There is bullying, and then there is bullying.
Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv
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I'm calling the police.
But he is the police.
The first VN was so much better with CGs. Even minor characters like lead belly got a few.
Did they ever reveal much about Lead Belly? Was she working under Axmann's section, or someone else?
Just what happened that led to her being shot by Kurt?
Lead Belly is for drugging and forcing to be girly.
What is this girl for?
Axmann is a cunt but I find more endearing than Fagiri.
Well she was trying to take Katia away, and threatening rape goons on everyone in Fort Neuhagen, even though they were this close to falling. Since they were dying, Kurt figured they can't punish anyone anymore, so Lead Belly earns her name.
Loving and marrying.
How and why was she at the Fort in the first place?
and than she abandons you just like she did Beatrix and just like her mother did her husband.
Nomenklatura princesses are bitches.
I want to punch this girl in the face and stomp on her glasses
good man.
Anime showed that properly as far as I can tell. Her and Pham made to divert to Neuhagen.
While I'll criticize her for her past, she's spent the last years in despair, and it all culminates in heartache. She's learned what it means to be in the darkness. She'll be loyal forever.
>While I'll criticize her for her past
Wakes up from coma and decides to fall back into coma with a smile and in Katia route she would rather go see berlin than go to a fucking hospital. yeah. she didn't learn much.
Being dumb isn't a moral judgement user.
Yuzuka is best hime by far.
I meant Leadbelly, why was she at the fort?
Who /NVA/ here?
Literally Tifa with a hime.
Well sort of. Lacking the chest. Or slight subtleties.
Literally no one, go away Pactshitter.
You know, I would've forgave you if you compared her to Chitandel. Tifa is just wrong.
I am.
Stasi investigation of Katia if I recall.
See, in the anime, it's Beatrix and Axmann who drop by the base to pick her up, but that never actually happened - only Beatrix and a Werewolf detachment came, and it was more because she wanted to troll Iris, and check up on them, because they were seconded to the NVA op tomorrow against the BETA (in the anime, Beatrix never goes, but Werewolf do in the actual materials). While she makes some comments about Katia, the real reason she drops by too is to indicate to Theo that she wants him to defect.
So that's why Lead Belly doesn't exist in the anime. She seems to be under Schmidt's direct command.
Lise is stupid and not very cute
Loved one with amnesia who she's not on the level with, but not at all for malicious reasons, a penchant for melee, and a loving nature with pain at not wanting to let their loved go through things again?
I dunno, sounds like Tifa mang.
Oh, hi. What's that behind your back?
Look at her silly face. I want to bully her so much.
What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely nothing!
You should try user. Just try it. Assuming Hibiki the manlet doesn't beat you up.
Which one is better?
Ignoring Anett!
I want both.
The one that's not a slut so neither.
I am going to marry this zampolit!
Left. You can still pretend she's cute.
Yui stopped being in love with Yuuya right?
>you will never kill Yuuko, Irisdina, Lise and Beatrix
Stasi suit would be hotter if the artist didn't fuck up the hips and boobs.
They should have skipped the jetbots and went straight for Super Robos. It worked for Earth in Shin Getter Robo Armageddon.
Until the bomb dropped, I mean.
Cryska is really pretty. I like Yui more as a character (since she fits the Meiya archtype), but I think Cryska is more attractive. It might be the purpleish-silver hair.
Add green, and her hair would be a combination of worst colors ever.
Which girl is the best for domestic abuse?
Retconned, just like old man Axmann.
Out of SM? Katia, easily. Iris and Beatrix would be more likely to leave you and/or report you to the police, while Lise would just crumple over and that's not fun at all.
What you mean the rock baby incident? Because Axmann alludes to it in Lise route.
la la la la I can't hear you
Clearly you don't know Lise.
Okay, fine, Lise would crumple over and then stab you to death when you had your back turned. My point stands, she's not very fun to abuse.
Its okay user everything is daijobu.
>約束しただろ? ずっと一緒にいるって
>出会った頃から, そう願っていた
>お互いに, いつしか, そうありたいと望んでいた
>ロにせずとも, 確認せずとも, 互いに気持ちが通じ合っていた
>改めて約束を交わさずとも, 俺たちは... 互いに, ずっと, 恋していた. 添い遂げようとしていた... はずだ
>そんなに泣くな... ずっと一緒にいるから
Thats because she was made for hugs and happiness, you take something out of its natural environment and misuse it and of course you're gonna regret it.
Yeah, okay pal, I was answering a question about which girl was the best for domestic abuse. Thank you for agreeing with me.
You seem really on edge, has someone been hurting you?
Yuuya's mom.
I've never actually read Muv-Luv but something about Schwarzesmarken always seemed to appeal to me, I enjoyed reading the VNs (at least Crest of Blood). Are the other novels worth reading?
Well Axmann had his fun with her during 2 years.
The main trilogy is absolutely worth reading.
>Schwarzesmarken always seemed to appeal to me
What exactly was it?
I'm sure the original trilogy has its fair share of Appeal as well.
Cryska is made for tender loving and cuddling.
Who'd be more attractive as an adult: Vivi or Katia?
Sumika, Takeru and BETA can affirm to that.
Spoilers for Kirke's mini LN:
Things are apparently far better now that the stasi has been destroyed and Katia is in charge. The refugees are a "headache" for West Germany/Kirke though. Beatrix and the rest of the stasi are reviled as worst then Hitler (kind of big since this is Germany)
It also explains that after the revolution, Katia's government dug up stasi records and every single stasi and many of their collaborators were hunted down and "eradicated" by the party/rebels. Ironically, the Commissariat was allowed to stay in the new government to motivate the populace (won't Gretel be overjoyed).
Biggest spoiler is that Christopher shows up.
>Katia's government dug up stasi records and every single stasi and many of their collaborators were hunted down and "eradicated" by the party/rebels
That's not really "nice" to do.
Well those beasts deserved it.
>Katia's government dug up stasi records and every single stasi and many of their collaborators were hunted down and "eradicated" by the party/rebels.
Remember people: the moderates are GOOD guys!
Yeah, Kirke says as much. She said that the only way for East Germany to move on is to completely destroy their chains of oppression. She goes on to express her disappointment that Commissars are still around though.
So Katia's route is canon then? I kinda figured since both the LN and anime follow it.
Theo and Suzy are probably influencing her to do it.
That or Lise route if Katia is still alive in the Kirke LN.
No, Annete mentions Theo leading the 666th, so this is Katia's route.
I tought it was Annette who was leading the 666th since she is captain. Or maybe traduction sucks.
>Recall) had to get in touch with Annette in 10 days after the revolution, and finally by what cooperation will be recessed into a well-off situation, both senior citizens immersed in ecstasy revolutionary ongoing consultations with the future development of Ji Lu can rise to lieutenant and led the first Second squadron, feel honored also doubt their abilities before the squadron leader, war killed more serious than the Baru library capable, but can not deny the fierce birds soiled 666 light before fame hit last fall to assist the king's granddaughter the revolution is not being used to unexpected political propaganda promoted at the same time that Annette was promoted to captain and commanded 666
I'm confused, the 666th has 2 captains now???
No I messed up the quote and cut off the first part. See here
You're wrong. Theo is mentioned, but he's off doing something else. He might have moved up to Hannibal's role as Battalion Commander, or might be in government. He's apparently not serving under Annete though.
意外被利用以政治宣傳 升官同時得知安妮特晉升上尉並指揮666,驚訝認同苦笑各占
They're all screwed.
Theo is probably off doing something else.
Any mention of the status of the oder-neisse line?
>Theo is probably off doing something else.
They just say that survival rates have gone up since the West started supplying East Germany and Ossies began training Wessies.
They do mention the refugee situation becoming a "headache."
They must be enjoying themselves.
How much wild Lise will be with her beloved?
回過神來已累倒在座位上,剛發生了啥、機體狀況如何都無法判斷(就是不想寫戰鬥w) 向前回想只有安妮特照作戰擊破重光線後要擊型突然衝出…搞不清為何自己眼前是一片廣闊青空 耳聞身旁安妮特抱怨支援遲到撿尾刀,有辱”貝倫哈爾特”大隊之名,乾脆把mig23轉給666之類云云 安妮特被”他”教訓太衝動應該靜待支援時才想起他的聲線,旁人看來如神技的安妮特在提奧托爾眼中還未到家w 向凱蒂亞打小報告反擊惹得四周的衛士偷笑w 姬露可一旁微笑,期望這種幸福的氣氛能一直持續
He's working with Katia. It's the Katiaroute, user(s).
>How much wild Lise will be with her beloved?
Not much since Lise would be like a dead fish in the bed.
Maybe have a weird smell.
Like animals.
Nah she gets better. At some point.
俺たちふたりだけで... どこか, 遠い場所
そこで, 俺はこいつの傷ついた心を癒やしてやるんだ....
本当にリイズが笑えるようになるまで.... 俺は, その横にずっといてやるんだ
That doesn't say he's working with Katia, or even imply its only the Katia route.
First, human technology just isn't that advanced at the time, and on top, Laser-kun would have a field day.
New SF card?
>Yui stopped being in love with Yuuya right?
Ahahah oh user
>Annete as new captain of 666th
Could they have picked a worse choice for leadership?
If it was Lise's route, wouldn't Iris still be running things?
They've avoided mentioning Iris and Lise specifically for the reason of keeping all the routes canon (so far). Which means Iris either retired from frontline duty for a different role or was KIA.
>Biggest spoiler is that Christopher shows up.
Who is Christopher and why is he important?
So Lise is alive and dead at the same time?
While Iris is sleeping. being somewhere else then the 666th and potentionally KIA at the same time?