So who was in the wrong here?
So who was in the wrong here?
Brazil messing with Germany after they declared independence.
>Extremely corrupt democracy vs Totalitarian dictatorship
Hard to tell which is worse.
The Federation would probably have to go through more bureaucratic paperwork before gassing your colony and throwing it on earth, so they're probably slightly better,
Both, the titans were the real heroes.
t. zeonpologist
Everything was going to be great
>Hard to tell which is worse.
A totalitarian dictatorship is quite a neutral term. It could be really bad or really good. It all depends on who is in charge, and what do they want for their citizens.
you dumb faggots fuck off to /m/ you already have a thread about this junk
>Sup Forums - Anime & Manga
I don't see the problem here.
Will Zeon ever win?
great guys
Paptimus would establish a superior state
The Federation began the wrong; Zeon only escalated it. If the Earthenoids hadn't marginalized the colonies and populated them with "unfit" masses of malcontents, they wouldn't have fertilized the garden of discontent that allowed the idea of Contolism to take root as a nationalist ideology, and to make matters worse, the Federation's contemptuous response to Contolism became a self-fulfilling prophecy. This goes even before mentioning the Federation violating its own charter by refusing Spacenoid representation in the Federation government, while patently ignoring colony governments and doing whatever they wanted to on colony ground without consideration of ramifications or consequences. Whatever horrors Zeon unleashed during the OYW and the aftermath are fruit from a tree the Federation in its arrogance and disregard planted willingly.
This. There is nothing inherently wrong with dictatorships which is why Rome allowed it at various times. Democracy in itself is not a virtue especially when uneducated masses rule by mob or it's a corrupt elite that control the "democratic" outcome.
they did nothing wrong
0083 being a complete piece of shit was at wrong
>oppressing your people with the pretext of protecting your people from other dangers
The titans did everything wrong.
Only under Paptimus-sama.
He thinks they even gave a fuck about any of that.
Is that you Federation Assembly Hall?
The Titans only oppressed traitors.
>get created to purge the Zeon remnants
>oppress the federation civilians instead, and then actually merge with Neo-Zeon
Can't make this shit up.
Pretty true.
>under Paptimus
He wasn't going to lead he only wanted a woman to lead to get his rocks hard
Titans are just edgy palette swap.
And the longer they were in charge of the military, the more Zeon-like they got.
>all these faggots who have their souls weighed down by gravity
The rest of you are cool though
Who needs gravity free souls when you have gundams
Go run away to your donors and special interests AEUG.
that uniform is lovely
>The Federation would probably have to go through more bureaucratic paperwork before gassing your colony and throwing it on earth,
The Titans didn't have any problems gassing colonies and dropping them on cities.
Which side supported to Cubs?
>New Decides
More like New Switch-sides
New Swapsides
>Bought off by primary colored robots
Typical sheep
>mad because a gendam popped his ship
stay mad zeek
Does anyone have that pasta?
>Implying our ideals will be stopped by anything other than massive plot armor.
Even though I'm a Feddie, I would to be friends with guy holding up the Zeon sign
Zeta was shit
But the titans did gas colonies
Zeta was a masterpiece
Greco was shit though
And ZZ is non canon
>this mad because Spacenoid women loves big white MS instead of his gay ass pink and green shit
>Earthnoids hadn't marginalized the colonies and populated them with "unfit" masses of malcontents
You're talking as if the Side Colonies were floating slums filled with ex-cons or political prisoners.
Sieg Zeon
They basically were. You had the first wave willingly migrate to space, but afterwards, it was more and more forced by government orders. (There is no way so many billions would willingly leave their homelands unless by force.) And it became a defacto caste system where you could be rich as fuck in the colonies, but still be considered a 2nd class citizen to some poor fuck on Earth living in the slums.
go back to your containment colony
>And it became a defacto caste system where you could be rich as fuck in the colonies, but still be considered a 2nd class citizen to some poor fuck on Earth living in the slums.
Perceived caste system. By all accounts, the worst places in the Side colonies were still better that any of the earth slums. They were more like idyllic countrysides without the pollution. Zeon Deikun was a madman that wanted all humans off Earth and turn it into a Nature preserve for mankind. Which in practical terms meaning only the rich and connected get to enjoy fresh air and water while the rest of humanity get to suck recycled air and soylent greens for the rest of their short natural lives.
And even if the Federation was corrupt and a disguised plutocracy that viewed Earthnoids better than Spacenoids, Zeon had the bright idea to declare independence and yet still wanted the Federation to supply it with the supplies necessary to support a city in space with no natural resources and an exhaustible oxygen supply.
The Feddie SJW propagandists at their finest.