Hi hi.
Tsurezure Time.
Tsurezure Children
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a handful of redraws left for the next chapter, probably finish it sometime tomorrow morning.
Thanks user
Have you been keeping up with TL user's dumps?
There was a sequel to this chapter very recently that was a bit happier.
Did you modify the translations here?
Right side more-or-less just for typesetting reasons, but I assume you mean the left-side last panel?
I went with "ruin" because she says ”反対のことしちゃうの”, which I'm taking to be more of an active voice than "why am I so against it?"
Do critique.
This author never fails to make me feel like some chapters are the cutest thing ever, and other times boiling with rage. Today i boil.
Why are these threads so freaking dead?
Maybe because I post them relatively late.
The raw dumps are pretty lively by comparison.
Is the different font for Patricia when she is speaking in English or is it just for style?
i missed you
It's still written in Katakana, like the rest of her speech, but yes, the font comes out for when the raws say "Hey" and "Wow".
I saw the translations with the raw dumps so I only sort of lurk the threads.
Whoever typesets these makes me happy.
Hmm, I trust your judgement, but it doesn't sound like she's aware of her feeings in that last panel on the left. For me.
I will continue thinking about it.
Thank you for bringing it up; nothing is more important to me than feedback.
For anyone still lurking the thread, I finished redrawing earlier than I thought I would.
I played pretty fast-and-loose with the translations this chapter.
I'm taking 引かれる to mean something closer to "be pulled away from" in context. I know there are better ways to phrase it, still mulling over it in my head.
See also:
By the way, the redrawing error on left-side p3 has been noted and fixed.
Fuck the ambiguity of Japanese and all that.
Right-side panel 3, I took Takase to be badmouthing Kanda because A) he's looking for a way to backpedal after saying sappy shit, and B) in the next panel, Kanda uses "下されば", as in "well if you like hanging out with me, you shouldn't have a problem confessing, since apparently I have so many bad points."
True, but you are doing good work, might just be a weekend timezone thing. Which means in a scarier way too many have already left this place, and this place is only filled with normal fags despite being the first drop point for good stuff.
>No! You don't understand!
God dammit, even in better quality scans it still hurts my kokoro
The russian roulette of manga.
To be fair, Patty did half of the sabotage by interrupting Sugayan.
> Stuco prez's idea
Based Akagi
I can't wait for whatever fuckery will stop the romance for the:
>rapping couple
>god-tier bro with that kansai girl
>that glasses girl who couldn't let her feelings out
>the two bottom panels
>this entire chapter
holy shit just fuck already
because Sup Forums has shit taste. kaguya is an exception
good pace TS user.I only assumed 1 or 2 chapters a week from you.
How far until youre all caught up?
3 behind right now, not taking into consideration the chapter that should come out this week.
>rapping couple
onimusha got dumped yo
I just want to see music club girl finally get railed/hate fucked by her senpai
Oh god not these two again.
I hate this couple so god damn much
Oh god yes these two again.
I should keep a running tally of peoples' reactions to each couple.
>>>>>TL:TL user
Is this loss?
Truth really is stranger than fiction, huh.
Where I could get the past chapter dumped here? Google?
The typeset chapters?
They get put on batoto, and then they get ripped and uploaded everywhere else you can find scanlations.
The raws with plaintext translations?
In the archive. There's also a forum post on batoto that collates the archive posts, with a link to the translator's mega folder.
Okay thanks!