Do we like OPM Sup Forums?
Do we like OPM Sup Forums?
No and you shouldn't like it either because it's pleb-tier trash and daddy-Sup Forums knows best, you ignorant manchild
Sup Forums used to love OPM before the anime came out, then it got popular and now people pretend it's normalfag trash.
It's great, anyone who dislikes it hates fun, ah wait, I'm on Sup Forums, nevermind.
For the last time, yes
Updates once a month
No we literally wuz liking OPM and shieet. Now we hate it because it's popular
what do you mean "pretend" though
its a fact that a lot of normalfags latched onto it when the anime came out
Its taking fucking forever to update but yes I do like it.
YEEEEEES even if everyone else likes it too
Great show but not amazing, I think the vast majority here can agree on it being around a 7 or 8
> filename
It was okay, but Mob Psycho 100 was better in pretty much every single way
One Meme Man
Meme Psycho
Both are garbage, user.
Yes, it's shit.
True, but a lot of people pretend it's bad because it's liked by normalfags now.
>Judging a series by who reads/watches it
But that's wrong
Just let it go already, shitposter-kun.
I do.
Unfortunately Sup Forums is full of retards with that mentality.
>using meme as derogatory term
Kill yourself