Yuri on ice

why aren't more people talking about them?

Other urls found in this thread:



Five weeks until the ending.

Balfat already stole the show. It can't be helped.
By the way did the english translation of the website make a mistake on who Ghuangdong was "yearning" for? Because that was clearly not Phichit.

Sup Forums sings shall we skate

I couldn't protect Leo ;_;

I'm getting kinda burned out on Victor/Yuuri oversaturation. Hopefully future episodes bring more variety.


All that fanart of them before the episode 6 and then the ship ended up being Chink/Taco.

why must you be like this user

Yeah I'm losing interest in the show because I find Balfat such a boring combination. What a shame it could have been great if other characters were in better roles

the translations were clearly shit

fuck off

serves you right, chink

dont hate on true love like this



i wanna drink pig's tears


>not calling it victuuri or vikyuu


Yuriofags need to leave immediately.

Outsider detected

Now, now. Celebrate with them that their boy is finally getting focus in the next episode.

are we really starting this again

As long as you don't start.

No, it says Phichit in JP site too. My guess is that the character descriptions were written very early and they changed the relationship from Phichit to Taco but forgot to change the text.

You're the one who started it.
We thought up the Baldfat shipname for the sole purpose of not starting this, and yet here you are.

Same. It's not like I want someone to NTR them but they should have other couples too.

>2d 6h

is this what suffering feels like

A-user, I hate to break it to you but
> Ep 8: 3d 6h 8m

like fairy and jj


Sup Forums is not a hivemind.

That's still a made up one.

user that's more suffering

Stay in tumblr if you want to use tumblr terms

Everybody agreed and use it regularly, that's why I allowed myself to use we.

Fuck off already

Yuuri's birthday in 9 days, yall. Looking forward to those birthday fanarts!

im looking forward to the doujins this dec

>missing the point
Don't use the term "we" because there's no "we" here, for fuck's sake. Everyone's an user here.

Baldfat's good and everything but i want more lewd fanart of Chris.

Does anyone have the image with expected "Yuri being sorry for taking Viktor" and got "Yuri being smug for taking Viktor"?

>we're the ones missing the point

control yourself

I cannot help but notice that these threads are always shitty around 3 to 4 days before the release of a new episode.

This clearly shows yall need a life.


"We" are anons and "we" don't used tumblr terms.

i just want a comfy thread

is that too much to ask

And newfags don't use "we". Lurk more.


Not possible when tumblr is around.

Well fuck, I meant "use "we""

Stay in your safespace if you want to use shitty terms.

It's too late. His mature eros got me.

No because threads became generals.

Fuck off already

>still missing the point
Anyone who has lurked enough here wants to fucking use dumblr terms and act like Sup Forums is a fucking hivemind.

no u

Fuck off


Fuck off already

You fuck off

Worry not, for Puru sama's here!
What seems to be the problem?

Cancerous generals.

Fucking tumblrshits ruining everything again

Good way to describe exactly what I felt.

Fucking fujosjit, fuck this fujoshit show. You will all go to hell.

You, for not letting younger dude participate in Olympics and not going to perform yourself.

how does it feel to be this analbusted

Because it's tumbIr materiaI and everyone hates Chagen. Seems fair to me!

That's awful! We should fix it by posting 3D skating performances of me youtube.com/watch?v=I1vHflKsyU0
Do you feel better now?

>posting 3dpd
Fuck off. You're part of the problem.

Real life skaters are all 2.5D. No exceptions.

>It wasn't a kiss they said

The only 2.5D are seiyuu. Now fuck off.

he was so young ;_;

I want koebutas to leave

They were cute, too bad they won't be appearing again.

>dumblrshits are complaining about the show being offensive and queerbaiting no matter what, whether they actually watch it or not, and they spill there shit opinions on twitter
>threads here are more and more shit because there's no new episodes yet
>Japanese fans are chill and just enthusiastic about the show and produce good fanart
Why are western fanbases so bad?
I find all the other skaters very interesting despite everything, so I don't mind the oversaturation. It has been a while since I liked almost all the characters of an anime so much.


Taking about VA work is okay as long as it doesn't turn to into idolfag circlejerk.

>how to make a bad thread take a turn for the worst: the post

It was adorable how all the plushies around China-kun in the kiss and cry were teddy bears. He must really have a thing for them.

You come home to find this belly on your bed, what do?

Sleep in the bathroom because I don't want to corrupt him.

Only the belly? He's kill?

Kick fairy off and cuddle with the cat.


Fairy is for abuse

This, birmans are rarer and more precious than blondes

Sup Forums makes history

i want to kiss otabek

is the true miracle of the universe

Why this paring? Other him disliking SNS and Thai loving it.

people jump ship so fast


Will the music in the PV be the same as Yurio's FP music?

Thai is a slut and Kazakh is a prude

Probably. It's suitable for a prima donna.

I want to know the reason behind them. I want more of China and Taco, why did they have to fail so badly.

I hope Pigshit gets shot.

Honestly I have no idea why this pairing exists, I'm just happy to see art of Otabek

tickle him until he pees.