What does Sup Forums think of Golden Time?
Golden time
episode in the club with the glowstick made me hard as diamonds
i dropped it and don't remember why
I finished it but I have no idea why
I still remember it very fondly.
It's a better love story than Toradora.
What was Lindas fucking problem
World's End was the worst fucking opening I've ever heard in my entire life
I'm still mad
strong contender for shittiest anime, also this
picked it up because it was by the same author as tora dora
dropped it after 3 or 4 episodes because its shit
Ghost Banri was one salty motherfucker.
Couldn't let anyone be happy, tried to murder everyone in a car accident
Ghost Banri did 3/11
Dropped it because I get anxiety from seeing serious relationships in anime
i actually was ok with the ending
everyone was hapy, not a realistic ending but the series whent to shit since the BS argument about the 2 tada banris
watched it cause koko made me loco
Came here to post this.
Tough to beat Kill Me Baby
Absolutely shit taste.
I like it on the principal that we need more college anime, but the main girl reminds me too much of my ex back when I was still into 3DPD.
One of the only few anime that I had dropped.
College-based, somewhat more mature SoL show than high school antics show #63728, but could have been a lot better simply without anything supernatural. Fuck ghost Banri.
Nothing. She understood the situation very well.
But what the fuck was Ghost Banris problem though?
Fantastic series that was turned to shit by the ghost shit. I'm still mad.
>Bound to wander the earth while someone pretending to be you NTR's the love of your life
Attempting to kill everyone by forcing the driver to fall asleep at the wheel is pushing it, though