One page thread

One page thread








pic related is a great short story collection i read recently.


>In a year or two she will be on his dick











>what's this "rocky"'s ringtone...!?

Is the best boy still a sinking ship?

Post crying girls


he's using a different approach now.


Help please can't find the source




You had me look up yaoi

I wonder if it'll finish soon, they're approaching the end of their high school years after all... Meanwhile, Chihaya is still quite far from the required level to reach the finals, and the sidestories with Taichi or Arata are nowhere near being solved.





Pity it doesn't continue.

At least there is a LN...




Takeo-chan bukkake

And before you ask, read the filename.


>source plz
>I need help with the source

Tried that, didn't work. IQDB and Wait also, to be sure.


I'm not asking for sauce because I have other image searches to use and I'll find it eventually, but Google has changed a lot and is total garbage now.

Try Yandex, it doesn't find everything but it works for some series where Google fails.

there's a spoiler tag for a reason

Yeah, I use Yandex, Tinyeye, etc. There are options and absolutely no reason to beg for a source, but I just have to mention that guide and others are pretty outdated.

Keep trying though, people!


is this nigga doing what I think he's doing?

What an absolute madman

Have fun with this

why is this suddenly turned into shoujo garbage?

Well that took some extra clicks.



new chapter when

the last volume ended a real fucking cliffhanger

This was a great romance mango.

I'm trying to be patient and just wait until it's over before I start reading it, although usually I like to read ongoing manga. But in this case I don't think I'll even bother if a certain cutie loses.



Except it's not.







Why does author keep pushing Botan when it's clearly she won't win?

It's from porn. Artist looks like Nectar.

Seriously, fuck that nigger for writing stupid ass end that left me blueballed. I wanted cute romance. It's how I'm afraid will end.


Source? Can't find shit on reverse



was this ever fully translated?









Sengoku Youko in one page




It's always been shoujo garbage

How come I'm almost tearing up just from remembering it.

Join the Catholic Church

Wow, it takes one glance to know it's some kind of low budget edgy manga by an author that has boner for Western concepts, yet no actual knowledge of them whatsoever.

Maybe because you remember this scene or something.

Well, that contributed to waterworks, sure.

best witch

RIP best girl.


It's actually an ecchi battle harem where they punch ghosts and MC licks girls. The art is pretty good, but scans got dropped.

Aye comrad...

Un-dropped, because that page is from a newly scanned chapter.

It is never that easy.