>LN adaptation show
>Thread full of faggots spoiling the show without spoiler
LN adaptation show
Who cares about LNshit? Literally the bottom of anime industry.
>Sup Forums
>greentext thread
>LN adaption show
>everyone tells you to read the LN
Who cares
>Isekai LN
>MC is a hikikomori
>he immediately gets a harem of cute girls and two personal loyal maid lesbian twins
God damn it now I can't even enjoy it. Thanks for ruining my experience.
>light novel
>visiting Sup Forums caring about spoilers
can somebody post the long list of spoilers for everything for our newfriend here
Do you think out there there is a good isekai LN?
lelouch dies at the end of clannad
Please excuse me the food analogy,but LNs are the fast food of literature.
What do you think,is there worthwhile fast food out there or not?
SAO was okay, at least first six volumes.
>implying manga adaptation show isn't so different
Glad I'm watching only KyoAni shows, all sourcefags spoilers are irrelevant.
>crying about being a secondary
>greentext thread
another good thread
>Proud reading garbage called LN
>LNfags hyping the show
>It's shit
>N-Next arc will be better
>Still shit
>B-But the show isn't adapted word by word
>Tried reading the LN
>It written like retard
>any lnshit
>worth watching
>proud watching anime based on garbage LNs
>being a LNfag
>being a filthy secondary
You deserve it.
>girlish number
i thought we were all watching it for the dank reaction faces??
this nigger gets it
>implying i watch LN adaptation
>Reading LN
>Not filthy subhuman
This is the reason why I can't browse most threads on Sup Forums.
It's quite sad.
>Implying i talk about girlish number
And nothing of value was lost.
>crying about being a secondary
You mean tertiary.
Everyone who reads or watches things outside of the original language context is a tertiary by default. Stop pretending Sup Forums is anything but complete fucking EOP trash.
>"i'm eop therefore everyone is eop"
Great projection.
>Light """"""Novel""""""
>Anything but polished turd
>that one namefag or tripfag that shitposts on said show's threads
Every show has this.
what's his name?
Attention whores shall not be given what they desire.
>Chinese summary fags pretending anyone else is more of a secondary
>show you like have 3 dedicated shitposters in threads
Just fucking kill me.
I tried being this for Musaigen, but after a whole year, I only managed to read 2 chapters.
Your fault then, you should have read the LN first.
>The fog is made of millions of tiny blades
This is a good thing if you want to attract viewers to the series or get people to drop the show.
>LN Show
>it's shit like always
Fucking Japs
What about you're favorite Kyoani show?
Depends on who makes it?
Fuckoff indon
>Liking any kyoanus show
>Polished turd
user, they don't even bother polishing it.
Girlish Number?
Those faggots usually just read some random summary somewhere and then try to define their entire self worth over them knowing more about some random show.
Most pathetic people on Sup Forums.
You have to pause and consider for a moment the motivations of someone who invest his time to read hours of material just to come here and to have the wicked pleasure to spoil the fun for everyone.
I'm not even talking about those who already knew and read the LN before the anime, I'm referring to those who went after the novels after coming in contact with the anime, and decided to go through all the translated material overnight just to come here and brag about having read the LN, throwing spoilers left and right and calling others English only peasants in order to feel superior and special.
These are the kind of pathetic individuals we have to share our board with.
'Look mom, I've learned a new word on know your meme today!'
should be bannable desu
>Not reading the original.
You can only blame yourself.