Snake last?
If you hate Sneak after watching the anime you missed the point of it.
Snake is garbage
>doll always ranking low
snake A SHIT
Who likes this brat?
Pic related is a best.
>crab over cat and monkey
>le reddit 'snake is bad' meme
You get off the boat this morning? We like snake around these parts.
Kizu pt.2 subs when
This is some advanced shitposting.
Snake liked?
I always put doll in the middle.
If you feel like reading my thoughts on this, browse through this thread:
If you just want to shitpost and hate, I can't stop you I guess.
yes indeed.
Everyone agrees on this board that snake is navel lint.
>Sup Forums says shes shit so i need to agree
loli trio = kanbaru = imoutos > snake = hitagi > cat = math(need more math to make a decision)
I like them all, but i like cat least
ougi has the best character design
>Snail that low
I will fite u
No personality
Does Arararagi have the greatest harem of all time?
swap snake and monkey
Crab > Monkey > Snail > Cat > Doll > Math > Bird > Bee = Bat > Snake
Speak for yourself reddit
I'd probably put Snake second. A lot of the girls end up being really funny but she also has some of the better arcs.