Politically charged anime

What is Sup Forums opinion on politically charged anime?

Angel Cop taught me to never trust the jews.

Gatchaman Crowds was pleasant and evocative without being hamfisted about one particular idea.

fuck off Sup Forums

>muh crossboarder boogeyman

HAHAHAHA he grabbed her by the puussy XD
Get it?
Like Trump

Insight on the other hand

the second season was complete shit though
you okay there buddy?

>no ring ring
fuck you

>without being hamfisted
Are you retarded? It was extremely hamfisted.

I think he meant compared to other anime



My little user can't be this new

What is it pushing? I watched the first episode and dropped it because it felt obnoxious.

I think Kill la Kill's message of being okay wity your body is wonderful.

But you shouldn't be ok with your body
Murica has too many fat people

>the second season was complete shit though
But that's wrong. All the groupthink idea was great.

Kill la Kill isn't about being okay with your body, but rather being okay with your sexy body. If you're a fatty like 66% of Americans, please don't think its okay. Not only is it medically irresponsible, its also makes it expensive to maintain the body both in short term (to keep that food going) and to pay for all the diseases/hospital bills later on.

I was obviously talking about being ok with you're body by realizing that you're not attractive if you're fat or ugly you retard.

>Kill la Kill is about body acceptance
What kind of tumblresque mind gymnastics is this shit?

Almost none of politically charged anime has politics done right.
They feature black&white morality, peace princesses, speaches that change everything (even if they're told by someone nobody knew before) and anti-revolutionary messages (reformism is the only way, look at those dead guys - they died because they're revolutionaires, and the good guys are alive because they know when to negotiate).
They are forgetting about such factors as funding, social media and propaganda, social support and economical roots of political ambitions.
The only three shows with well-made (kinda well) are LoGH, Dougram and maybe Code Geass (even with all those mechs and magics).

This is why I always hated Kenshin


Most of the shows you're talking about are just japanese feudalism in sci-fi settings. They have nothing interesting to say politically, because their political message is "look how cool the samurai ideals were." It's just romanticizing their history or, in rare cases, some other country's history.

Anime is a bad platform for actual political discourse because its audience isn't a demographic that's politically motivated or politically involved. Also because Japan's laws regarding freedom of speech are flimsy and paper thin, and it's exceptionally common for parody, satire or indirect criticism to be prosecuted as libel. Gintama got in trouble for inserting actual political commentary several times (even resulting in hiatus/ being off-air for a period of time) because getting political will inevitably step on the toes of some political figure opposed to the views you're advancing. All it takes is one butthurt politician shouting "it's libel!" and everyone starts prostrating, begging forgiveness and demanding someone take responsibility for this.

I see.


US presidential election 2016