Boogie is right

Boogie is right.

Trump is about to be thrown in jail for being a sexual predator. This pervert shouldn't be president.

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Go away, Boogie.

Didn't most of those accusers go "jk lol" the day after the election?

Boogie raped me in 1973 at a Krispy Kreme.

Shut down his twitter immediately.

Boogie is an expert on this since he has the combined mass of those 12 women.



If I take your healthcare will you die Boogie?

>proving innocence
I thought it was "innocent until proven guilty". Boogie is retarded

You too? He thought my asshole was a donut and tried to eat it.

Boogie once groped my wife at a convention, and when I confronted him, I was escorted out by 3 individuals that I later found out he paid to protect him while in public.

Prove me wrong.

Boogie masturbated in front of me 20 years ago. I identify as a woman. LISTEN AND BELIEVE

Yes, they did.

reminder that rape is the only way to make a woman orgasm

Yeah, they found out that there was going to be an actual investigation and took it back. False accusation holds fines and jailtime.

You're fucking terrible at your job.

Boogie broke into a Little Debbies in June 1995 and raped me while eating moon pies off the assembly line.

Amerimutts, how does it feel to have your tax dollars paying thousands of dollars to this fatass to fix health problems that are literally his fault?

Boogie raped me in the parking lot of golden corral 10 years ago. He said I had to pay for his meal or else... well, I didn't pay for his meal. But I paid in another way...

>taking the advice and viewpoint of the morbidly obese seriously

someone needs to take the time and lock this fat fuck in a pitch-black basement with no heat, water or food.

Well as long as boogie isn’t friends with lena Dunham, get your wife to accuse him publically and rabid SJWs will do the rest

Pretty sure I saw this guy fucking a glazed donut hot off the line at a Krispy Kreme 12 years ago.

>I'm in for what's x
>but I'm not in for x because y

What's with this logic? I've seen it from conservacucks too but libcucks do it more often.

Can this fat miserable fuck just die already.


Who cares what some e-celeb says.

Anyways, it's great seeing the Left tear itself apart. Democrats are looking back on Clinton as a rapist.

Now Lena Dunham is defending another Jew writer after claims of rape. Great that she tweeted something about only thing women don't like about is rape.

>Prove innocense
Wtf I love double think now






We should agree to look into these accusations 20 years from now. It's only fair.

You prove guilt. How are these assholes so fucking retarded?

boogie tried eating me 30 years ago at a penthouse suite in Las Vegas. He was totally fucked up on acid and he said I looked like a pear. Then he tried eating me. I was so embarrassed about the whole thing and because he's famous I was worried nobody would believe my story so I stayed quiet about what happened until now.

Huh? Evidence? Look at how genuine I am!

Gym membership

>someone needs to take the time to prove his guilt or innocence
>and by someone i obviously mean someone other than me

>women accusing a man of status for attention

Where have I seen this before?

Boogie is a fat retarded piece of shit.

Boogie2988: "Donald Trump currently has 12 different women accusing him. I think hes a good example of someone we should look very closely at rather than defend. I'm all for Innocent unit proven guilty BUT..." Whenever someone makes a point and then adds "BUT" everything that was said or written before that "but" means absolutely nothing to the person trying to make the point. Example: Boogie2988 tries hard to please everyone because he wants your viewer shekels on youtube, but in real life he is a moody, whiny, immature, manbaby that blames his parents alcoholism and imaginary physical abuse for why he was so fucking lazy he wont even walk his dog around the block without using a mobility scooter and went through gastric bypass surgery because he was too lazy to diet. and is obviously still eating more than a normal person because he isn't losing weight like people who have the surgery normally do. He believes the surgery "saved" his life, even though the damage has already been done to his internal organs. He has at most 10 years, left to live before he dies from heart attack. But someone needs to take the time to try to prove his guilt or innocence about boogie2988 evading taxes from his youtube and patreon monies and the authorities need to investigate boogie2988 for fraud for his SSI check and welfare benefits that he takes advantage of for being "unemployed".

>retard leftcucks and hollywood kikes bringing the topic of sex crimes to the table

hhahahahahhaha oh man, please do

if boogie wasnt... well BOOGIE, then he would probably have women falsely accusing him of shit for no good reason too. Trump is the biggest target in the world for everything and 12 bitches make false accusations and were all supposed to flail and panic?

>Pussy tape comes out
>3 days later 6 gorillion women say Trump raped them.

Even normies could see this was a media coordinated hit job. Plus Trump is not a bitch and had a rally the next day calling them all out.

>prove innocence

>prove innocence

Boogie will have a heart attack in 72 hours.

Boogi no, this is jim just messing with the libcucks, believe me he is pretty red pilled

people who are not famous/wealthy evidently do not understand that there are people out there who are willing to lie in order to get something from you.

This "we must believe the women" meme is a bunch of shit. Sometimes people lie, particularly when there's pecuniary gain to be had. It's the same reason you shouldn't negotiate with terrorists. Once you do it once, it only guarantees that more attacks will happen.

Donald Trump is a billionaire. I'm shocked he's only been accused 17 times (according to boogie).


Executive privilege.

D’you know why, “Boogie,” we presume innocence? It’s so people don’t have an incentive to ruin someone else’s life purely on a whim. DJT is fine: he has the interpersonal skills and resources to defend himself well. The 21-year-old at state U dealing with a regret rape doesn’t. And this is the precedent you are willingly and eagerly setting. Fuck you.

According to Boogie eating 17 2000 calorie meals a day is normal.

>have to prove innocence

That's not how it works, fatty.

>I'm all for innocent until proven guilty but...

>tfw he acts like there is nothing


fuck this fat piece of shit. didnt he get fat surgery on the taxpayers dime? Of course he’s gonna shill

kys user. seriously kys.

She is going to leave him now. She was getting ready to leave him right before his gastric bypass surgery because she wanted that life insurance. He was on stream the week before crying because she left him. She didn't want him to have it because she knew he didn't have long to live and she was going to get that youtube nestegg and she had a big life insurance policy on him. Which makes the whole situation hilarious.

Burden of proof is on accusers, never on the defendant. Innocent until proven guilty. Same with Al Franken and the rest of those fucks.


Consider this. Hillary tried to dig up every bit of dirt on him during the campaign. The best thing she found was "grab em by the pussy, they let you if you're a star"

If the political beast that is Hillary+DNC couldn't find anything else in a desperate political campaign, there probably isn't anything else.

>proving a negative
looks like this fatty did a brain bypass along with his stomach bypass.

>hide CIA threads
>ignore CIA posts
>do not reply to CIA posters.


no way there could be 12 people claiming the most popular man in the world molested them. impeach

Are the CIA hiding in boogie2988's fat folds? Are there spooks in this ham planet?


B-But Boogie says so he is woke bro he doesn't back down from woman accusing him of harassment...oh wait... This fat anti-social fuck had his brain twisted by feminism.

It takes extreme amounts of bodyfat and city living to get to the level of intelligence boogie is on. Rural and suburban retards don't understand his complex thought process.

How is boogie still alive? At this point he's like Chris Chan to me. I'm just amazed he's still alive.

>Thrown in Jail
But there has to be ya know....proof of a crime. Like pictures with Yid Franken. Mere accusations aren't proof of anything. I could accuse you of being a rapist. Does that mean you should be thrown in prison because I simply called you a rapist?

You are supposed to Listen and Believe (tm) though.

JF already dismantled these shitty claims

One of the girls who accused him of rape literally dropped the case the day he got elected so he is doing this.

>innocent until proven guilty
>prove his guilt or innocence

>Listening to what some some greedy nihilist fat fuck slob YouTube star has to say about anything

This is the biggest problem with rape accusations. It essentially allows a woman to slander, humiliate and potentially ruin a man without any evidence whatsoever. They need to criminalise false rape accusations.

>I'm all for innocent until proven guilty
>Why is nobody trying to prove him guilty so others have to prove him innocent!

>I'm all for constitutional rights buuuuut...
>I'm not racist buuuuuut....

Liar! Boogie doesn’t eat fruit.

>They need to criminalise false rape accusations.
Technically they're already a crime in most laces but the police are touchy about pressing them because tards claim it will stop women who've actually been raped coming forward

Pics or it didn't happen

>photographic evidence

Learn the difference.


>Trump... is someone we should look very closely at rather than defend
We have 24/7 news coverage on everything Trump does from taking a shit to drinking a bottle of water.


accusations aren't evidence, where are the proofs?

i feel raped by seeing this typical amerilard. jail him please.

It would be extremely fattening.

proofs don't matter if you just scream impeach loud enough

boogie is literally the biggest faggot on the internet. he had people supporting him while the libs were shitting all over him and guess who he sided with?
Fuck this fat faggot hopefully he dies that'd be great and nobody on either side would give a single fuck.

Feels bad man

The only ones actually suing him are doing it over him defaming them by calling them liars, not the actual "assaults"

Really makes ya think

Why does the internet still take a man seriously who's excuse for being morbidly obese and shoving 10k+ calories into his mouth each day is

>Muh childhood :((((


Boogie raped me. Tell him he has to prove his Innocence

Pic related is me

that isn't a fucking burger. your freedom card has been revoked.

#Metoo boogie used his youtube fame to coerce a then 14 year old me into the restroom at a Quikstop where he proceeded to jerk me off into his cupped hand and forced me to share a donut glazed with my own cum with him while he fingered my ass

10 years ago on this very day Boogie ran into the pizza hut buffet I was eating at with an AR-15 and tried to insert a piece of stuffed crust extra pepperoni into my butthole using diet Dr. Pepper as lubricant.

I'm all for innocent until proven guilty but someone needs to take the time to prove this pizza pervert guilty or innocent.

Draining the swamp he is also inside of.