Why isn't your waifu /fit/?
Why isn't your waifu /fit/?
Ume-san I swear I did my pushups today
Fit and busty.
How many?
How many Ume threads do you make per week?
Are you kidding me. Do at least the amount equal to the last 2 digits of this post.
That's not a pure Ume-sama thread.
I watched Ben to just for her
You're my waifu though.
Pretty fit.
medieval motoko.
I don't think that's canon.
>is a capable swimmer in the TV series
No, shes fit in the show as well.
Define fit.
I must have missed her exercising.
Are you serious.
Last three digits are the number of kgs I'll put in the bar today at the gym.
For curls.
My waifu can lift more than you're waifu can, while eating pudding.
>not functional movements
Agari would be disappoint.
If you were a real man that would be the amount of weight you strap on for pullups.
Nah, I like my waifus soft.
I bet she has a flabby stomach.
Yeah no.
>achieving that body withoiut being /fit/