as finance and business that require high IQ, they strictly prohibited outbreeding, and the more successful ones had more children. Basic IQ eugenics, though it gave them some diseases that are caused by IQ related genes.

IQ isn't the whole story wiht Jewish success though, even at average 112 they are overrepresented with their small population in media and academia. This is because they are hyper race aware and very prone to ingroup preference, so they practice a lot of nepotism and pro-jewish bias.

Zuck is not high IQ. He didn't do anything but copy the MySpace idea. MySpace was supposed to be a way for musicians to connect and for bands to get their music out. Then every ho on the internet started making profiles about themselves and thus social media was born. The burg just copied someone else's accident and sold off peoples information. Not particularly high IQ. Just a jew being a jew

An infrared pill for you: the component of their IQ that matters most, the verbal, is an average of 125. The 112 figure is because their spatial is ~100 level, and 112 is the mean of those two.

Wikipedia used to say this, and pointed to some paper. You sound like the diligent sort, maybe you could find it if you're curious enough.

To me it makes a lot of sense.

They don't

Zuckerberg can't articulate anything he does.


... a couple of links:

If you don't believe that the verbal is more important (for usual daily wheeling and dealing), there's a column by the Griffe Du Leon who came up with smart fraction theory - a society just has to have /enough/ smart people to be rich - and found it worked better when he used verbal IQ instead of 'net' IQ.

I wonder how he got college people to use Facebook? I remember hearing about in 2008 how face Facebook was for old people. You think zuck payed people to sabotage Myspace?

That's because he's a literal sperg.
There's no way he doesn't have a high-IQ, maybe even genius-tier.

fuck off juden

Wow I thought I knew it all. Thanks user.


This. He wrote it in PHP ffs. Is the music bit true? I know they took that direction as a rebrand, didn't know that was the initial target market.

That is interesting, I'll look it up. I'm basing this off Cochran.(and the nepotism stuff is MacDonald obviously)

Aren't Jews also overrepresented in Physics and Math and Chess and things like that though?

they have higher verbal IQs because like any religious group, they spend more time reading, writing, and debating what they have read and written, especially their laws, and their interpretations. that is why non-orthodox religious groups are generally less intelligent because they do not think about their own laws, let alone practice, interpret, and debate them.

Not an argument. Christ, you're a fucking retard

They were confided to Mercantile and Usury both requiring brainpower.

they're over represented in the more verbal heavy side of physics and math, i.e. theoretical physics, philosophy of math, mathematical logic, foundations, category theory. you dont see as many jews in applied math or engineering because they tend to make things more complicated, rather than efficient, useful, practical.



If you look at all the big Jew companies, many of them didn't start with impressive tech. Facebook was just a php website with a mysql database. Jews just look out for the tribe and other tribe members will just fund and shill another's product. So most of these companies would have never existed if it wasn't for the tribe connections pushing them to the spotlight.

both require more social intelligence than anything else, which ends up being less about predicting in the deterministic sense and more about fuzzy manipulation of groups of people's emotions, political mayhem, that sort of thing. you would be surprised how incompetent the majority of people can be even at high levels of finance.

They don't. I met several jews and they were all dumb as a rock.

Adversity breeds creativity. Creativity is directly related to IQ. The Jews whether intentionally or unintentionally have subjected themselves to massive amounts of adversity.

It's quite simple really.


high iq, but not high speed.
jews dont rule the gaming world, cause they slow as fuck. low ass apm.

I can see that making sense, you never really hear about Jewish engineers, what about this though
It is hard to be more non-verbal than chess

What? there are shit-ton of jews in cumputer science

kek what an embarrassing typo

Most are kinda shit at low level stuff, good at high level platform building.
>Low level software dev

Maybe a high IQ, but they never learn from past mistakes and change their ways, that's why they've been kicked out over 100 nations over the centuries for the same thing; usury, corrupting politicians, starting riots, revolutions and stealing from the State.

So maybe they are smart, but when it comes to common sense, they're the biggest idiots on the planet.

Your first mistake is believing IQ has any relevance in the real world. It doesn't.

Because they are G**'s chosen people

Same reason a wood tick has a thick exoskeleton..
Parasites need to be tough enough to survive their host.

They appear to have IQs, because they pander to the common man, it’s not hard to appear to be an adult standing among children when the people you associate with have child like mentality

>tfw smarter than everyone on Sup Forums
Sometimes I feel bad when I make fun of people here because I'm probably mocking a legitimate retard.

Because they are Satan's chosen people.
I fixed it for you user.

Yeah. MySpace's original intent was music. They just brought the old platform back

well, from my experience playing jews at chess, and other people's experience is that jews tend to play chess more psychologically than by visual/spatially- i.e. they are very good at reading the other player, finding their weaknesses and then translating those weaknesses into moves on the chess board that they can exploit. If you combine this with good long-term memory, you have someone who can also memorize lots of tactics from other chess masters without having to invent any of their own. You compound this with an obsessive nature and voila, you have tons of grand chess masters. also, I wouldnt agree that chess is well suited for people who are visual spatially inclined. There are a lot of rules and different pieces that lends itself more to logical thought than visual thinking. Go is much better suited for people who are visual-spatially inclined, and well, you don't see many jews who are very good at Go.

I have no idea. I still to this day don't use the crap. Wish I could say I never did but my mother convinced me to sign up for it a long time ago to help her play those stupid games. So now the evil jew owns my soul too.

You literally have a low IQ

That is a good point user.

Jews have been the middle managers and white collar analytical staff for the European elite for centuries. They were doing efficiency expert work before the Enlightenment on Polish plantations in Ukraine.

>middle managers for centuries

thousands of years. the scribes in egypt, whose work ranged from administrative, legal to accounting were jews

>over represented in the more verbal heavy side of physics and math
Literally what? you're sounding like a retard.
t. studying CS and math

Then why don't the other religious groups have their IQ?

About that ....

> t. member of race with disproportionately many Fields Medals in math, even.

It started out as Myspace for college kids. First Harvard, then the rest. Then everyone, including old people.

No, Chaim, you're the retard.

Israelis have different IQs than diaspora Jews.

Given their sever over representation in just about everything, the correct question you should be asking is why is their IQ so low?

huge focus on literacy since well before "christ". education has been more important than anything else for us since we were blessed by the one true G-d.