Dragonball Super

>Slayer of Mai's pucci whilst Cuncks watches crying at the obliterated shit-state of his pooniverse
>The biggest money-draw in anime
>the Hulk Hogan of chinese cartoons
>tamer of the highest end poontang

Which is your favourite new title for our lord and saviour?

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>>Slayer of Mai's pucci whilst Cuncks watches crying at the obliterated shit-state of his pooniverse

Nu-Gohanfag has the highest powerlevel on Sup Forums

>People forget EoZ exists
Gohan isn't going to accomplish shit because Goku still replaces him with Uub

Im not particularly invested in super, but ill laugh my ass off if his first fit after this is him gwtting btfo and quitting fighting once again

>Gohan saved his world and lives a happy, comfortable life with his rich wife
>Trunks' world gets destroyed, and all the souls of his friends are erased
Really gets the old head computer processing information

>couldn't save his timeline
>couldn't save the kids
>30 year old virgin
>cried when he saw best boi

The state of trunks lmao
Godhan wins again!


Trunks was able to stand toe to toe with an immortal God though...


guys, Zamasu in spirit could be still alive even though Zeno destroyed his timeline body. Zamasu could of become a being of pure time without any spatial components and is unable to interact with any of the parallel universes or timelines. This stems to what happened to the time ring he was wearing when his disintegration from Trunk's Spirit sword. The Time ring and it's powers were incorporated into Zamasu's spirit. That would explain how Zamasu's spirit was starting to affect the other timelines prior to Zeno's erasure of the time line. It might be also why the duplicate time rings are green and how Black was able to generate all those pink mist clones. In short, Zamasu became time itself.

Old Gohanfag killed himself and nu-GF absorbed his power
He can not be stopped

>sparring with his own mother


t. Trunks

Buu's Bitch.

Trunks' entire life has revolved around saving the future. And thanks to Goku his entire timeline has been erased. Yet all Trunks can do is shake Goku's hand and thank him. Christ.

I am not sure if some autist is falseflagging, to give more people incentive to hate and shit on gohan and gohanfags or if he really just is an autistic retard.
If you really are the latter just stop, I know some Trunksfags have been shitting on gohan, but behave yourself and be better than them.


He looks too manly in this ending.

I miss the first DB

>Trunks' entire life has revolved around saving the future. And thanks to Goku his entire timeline has been erased. Yet all Trunks can do is shake Goku's hand and thank him. Christ.

>literally cucked out of his timeline


Trunks is a betamale. No wonder so many fatty bum bums like him

Quiet down lil guy


Either someone falseflagging or an autist. Just don't give him attention.


post black goku

we need to worship and adore his beauty

Used to be a Trunksfag before Super. Now I can't even bring myself to acknowledge his existence.
Firmly a gohanchad, now. Thanks boys!

Happy ending

>samefagging 20 million times
>making another post calling yourself "based" while doing so as a personal signature


Gohan is worst boy.

this gohanfag is really annoying, not even trying to make sense, just straight up shitposting.

Now thats what I call quality meme

Ofcourse user I have an entire folder full of Black and Zamasu.


>falling for an obvious shitposter's b8
>hating a character that could redeem himself and be cool because of a completely unrelated shitposter on Sup Forums

I like Gohan, fucking new falseflagging gohanfag

>we will never see him again

All this happend because Goku forgot a fucking piece of paper. A whole timeline died because goku couldn't remember one out of the three basic things he needed. It's not even that everyone in this universe is in heaven or hell, they just don't exist anymore.


>Just don't give him attention.
I'll do just that, but it just pains me when people hate on Gohan, just because one idiot can't shut up and stop sperging.

I for one am happy Gohan seems to be becoming relevant again. His character of being unwilling to fight was pretty cool up against Goku and Vegeta. We could always use a little more diversity.

>Black in his base forms taking loud hits from SSJB Vegeta
>Trunks keeping up with SSJR Black and Zamasu in his mere SSJ2 state
>Goku not being able to smash away Zamasu in his SSJB
>That whole time loop bullshit
>Black getting huge power up only when he gets beaten by Goku and that one time against Vegeta
>Trunks's power up making him the strongest before everyone else
>Trunks doing a perfect mafuba on the first try
>Goku being able to push back Merged Zamasu's fireball alone and maybe kill him if it wasn't for that immortality thing
>That Vegetto retcon
>Trunks being able to slice Merged Zamasu angry as fuck
>Trunks doing shenanigan shit with the Genkidama
>Beerus creating a new ring when they told us rings were made because of time travelings

Only villain in the series who managed to accomplish his goala world with no ningens

It hurts so much.

No more bullying


Trunks deserves the bullying because he failed and his character was shit up in the process
This is natural selection, either kys or acquire tastes

I hope Gohan goes SSJ2 + Ultimate and can at least match Beyond God or Black before Super Saiyan Rose.

I'm not a fan of Gohan, but I know when it's just someone going all out with his autism. He wants attention, so if no one replies his posts he will stop.

Gohanfag here. RoF's training had no follow up. I'm not even going to take that scene with a grain of salt until it shows up in the manga too.

Sneak peak at Gohan's new transformation in the arc after this filler shit

>Not understanding the concept of potential unleashed
Why are gohanfags so retarded?

>falling for false-flaggers

He ended up destroying Earth too though, so he also failed.

>Characters being muscular and shirtless in Super

When is someone going to knock Le Reddit Cat Man off his high horse?

By the end, I'm pretty sure he didn't care anymore and just wanted to destroy everything. Besides getting an imperfect result doesn't mean you didn't win.

Im disappointed that Zeno doesn't stand above time.

What's going on with his leg?

Didn't they imply Gohan could still go SSJ but he didn't need it? He managed to reach Ultimate Gohan levels of power by going SSJ in the RoF arc, despite not having trained for years.

We know from the Komeson arc that SSJ3 Gotenks is fodder to Beyond God, so Gohan being able to match Beyond God would be a good start without being an asspull like Trunks.

Vegeta was shirtless for like 3 episodes

Whoa is this liquid super saiyan God?

Truly the best.

He truly died happy



Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen Ningen
I feel g...o...o...d....
I'm h...a...p...p...y...

Half shirtless.
And it was damn ugly

Requesting gif of ahegao Zamasu

His ultimate goal was to clean all the planets up from ningen scum. If he destroyed said planets, then he failed.

Can Mario beat Zamasu?



>Will he become a villain? He looks kinda shady.
So did Whis, but look what he resulted to become. At best he will Erain Goku and Vegeta, maybe even trains Piccolo.

The power of an angry God!

In dragonball goku surpassed the humans and beat a demon.
In z he surpassed the mortals and beat evil.
In super he will surpass the gods and beat one who is on top of all.

Never. He's obviously Toriyama's darling.

of course


Beautiful ending where everyone is happy, because everyone got what they wanted.

>Zamasu and Blackfags happy that their meme autist transcended memes themselves and killed all ningen
>Gohanfags happy because Gohan appears with his old hairstyle and he's seen to be training Piccolo, also says a nice farewell to Trunks
>Trunks/Maifags get both Trunks and Mai living together in an alternate universe fucking until the end of time, will probably reappear for the universe tournament with their kids
>Zen-chan gets his buddy, also got some cute moments with him
>Vegeta got his "win" against Black, and was incredibly useful the whole arc. Also had nice farewell with Trunks
>Goten actually gets to appear on screen for a couple seconds
>Beerus/Furfags and Whisfags happy to still have large amounts of screen time of simply eating
>Toriyama (Raughs)
>Those annoying shit kids were completely erased from existence
>People who really hated this arc because it's over now
>Everyone souls completely erased from existence, they cannot feel remorse, sadness or pain

Gowasu is probably the only one who really lost in the end, but that should make sense as his actions were primarily the cause of Zamasu's autism.

>That last "ZASMASU...."

I hope Gowasu finds a new non autistic pupil

Then have more.

I miss them and it hurts so fucking much.

Who here /ready/ for an ascended Gohan?

Man, Gowasu....

For once he meets a Kaio that doesn't spend his time doing bullshit and instead, trains properly, and this happens with all that potential...

They were shit with a shit motivation.

Why didn't he fuck off to some place else that had no mortals?

Delete this.


We all miss them, we will never get an antagonist that will be as great as them again.
I was not ready for the ride they took us on.

Why is goku evil and when did SS get pink and blue hair?

Hold on a second.
Doesnt zamasu merging with the universe make him omni-present?
He literally became existence itself.
In theory he should be able to manipulate all laws of physics at his will. so how did zeno beat him?

>All this Black Goku

I thought that was Euphoric Gohan?

>Tells us Ningen are autistic fuckers responsible for all that is evil
>A fucking NINGEN summons Zeno to annihilate multiverse in this timeline


Yeah, I feel really bad for Gowasu. I hope he finds a good, non-autistic new pupil.

>goku had to push his deus ex machina button to defeat the gary stu


Zeno blew him up before he finished.

Zeno destroyed the universe.

I have way more where that came from.

god of the multiverse > one universe



Why doesn't Goku ever use the small Spirit Bomb?

Zeno is abover multiversal level.
The guy is an existence buster.




Off screen Gowasu is somewhere crying about losing his Teabuddy, and is currently creating his GodTube channel.