Forever in our hearts.
Dragon Ball Super
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ITT: People who did nothing wrong
The episode's conclusion was a bit shockingly dark for DB, but... I expected something like it.
I mean, it was a timeline where the only god left was Zeno. Zeno didn't seem like the kind of guy who would bother put effort in recreating a whole new hierarchy of gods. Zeno seemed like the guy who would say "I'm gonna DELET this."
Best OTP and Heroic duo.
They will forever be missed and remembered.
>managed to tear up because of a chinese morning cartoon
I wasn't ready for the feels with the last Gohan scene
Or that last sad "zamas..."
It was great seeing him in this style again. It was obviously a one time thing judging by the preview, but the scene was pretty touching.
>in the end nobody really won
>TFW you'll never relive these five months of memes and mad gohan & vegeta fag posts again
preview of next ep is fillerrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I'm kind of sad we don't get a godly bureaucratic filler saga, about some Kai of Management setting Shin up with a fuckload of paper work about new rules and restrictions for training apprentices, and an order to train four new supreme kais, and take a course in how to be a grand supreme kai.
And then he also visits King Kai, and asks why King Kai is dead...
Also, Old Kai is threatened with being forced to live at a home for elderly kai if he keeps oggling naked NINGEN.
I was expecting Zeno to hard reboot the earth as easily as the super dragonballs could
Zanas won and achieved his goal although he's gone too
>Those virgins on Sup Forums actually thought I gave a single fuck about those little shits
>And to think all I had to do was cry a bit and shoot my gun a couple of times
>Now this saiyan cock belongs to me forever
Mai is a hard saiyan cock addict and she did what she had to do to get her fix
>Zamasu became Giygas
damn, that was crazy.
I think the way the saga was wrapped up was really sloppy and stupid. I'm happy that it was Zeno who did it, but I expected Zeno to be a being that transcended time and that there couldn't possibly be two Zeno in existence.
And now Whis/Beerus off camera went to another alternate future and sealed another Black and Zamasu and that's where Future Trunks and Mai are going to live alongside ANOTHER Future Trunks and Mai. There is a possibility for Black and Zamasu to come back if they're freed from Whis' seal.
This is all really mixed up. What I was hoping for was that they were going to make the Xenoverse games canon and turn Future Trunks into a Time Patroller since he had no world to go back to.
Goku got to fight someone strong, and lost nothing
that's a win in his book
I miss him
The best character in the worst arc.
This is truly ZAMAS
Anime should stick to making webms of the manga.
I can't wait til the manga sets the bar for the tv adaptation to replicate.
Toyotaro is literally /our guy/
The ultimate God isn't Zeno, it's Toriyama
Zeno is just there to manage the gods beneath him.
I have been here for like almost 2 years and I wondering how this ride compared to the other fabled rides like samumenco, valvrave, code geass and the like?
he'll be back
in Xenoverse 2 DLC pack 2
So is this frosts final form or his version of frieza golden form?
toyotaro a shit, zamatsu reason to take goku body was shit in the manga
I really hate Trunks
>code geass
One of the worst shows made with absolutly garbage artstyle to boot.
>zamatsu reason to take goku body was shit in the manga
Fuck off Pedro, it's rushed but it's not as bad creating a Causal Loop Paradox that created a massive plothole.
I want to see a foursome with double future Trunks and double future Mai.
I cried and sobbed like I haven't done in years. No idea why it hit me so hard.
>This is all really mixed up. What I was hoping for was that they were going to make the Xenoverse games canon and turn Future Trunks into a Time Patroller since he had no world to go back to.
Or he could have just stayed in the main timeline. I'm surprised they didn't do that considering how popular of a character he is.
>toyotaro a shit
Your opinion is shit Jose.
Where's the XV2 manga? Wasn't it released for Collector's Edition? Only the first page has ever been leaked onto the web from what I've figured.
I wouldn't want to see Trunks stealing any more air time from Goku and Vegeta than he already has.
This ending could be so good, literally no one won. But Super is so shit and made everything so half-assed that in the end you don't even fell the drama
Watch it...
Final. No God Ki in that guy
Wait, so are we never going to get an explanation to what the fuck False SSJ Blue actually was?
final form.
Nope. Our only hope now is an interview.
I thought Golden Frieza didn't have god ki either.
Probably Gohan will get it
>yfw in like half a year or what "ZAMASU" will be le epic funny ITS OVER 9000 mainstream meme
SSJNA (ningen augmented)
he doesn't. It's not his golden form that rivals God Ki though.
for now, just assume that the grade after turbobuff lets you tap into the 1/5th of a saiyan god inherent in all saiyans
Perfected SSJ2 + untamed God Ki.
Reminder that the scum of the onminverse known as NINGENS are the greatest evil in in existance and that Zamasu was right.
Those barbaric bastards would rather destroy a multiverse and everything in it including, animals, planets and the deceased souls of their fellow NINGEN """""comrades""""" in the afterlife than letting Zamasu create his utopia for kamis by kamis.
Because of those inbred retard NINGENS everything is off far worse than what it would have been if based Zamasu and Black won.
This is undeniable proof that Zamasu was right and the NINGENS should be purged from our cosmic history and future.
At least it wasn't Death Note
What a dreadful though, don't even joke about that.
dragonballfags with shit taste, not even suprised
Zamasu Did Nothing Wrong
Universe Zamasu desktop background when?
Okay, how the hell did he kill everyone before destroy earth
It'd be nice if he and piccolo became relevant again.
>Grandkids confirmed
They HAVE to come back for the tournament now. I think the team will be something like
>Gohan (yes he's coming back you fucks)
>Future Trunks
It's just SSJ2 with an absorbed spirit bomb manifested as a sword instead of a death ball.
Similar to how Goku defeated Super Android 13 in one of the movies.
Not that.
SSJ2 + Blue Aura Trunks.
One thing I didn't get watching the latest episode was when Zamasu was attacking from the sky, the time machine, Mai, Bulma, Gowasu, and Supreme Kai were shielded...
Who did that? And how did they have the power to deflect a fused God's attack?
>There are no lewds of this qt except the pandoras box pic
I really dont want a slot wasted on monaka. that joke has run its course
Wait for either the dub or Toriyama's next interview if he hasn't kicked the bucket yet
Piccolo then?
okay, anyone explain to me why Zamasu became Giygas.
It come too late and there are no hint to it
maybe it will become plotpoint for the next arc
>implying frieza had god ki
Didn't you watch the episode? He become some sort of distorted cloud of evil (kinda like Giygas in Earthbound) and used a ton of black+red flashing rays to completely flatten the Earth.
He didn't just make a bunch of of explosions. He FLATTENED the whole planet. There weren't even those destroyed buildings in the background anymore. Just a flat, desolate background.
Trunks/Goku/Vegeta didn't die because they were strong (even if they were hit directly by one of the rays), and Bulma/Mai were protected by the Supreme Kais. Everyone else died.
Zamasu took "control" of Earth, and was starting to spread throughout the universe. Goku called Zeno, and he erased everything.
So Zeno is not really a Christian god, since he is not omnipresent and each time-line seems to have it's own Zeno. It opens possibilities for higher ranked gods in the future. God of all time-lines?
he shed his kai body and became a being of pure energy
I only watched it once but it looked to me like Gowasu did it.
Piccolo will get the most BS powerup known in all of DB's history. He will probably become something like that of a Namekian god.
Gowasu and Shin probably combined forces to shield them.
And it's probable that Zamasu was just using enough power to kill off the nameless humans, and wanted the heroes to suffer. Zamasu's constant weakness throughout the arc has been underestimating NINGEN.
Zeno is clearly a child. There must be his parents around.
In Xenoverse that's Toki-Toki, with his caretaker Chronoa.
If you watch closely, the Supreme Kais raise their hands.
About the barrier, think about how Babidi/Bibidi could shield himself from a planet explosion, even if he was weaker than Chiaotzu (probably).
Since the Boo Saga, there's another "power" that's not battle power (related to fighting). It's magic. Remember how Kaioshin restrained Gohan SSJ2 even though he was much weaker than him?
I'm surprised that Future Zeno was okay with Goku hugging him.
>"Who are you and why the fuck are you touching? I'll erase you, you shit."
Just because he didnt know about what was going on there doesn't mean he couldn't have known. He seemed to only give a shit about certain things such as Goku.
Wait for Toriyama to self insert himself to be the strongest god.
Good. About time Big Green did something useful again.
>inb4 mafuba
Trunks destroyed his body.
Zamasu cast off his god form and tried to become the universe itself.
>So Zeno is not really a Christian god
nope. he's 'the king of all' aka, holds the most power and influence within the celestial bureaucracy'. basically space Huángdì
Everyone keeps saying Giygas. The fuck is that,
Because Zeno was gay for Goku before he even got to know him.
>inb4 zeno's dad is torirobot
Talking about magic, I've been hoping since Super got announced that Piccolo's powerboost will be not in ki but magic.
I think he was surprised, even if he didn't show it. Like anons said in past threads, Zeno wanted people to play with because everyone that knew him treated him like a bomb waiting to go off, instead of... any other being.
Shin is really strong. People underestimate his power.
He already did in an interview after bog movie
Villain in earth bound
Zeno seems to be pretty bored of everyone walking on eggshells around him, and welcomes someone not afraid to be familiar around him
earthbound final boss